

王玉強,男,博士,暨南大學藥學院教授,博士生導師。王玉強教授從事DNA-minor groove binding 藥物CC-1065衍生物的研究多年, 他的實驗室合成了100多個CC-1065衍生物, 其中的YW-053是目前已知抗癌活性最強的少數化合物之一,其體外抗癌活性比臨床應用的抗癌藥物阿黴素強一百萬倍 (. , 8917, 1995)。王玉強教授在美國首次GMP合成治療老年痴獃藥物 memantine,作為核心成員,其團隊在美國將memantine 成功開發。Memantine2003年先後在歐美上市,2011年在日本上市,2013年在中國上市。Memantine 2007年的銷售額達10億美元, 正式成為“重磅炸彈”級藥物。


1987年獲美國University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and M. D. Anderson Cancer Center博士學位。隨後進入美國耶魯大學 (Yale) 醫學院和加拿大阿爾伯特大學 (University of Alberta) 做博士后研究。




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27.Suo, X. B.; Deng, Y. J.; Zhang, H.;Wang, Y. Degradation kinetics of waterinsol-uble lauroyl-indapamide in aqueous solutions: prediction of the stabilities of the drug in liposomes.Arch Pharm Res.30, 876–883,2007.
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29.Sun, Y.; Jiang, J.; Zhang, Z.; Yu, P.; Wang, L.; Xu, C.; Liu, W.;Wang, Y. Anti-oxidative and thrombolytic TMP nitrone for treatment of ischemic stroke.Bioorg. Med. Chem.16, 8868–8874,2008.
30.Chen, W-M.; Cheng, C.; Li, B-Z.; Ho, T-L.; Cai, Z-S.;Wang, Y.; Sun, P-H. Py-ridine-4-thiol and amphoteric analogs: novel Pprotection of aryl bromides in strong alkali.Helvetica Chimica Acta.91, 2062–2068,2008.
31.Guo, J-L.; Li, B-Z.; Chen, W-M.; Sun, P-H.;Wang, Y. Synthesis of substituted 1H-pyrrol-2(5H)-ones and 2(5H)-furanones as inhibitors ofP. aeruginosabiofilm.Lett. Drug Design and Discov.6, 107–113,2009.
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34.Zhang, Z.; Jiang, J.; Pei, Y.; Zeng, X.; Wang, Z.; Larrick, J. W.;Wang, Y.Hyp-oglycemic and beta cell protective andrographolide analogue for diabetes treat-ment.J. Translational Med. 7:62,2009.
35.Xu, J.; Huang, S.; Luo, H.; Li, G.; Bao, J.; Cai, S.;Wang, Y. QSAR studies on andrographolide derivatives as α-glucosidase inhibitors.Int. J. Mol. Sci. 11, 880–895,2010.
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37.Sun, H.; Xu, L.; Yu, P.; Jiang, J.; Zhang, G.;Wang, Y. Synthesis and preliminary evaluation of neuroprotection of celastrol analogues in PC12 cells.Bioorg. Med. Che-m. Lett.20, 3844–3847,2010.
38.Zhang, Z.; Li, S.; Jiang, J.; Yu, P.; Liang, J.;Wang, Y. Preventive effects ofFlos puerariae lobataewater extract and its active ingredient puerarin in acute and chr-onic alcohol treated rat and mice model.Chinese Med.5:36, 2010.
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40.Chen, H.; Li, S.; Wu, J.; Jiang, J.;Wang, Y. Pharmacokinetic study of a novel st-roke therapeutic, 2-[[(1,1-dimethylethyl)oxidoimino]methyl]-3,5,6-trimethy-lpyrazine, by a simple HPLC-UV method in rats.Eur. J. Drug. Metab. Ph.36, 95–101,2011.
41.Zeng, X.; Liu, X.; Liang, H.; Bian J.; Pei, G.; Dai, H.; Polyak, S. W.; Song, F.; Ma, L.;Wang, Y.; Zhang, Z. Synergistic effect of AL-1 and various antibiotics on the fo-rmation of biofilms and production ofexopolysaccharide and pyocyanin by Pseu-domonas aeruginosa.Antimicrob. Agents Chemother.55, 3015–3017,2011.
