共找到2條詞條名為蔣偉忠的結果 展開





1988.09-1992.07 北京農業工程大學水利與土木工程系農業建築環境工程專業,獲工學學士學位
1998.10-2000.09 日本國立島根大學區域開發工程專業,獲農學碩士學位
2000.10-2003.09 日本國立鳥取大學大學院農學研究科生物環境科學專業,獲農學博士學位
2011.12-2012.12 日本國立筑波大學生命與環境科學研究院,訪問學者


1992.07- 1998.09 中國農業大學水利與土木工程學院、助理工程師
2003.09- 2005.12 中國農業大學水利與土木工程學院、講師






農業生物質與能源工程 (Biomass and Energy Engineering)
溫室氣體捕集 (Greenhouse Gas Capture)
微米技術(材料與管) (Micron-material and tubes)






1)Weizhong Jiang, Yutaka Yutaka Kitamura, Noriaki Ishizuka, Tung Liang. A rotational drum fermentation system (RDFS) for dry methane fermentation (1), Journal of the Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan, 2001, 32 (2), 31-38. (國際學術期刊)
2)Weizhong Jiang, Yutaka Kitamura, Noriaki Ishizuka, Takehito Shina. A rotational drum fermentation system (RDFS) for dry methane fermentation (2) – Effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and stirring media in fermentor on acidogenic process, Journal of the Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan, 2002, 33 (3), 35-42.(國際學術期刊)
3)Weizhong Jiang, Yutaka Kitamura, Noriaki Ishizuka, Takehito Shina. A rotational drum fermentation system (RDFS) for dry methane fermentation (3) – Effect of process configuration on acidogenic performance, Journal of the Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan, 2003, 34 (2), 91-100. (國際學術期刊)
4)Weizhong Jiang, Yutaka Kitamura, Baoming Li. Improving acidogenic performance in anaerobic degradation of solid organic waste using a rotational drum fermentation system, Bioresource Technology, 2005, 96 (14), 1537-1543.(SCI 檢索期刊)
5)Weizhong Jiang, Yutaka KITAMURA, Baoming Li. Effect of leachate from methanogenic process on acidogenic performance in a cascade process of rotational drum fermentation system (RDFS), Journal of the Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan, 2005, 36 (1), 27-36. (國際學術期刊)
6)Ling Chen, Weizhong Jiang, Yutaka Kitamura, Baoming Li. Enhancement of hydrolysis and acidification of solid organic waste by a rotational drum fermentation system with methanogenic leachate recirculation. Bioresource Technology, 2007, 98 (11), 2194-2200. (SCI & EI檢索,通訊作者)
7)Jing Gan, Ling Chen, Baoming Li, Weizhong Jiang, Yutaka Kitamura. A rotational drum fermentation system with water flushing for enhancing hydrolysis and acidification of solid organic wastes. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99 (7), 2571-2577. (SCI, EI檢索,通訊作者)
8)Ling Chen, Baoming Li, Dawei Li, Weizhong Jiang, Jing Gan, Yutaka Kitamura. Ultrasound-assisted hydrolysis and acidogenesis of solid organic wastes in a rotational drum fermentation system. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99(17), 8337-8343. (SCI & EI檢索,通訊作者)
9)Dawei Li, Tao Zhou, Ling Chen, Weizhong Jiang, Fan Cheng, Baoming Li, Yutaka Kitamura. Using porphyritic andesite as a new additive for improving hydrolysis and acidogenesis of solid organic wastes. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100 (23), 5594-5599. (SCI & EI收錄,通訊作者)
10)小口勇太,北村豐,藤枝隆,蔣偉忠. 低C/N比有機合成廢水的氫發酵特性。農業施設, 2009, 40 (2), 143-148.
11)景全榮,蘆鑫,明媚,馮淑環,劉爽梅雪瑩,蔣偉忠,程永強. 活性污泥降解植物纖維容器的研究。農產品加工, 2009, 11 B, 32-34.
12)蘆鑫,馮淑環,明媚,景全榮,程永強,劉爽,蔣偉忠。可降解植物纖維的評價方法分析. 農產品加工, 2009, 10, 30-32.
13)Fan Cheng, Ming Li, Dawei Li, Ling Chen, Weizhong Jiang, Yutaka Kitamura, Baoming Li. Volatile organic acid adsorption and cation dissociation by porphyritic andesite for enhancing hydrolysis and acidogenesis of solid food wastes. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101, 5076-5083. (SCI & EI收錄,通訊作者)
