共找到26條詞條名為白龍的結果 展開
1. 白龍,孫曉凱,劉英,王曉紅,韓志松.不同恢復模式對草甸草原帶土壤碳積累的影 響[J].草業科學,2011,28(4):543-548.
2. 孔玉華,姚風軍,鵬爽,劉艷,董文軒,白龍*.不同利用方式下草地土壤碳積累及匯 源功能轉換特徵研究,草業科學,2010,27(04) 40-45.
3. 白龍,劉利民,小林達明,松崗延浩,木村玲兒.基於3S的黃土高原北部土地沙化 分析-以陝西省神木縣為例[J].草業科學,2010,27(12):32-37.
4. Reiji Kimura, Long Bai, Jiemin Wang, Relationships among dust outbreaks, vegetation cover, and surface soil water content on the Loess Plateau of China,1999–2000,Catena 77 292–296(2009).
5.Bai. Long, Liu. Li.Min and T. Kobayash et.《Restoration of vegetation and soil nutrient on the northern area of Loess Plateau》,Edited by Organizing Committee of 2008 IGC/IRC Conference, p774.
6.Kimura, Reji, Bai, Long. et al.《Evapotranspiration estimation over the river basin of the Loess Plateau of China based on remote sensing》, Journal of Arid Environments. 2007,Vol.68. 53-65.
7.BAI,Long, ZHENG,j.Y. KOBAYASHI,T.etal. Change of soil carbon and nitrogen in revegetation and nature restoration site in the northern region of Loess Plateau,China,(in japanese),The Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology, 2006, 32(1),149-153.
8.BAI,Long, TAKAHASHI,T. KOBAYASHI,T. etal. The measurement of soil microbial activity by FDA hydrolysis method and its controlling factors in Semi-arid land zone of northern Loess Plateau,(in japanese), The Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology,2005,31(1), 87-92.
9.BAI,Long, KOBAYASHI,T. LI,Y.Y. etal . A study on the suppress of vegetation andtheir factors in Liudaogou test site in northern Loess Plateau,China,(in japanese),The Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology,2004, 30(1),187-192 .