42.Cui, Q.; Zhang, G.; Yu, P.;Wang, Y. Synthesis and preliminary evaluation of anti-HIV agent AZT prodrug.Yao Xue Xue Bao. 46, 1015–1018,2011.
43.Lu, X.; Wan, S.; Jiang, J.; Jiang, X.; Yang, W.; Yu, P.; Xu, L.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, G.; , Zaijun Z.; Shan, L.;Wang, Y. Synthesis and biological evaluations of novel apocynin analogues.Eur. J.Med.Chem.46, 2691–2698.2011.
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45.Yao, H.; Li, S.; Yu, P.; Tang, X.; Jiang, J.;Wang, Y. Reaction characteristics of andrographolide and its analogue AL-1with GSH as a simple chemical simulation of NF-κB Inhibition.Molecules17, 728–739,2011.
46.Sun, Y.; Yu.; Zhang, G.; Wang, L.; Zhong, H.; Zhai, Z.; Wang, L.;Wang, Y. Therapeutic effects of tetramethylpyrazine nitrone in rat ischemic stroke models.J. Neurosci. Res.90, 1662–1669,2012.
47.Sun, Y.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, Z.; Yu, P.; Zhong, H.; Du, J.;Wang, Y. Novel multi-functional nitrones for treatment of ischemic stroke.Bioorg. Med. Chem.20, 3939–3945,2012.
48.Yu, P.; Xia, L.; Zhao, J.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, Z,; Lang, M.;Wang, Y. Synthesis and preliminary anticancer evaluation of 10-hydroxycamptothecin analogs.Biol. Pharm. Bull. 35, 1295–1299,2012.
49.Ma, Li.; Liu, X.; Liang, H.; Che, Y.; Dai, H.; Yu, K.; Liu, M.; Ma, L.; Yang, C-H.; Song, F.;Wang, Y.; Zhang, L. Molecular targets of 14-alpha-lipoyl andrographolide on quorum sensing inPseudomonas aeruginosa. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother.56, 6088–6094,2012.
50.Cui, G.; Hung, M.; Shan, L.; Lei, S.; Choi, I.; Zhang, Z.; Hoi, M. P.; Yu, P.;Wang, Y.; Lee, S. M. A novel danshensu derivative confers cardioprotection via PI3K/Akt and Nrf2 pathways.Intl. J. Cardio. 168, 1349–1359,2013.
51.Zhu, Y.; Yu, G.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, Z.;Wang,Y.; Yan, G.;, He, Q. A novel androgra-pholide derivative AL-1 exerts its cytotoxicity on K562 cells through a ROS-dependent mechanism.Proteomics,13,169–178,2013.
52.Cui, Q.; Shan, L.; Zhu, H.; Yu, P.;Wang, Y. Synthesis and preliminary evalu-ation of Danshensu derivatives modified at hydroxyl group.J. Intl. Pharm. Res. 40, 795–800,2013.
53.Yan, G.; Zhou, H.; Wang, Y.; Zhong, Y.; Tan, Z.;Wang, Y.; He, Q. Protective effects of andrographolide analogue AL-1 on ROS-induced RIN-m β cell death by inducing ROS generation.PLoS One, 8(6):e63656. doi: 10.1371,2013.