14)陳羚,蔣偉忠,趙立欣,等.超聲波對固體廢棄物酸化過程的調節作用. 農業工程學報, 2011, 27(9): 260-265. (EI收錄)
15)Chunfeng Song, Kitamura Yutaka, Shuhong Li, Weizhong Jiang. Parametric Analysis of a Novel Cryogenic CO2 Capture System Based on Stirling Coolers. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46(22): 12735-12741.
16)Chunfeng Song, Kitamura Yutaka, Shuhong Li, Weizhong Jiang. Analysis of CO2 frost formation properties in cryogenic capture process. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2013, 13: 26-33.
1)Gan Jing, Jiang W. Z. Kitamura Y. and Li Baomingand Zhen A. Effect of unionized volatile acid on acidogenic performance in anaerobic solid-state organic waste degradation, Proceedings of the seventh international symposium forLivestock environment, Published by American Society of Agricultural Engineers, May, 2005: 465-471.(EI檢索,通訊作者)
2)Gan Jing, Jiang W. Z. Kitamura Y. and Baoming Li. Effect of Leachate on Acidogenic Performance in a Solid Recycle Process of a Rotational Drum Fermentation System, Land and Water Management Decision Tools and Practices, 2004 CIGR:1296~1304. (ISTP 檢索)
3)Jiang W. Z., Kitamura Y., Dong R. and Ishizuka N. Effect of leachate from methanogenic process on acidogenic performance in a rotational drum fermentation system (RDFS). 2004 International Symposium on Water Resource Management and Development of Cities,12th-14th, Oct. 2004, Bejing.
4)Jiang W. Z., Kitamura Y. Dong R. and Takeyama K. Development of dry methane fermentation system for livestock manure-Experimental study on rotational drum fermentation. Proceeding of International Conference on Innovation of Agriculture Engineering Technologies for 21st Century, December 1999: BJ, China, China Agricultural University Press.
5)Tao Zhou, Weizhong Jiang, Baoming Li, Yutaka Kitamura. Influence of functional materials on acidogenic performance of anaerobic solid-state organic waste degradation. Proceeding of innovation and development of urban agricultural engineering, published by China Waterpower Press.2005年9月.(通訊作者)
6) 劉爽,姚洋周濤,吳靖宇,盧驚文,蔣偉忠. 北京市農村沼氣工程、太陽能建設對減排CO2的貢獻. 中國可再生能源科技發展大會論文集, 2010.12, 943-947. (ISTP收錄,通訊作者)
7) 吳靖宇,李星爍,盧驚文,劉爽,蔣偉忠. 南方生態能源模式的生命周期評價. 中國可再生能源科技發展大會論文集, 2010.12, 938-942. (ISTP收錄,通訊作者)
1)JIANG Wei Zhong, Y. KITAMURA, J. JIA, N. ISHIZUKA: Dry Methane fermentation System for Livestock manure (1) -Experimental Study on Rotational Drum Fermentation, the Society of Agricultural Structure, Japan (SASJ), Annual Meeting in 1999, Utsunomiya University Pp. 108-109.
2)JIANG Wei Zhong, Y. KITAMURA, N. ISHIZUKA: Dry Methane Fermentation System fro Livestock manure (2) -Characteristics of Start-up on Rotational Drum Methane Fermentation, the Society of Agricultural Structure, Japan (SASJ), Annual Meeting in 2000, Kirishima International Hotel, Kagoshima Ken, Pp. 138-139.
3)JIANG Wei Zhong, Y. KITAMURA, N. ISHIZUKA: Development of Dry Methane System (3) - Performances of Acidification by Rotational Drum Fermentation System (RDFS), the Society of Agricultural Structure, Japan (SASJ), Annual Meeting in 2001, NIHON (Japan) University, Yokohama,Japan, Pp. 138-139.
4)JIANG Wei Zhong, Y. KITAMURA, N. ISHIZUKA: Development of Dry Methane System (4) -Acidogenic Performance, the Society of Agricultural Structure, Japan (SASJ), Annual Meeting in 2002, Ken Men Kaikan, Matsue, Japan, Pp.144-145.
5)Wu Jingyu, JIANG Wei Zhong, Yutaka, Kitamura and Lu Jingwen, Pulsed static magnetic fields enhance the hydrolysis of solid foodwastes,P80, 農業環境工學關聯學會2012年合同大會,2012年9月11-14日,宇都宮大學,峰校區。(通訊作者&發表者)

