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- 中國科學院微生物研究所研究員
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- 浦東新區三林鎮黨委書記
- 中共瀘州市委秘書長、政協瀘州市第八屆委員會副主席
- 浙江大學統計學教授
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- 中科院“百人計劃”入選者
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- 南開大學教授
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- 東城區房屋土地經營管理中心副主任
- 瀋陽化工大學“騰飛學者”學科帶頭人
- 遙感科學學院教授
- 安徽農業大學副教授
- 河南省南陽籍革命烈士
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- 中國科學院植物研究所研究員
- 西南大學中國新詩研究所副教授
- 柳州市鐵二中學高級教師
- 美信醫院醫師
- 西北農林科技大學副教授
- 呼和浩特市發改委副主任
- 首都師範大學外國語學院副教授
- 安順學院教師
- 廣州中醫藥大學教授
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- 天津市紅橋區市場監管局葯化科代科長
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- 吉林省省級非物質文化遺產代表性傳承人人選
- 西北農林科技大學生命科學學院教授
- 北京師範大學原教授
- 作家
- 中共保靖縣委常委
1995年獲博士學位, 1997年破格晉陞為教授,1999年被評為博士生導師,2000年起擔任浙江大學統計研究所副所長、所長。現任浙江大學數學系副主任、中國現場統計研究會理事、浙江省數學會理事、浙江省現場統計研究會副理事長、IMS-China 理事。主要從事概率極限理論、相依模型、自適應設計及相關領域的研究,相繼主持5項國家自然科學基金項目,發表了學術論文120多篇,數篇發表在 《Annals of Statistics》、《Annals of Probability》、《Annals of Applied Probability》等國際頂級刊物上,被SCI收錄90多篇。
Limiting Theorem in Probability and Statistics
Adaptive Design in Clinical Trials
Statistical Inference for Clinical Trials
Dependent Data Modeling
Sample Path Properties of Stochastic Processes
1. Zhang, L.X., Hu, F., Cheung, S.H. and Chan, W.S. (2011). Immigrated urn models -- theoretical properties and applications, Annals of Statistics, Vol. 39(1): 643–671.
2. Hu, F., Zhang, L.X. and He,X.M.. (2009). Efficient randomized adaptive designs, Annals of Statistics, Vol.37 (5A):2543-2560.
3. Zhang, L.X., Hu, F., Cheung, S.H. and Chan, W.S. (2007). Asymptotic properties of covariate-adjusted response-adaptive designs, Annals of Statistics, Vol. 35 (3): 1166- 1182.
4. Zhang, L.X., Chan, W.S., Cheung. S.H. and Hu, F. (2007). A generalized drop-the-loser urn for clinical trials with delayed response. Statistica Sinica, Vol.17: 387-409.
5. Zhang, L. X., Hu, F. and Cheung, S. H. (2006) Asymptotic theorems of sequential estimation-adjusted urn models for clinical trials, Annals of Applied Probability, Vol.16 (1): 340-369.
6. Hu, F. and Zhang, L. X. (2004). Asymptotic properties for doubly adaptive biased coin designs of multi-treatment clinical trials. Annals of Statistics, Vol.32(1): 268-301
7. Hu, F. and Zhang, L. X. (2004). The asymptotic normality of urn models for clinical trials with delayed response. Bernoulli, Vol.10 (3): 447-463
8. Bai, Z. D., Hu, F. and Zhang, L. X. (2002). The Gaussian approximation theorems for urn models and their applications. Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 12:1149-1173.
9. Zhang, L. X. (2001). A Strassen's law of the iterated logarithm for negatively associated random vectors. Stoch. Processes Their Appl., Vol.95: 311-328.
10. Zhang, L. X. (1997). On the fractal nature of increments of lp-valued Gaussian processes Stoch. Processes Their Appl., Vol. 71:91—110.
11. Zhang, L. X. (1997). Strong approximation theorems for geometrically weighted random series and their applications. Annals of Probability, Vol. 25: 1621—1635.
12. Zhang, L. X. (1996). Two different kinds of liminfs on the LIL for two-parameter Wiener processes .Stoch. Processes Their Appl., Vol. 63: 175—188.