54.Talantovaa, M.; Sanz-Blascoa, S.; Zhang. X.; Xia, P.; Waseem Akhtara, M.; Ok-amotoa, S.; Dziewczapolskib, G.; Nakamuraa, T.; Gang, C.; Pratta, A. E.; Kanga, Y-J.; Tua, S.; Molokanovaa, E.; McKerchera, S. R.; Hiresd, A. A.; Sasone, H.; Sto-ufferf, D. G.; Buczynskif, M. W.; Solomong, J.; Michaelc, S.; Powersg, E. T.; Kell-yg, J. W.; Robertsj, A.; Tonga, G.; Fang-Newmeyera, T.; Parkera, J.; Hollanda, E. A.; Zhang, D.; Nakanishia, N.; Chen, H-S, V.; Woloskere, H.;Wang, Y.; Parsonsf, L. H.; Ambasudhana,R.; Masliahc, E.; Heinemannb, S. F.; Piña-Crespoa, J. C.; Lipton, S. A. Aβ induces astrocytic glutamate release, extrasynaptic NMDA receptor activa-tion, and synaptic loss.PNAS,110, E2518–2527,2013.
55.Xu, D.; Duan, H.; Du, J.; Zhang, Z.; Cui, W.; Wang, L.; Sun, Y.; Lang, M.; Hoi, P. M.; Han, Y.;Wang, Y.; Lee, S. M. The novel tetramethylpyrazine bis-nitrone (TN-2) protects against MPTP/MPP-induced neurotoxicity via inhibition of mitochondrial de-pendent apoptosis.J. Neuroimmun. Pharmacol.2013(advance online DOI 10.1007/s11481-013-9514-0).
56.Guo, B.; Xu, D.; Duan, H.; Du, J.; Zhang, Z.; Lee, S. M.;Wang, Y. Therapeutic effects of multifunctional tetramethylpyrazine nitrone on models of Parkinson’s dis-easein vitro andin vivo.Biol. Pharm. Bull. 37, 274–285,2014.
57.Cui, W.; Zhang, Z.; Hu, S.; Mak, S.; Xu, D.; Choi, C.;Wang, Y.; Tsim, K.; Lee, M.; Rong, J.; Han, Y. Sunitinib produces neuroprotective effect via inhibiting nitric oxide overproduction.CNS Neurosci. Ther.2014Jan 7. doi: 10.1111/cns.12203.
58.Sun, Y.; Liao, K.; Li, S.; Zhang, Z.; Yu, P.;Wang, Y. Pharmacokinetic analysis of bis-nitrone tetramethylpyrazine (TN-2) in rats and its protein binding in vitro.Lett. Drug Design and Discov.2014 (advance online).
59.Lang, M.; Yan, R.;Wang, Y.; Yu, P. A selectiveO- andN-acylation protocol for carbamyl chloride.Chin. J. Org. Chem.2014 (advance online).
60.Cui, Q.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, M.; Shan, L.; Sun, Y.; Yu, P.; Zhang, G.; Wang, D.; Zhao, Z.; Xu, Q.; Xu, B.;Wang, Y. Design, synthesis and preliminary cardioprote-ctive effect evaluation of Danshensu derivatives.Chem. Biol.&DrugDes.2014 (advance online).
61.Li, S.; Shan, L.; Zhang, Z.; Li, W.; Liao, K.; Li, S.; Yu, P.;Wang, Y. Pharma-cokinetic and metabolism studies of ADTM, a novel Danshensu derivative confers cardioprotection by HPLC-UV and LC-MS/MS. J. Chromatogr. Sci.2014 (advance online).
62.Xu, L.; Li, Y.; Wan, S.;Wang, Y.; Yu, P. Apocynin nitrone protects rats from LPS-mediated acute lung injury via inhibition of NADPH oxidase.Intl. Immunophar-macol.2014 (advance online).
63.Du, E.; Liang, Z.; Xu, L.; Sun, S.; Zhang, G.; Yu, P.;Wang, Y. Synthesis and preliminary biologic activity evaluation of nitric oxide-releasing andrographolide ana-logues.Chem Pharma Bull.2014(advance online).
64.Zhang, Z.; Lai, D.; Wang, L.; Pei, Y.; Zhu, L.; Guo, B.; Xu, L.; Sun, Y.; Xu, L.; Zhou, L.; Sun, Y.; Lee, S-M.;Wang, Y. Neuroprotective effects of the androgra-pholide analogue AL-1 in the MPP/MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease model in vitro and in mice.Pharmacol. Biochem. Be.2014 (advance online).