



2001.09-2006.07 北京師範大學,碩博連讀。
2006.07-2010.04 中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所,博士后。
2010.05-2011.10 中國科學院青藏高原研究所,項目副研究員。
2011.11- 今 中國科學院青藏高原研究所,副研究員。


樹輪氣候學, 樹木年輪與冰川波動


Zhu HF, Xu P, Shao XM, Luo HJ. 2012. Little Ice Age glacier fluctuations reconstructed for the southeastern Tibetan Plateau using tree rings. Quaternary International,
Xu P, Zhu HF,* Shao XM, Yin ZY 2012. Tree ring-dated fluctuation history of Midui glacier since the little ice age in the southeastern Tibetan plateau. Science in China Ser D-Earth Sciences(徐鵬, 朱海峰*, 邵雪梅, 尹志勇. 2012. 樹輪揭示的藏東南米堆冰川小冰期以來的進退歷史. 中國科學地球科學
Zhu HF, Shao XM, Yin ZY, Xu P, Xu Y, Tian H. 2011. August temperature variability in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau since AD 1385 inferred from tree rings. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,
Zhu HF, Shao XM, Yin ZY, Huang L. 2011. Early summer temperature reconstruction in the eastern Tibetan Plateau since AD 1440 using tree-ring width of Sabina tibetica. Theoretical and Applied Climatology,
Zhu HF, Fang XQ, Shao XM, Yin ZY. 2009. Tree ring-based February–April temperature reconstruction for Changbai Mountain in Northeast China and its implication for East Asian Winter Monsoon. Climate of the Past
Zhu HF, Zheng YH, Shao XM, Liu XH, Xu Y, Liang EY. 2008. Millennial temperature reconstruction based on tree-ring widths of Qilian juniper from Wulan, Qinghai Province, China. Chinese Science Bulletin(朱海峰,鄭永宏,邵雪梅,劉曉宏,徐岩梁爾源. 2008. 樹木年輪記錄的青海烏蘭地區近千年的溫度變化. 科學通報
Chen J, Wang LL, Zhu HF, Wu P. 2009. Reconstructing mean maximum temperature of growing season from the maximum density of the Schrenk Spruce in Yili, Xinjiang, China. Chinese Science Bulletin
Shi XH, Qin NS, Zhu HF, Shao XM, Wang QC, Zhu XD. 2010. May—June mean maximum temperature change during as reconstructed by tree of Sabina Tibetica in Zaduo, Qinghai Province. Chinese Science Bulletin,(時興合, 秦寧生, 朱海峰, 邵雪梅, 汪青春, 朱西德. 2010. 青海雜多大果圓柏年輪指示的公元1360~2005 年5~6 月最高氣溫變化. 科學通報
Shao X, Xu Y, Yin Z, Liang E, Zhu H, Wang S. 2010. Climatic implications of a 3585-year tree-ring width chronology from the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Science Review
Shao XM, Wang SZ, Zhu HF, Xu, Y Liang EY, Yin ZY, Xu XG, Xiao YM. 2009. A 3585-year master ring-width dating chronology of Qilian Juniper from the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. IAWA journal
鄭永宏, 朱海峰, 張永香, 邵雪梅. 2009. 柴達木盆地東緣山地祁連圓柏林上限樹木徑向生長與氣候要素的關係. 應用生態學報
鄭永宏, 梁爾源, 邵雪梅, 朱海峰. 2008. 不同生境祁連圓柏的徑向生長對氣候變化的響應. 林業大學學報
朱海峰, 王麗麗, 邵雪梅, 方修琦. 2004. 雪嶺雲杉樹輪寬度對氣候變化的響應. 地理學報