共找到129條詞條名為劉輝的結果 展開



劉輝(1983-),男,福建仙遊人,德國國家教授資格證書(Habilitation), 中德雙專業雙博士學位, 德國優秀青年基金獲得者(資助金額435萬歐元, 主持)




2000.09 - 2004.06,工學學士,機械設計製造及其自動化(校優秀本科畢業論文/校優秀畢業生),中南大學
2005.09 - 2008.06,工學碩士,載運工具運用工程(省優秀碩士學位論文/省三好學生/省優秀畢業生),中南大學
2008.09 - 2011.06,工學博士,載運工具運用工程(全國百篇優博提名獎/省優秀博士學位論文),中南大學
2011.07 - 2013.09,工學博士,自動化工程(優等畢業生),德國羅斯托克大學
2013.10 - 2016.10,德國國家教授資格(Habilitation),自動化工程,德國羅斯托克大學


2004.08 - 2005.07,車輛技術員,上海鐵路局上海分局
2011.09 - 2013.08,講師,中南大學
2013.09 - 2015.08,副教授,中南大學
2011.07 - 2013.09,德國博士后、研究科學家,德國羅斯托克大學
2013.10 - 2015.02,德國課題組長(Group Leader)、高級研究科學家,德國羅斯托克大學
2015.03 - 至今,德國聯邦教育與研究部公函任命的BMBF冠名課題組長(BMBF Junior Group Leader),德國CELISCA國家重點實驗室
2015.03 - 2016.10,德國W1教授/Junior Professor,德國羅斯托克大學
2016.11 - 至今,德國W2教授(終身教授)、博士生導師,德國羅斯托克大學
2015.09 - 至今,教授(破格晉陞)、博士生導師,中南大學



1.1 軌道交通系統全生命周期成本關鍵要素辨識與分析方法研究,
1.2 交通裝備製造環境下自然人體骨骼與臉部特徵智能學習及運載機器人防撞退避控制方法研究,


2.1 Life Science Automation-Systems & Process Technologies,德國優秀青年基金,430萬歐元,主持
2.2 鐵路沿線風速超前多步高精度預測方法研究,國家自然科學基金青年項目,主持
2.3 鐵路沿線風信號智能預測演演算法研究,湖南省教育廳優博專項,主持
2.4 升華育英計劃人才項目,中南大學,主持
2.5 鐵路沿線風速統計智能混合預測方法,中央高校基本業務費青年助推課題,主持


國際SCI期刊 IEEE/AIP Computing in Science & Engineering(2016影響因子2.074)副主編
國際SCI期刊Journal of Control Science and Engineering客座主編
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
IEEE Transactions on Power System
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Information Sciences
Neural Computing and Applications
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making
IET Renewable Power Generation
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics & Control)
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Applied Energy
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems
Renewable Energy
Energy Conversion and Management
Applied Soft Computing
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics
International Journal of Sustainable Energy
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems
Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics
International Journal of Sustainable Energy
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering
Journal of Applied Statistics
Journal of Finance and Data Science
Industrial Robot


1. IEEE Power and Energy Conference 2012 (IEEE PECON 2012)
2. IEEE International Conference on Clear Energy & Technologies 2013 (IEEE CEAT 2013)
3. IEEE International Conference on Image Information Processing 2013 (IEEE ICIIP 2013)
4. IEEE International Conference on Image Information Processing 2015 (IEEE ICIIP 2015)
5. International work-conference on Time Series 2014 (ITISE 2014)
6. International work-conference on Time Series 2015 (ITISE 2015)
7. IEEE Second International Symposium on Computer Vision and the Internet 2015 (IEEE VersionNet 2015)
8. IEEE Game Physics and Mechanics International Conference 2015 (GAMEPEC 2015)
9. International work-conference on Time Series 2016 (ITISE 2016)



1.1 Mobile Robot High-precision Arm Manipulation(移動機器人高精度手臂操控), Candidate: M.Sc. Mohammed Myasar Ali, Discipline: Automation Engineering (自動化工程). (該生獲德國DAAD全額博士獎學金)
1.2 Mobile Robot Indoor Multi-floor Transportation(移動機器人多樓層運輸), Candidate: M. Sc. Ali Abdulla, Discipline: Automation Engineering (自動化工程).(該生獲德國DAAD全額博士獎學金)
1.3 Mobile Robot Secure Indoor Navigation and Collision Avoidance(移動機器人室內導航和退避策略), Candidate: M.Sc. Mazen Ghandour, Discipline: Automation Engineering (自動化工程).(該生獲德國DAAD全額博士獎學金)


2.1 Intelligent Wind Speed Forecasting in High-speed Railway Engineering(智能高鐵風速預測方向), Candidate: M.Sc. Xiwei Mi (米希偉,本碩均畢業於中南大學載運工具運用工程專業), Discipline: Traffic & Transportation Engineering/Vehicle Engineering (2016級載運工具運用工程,與澳大利亞蒙納士大學機械與航空工程系機器人實驗室C. Chen教授聯合培養聯合培養).
2.2 Intelligent Health Monitoring(智能健康監測方向), Candidate: M.Sc. Xiaonan Wang (王孝楠,本碩均畢業於西南交通大學土木工程專業), Discipline: Traffic & Transportation Engineering/Vehicle Engineering (2017級載運工具運用工程).
2.3 Computer Vision in Robots(機器人機器視覺方向), Candidate: M.Sc. Xiaonan Wang (段超,本科畢業於西南交通大學機械工程專業,碩士畢業於東北林業大學機械工程專業), Discipline: Traffic & Transportation Engineering/Vehicle Engineering (2017級載運工具運用工程)
2.4 Intelligent Time Series Forecasting & Controlling(智能時間序列預測與控制), Candidate: Mr. Zhu Duan (段鑄,本科畢業於中南大學交通設備與控制工程專業,直博生), Discipline: Traffic & Transportation Engineering/Vehicle Engineering (2018級載運工具運用工程)
2.5 Intelligent Grid Load Identification(智能電網負荷識別), Candidate: Mr. Haiping Wu (吳海平,本科畢業於中南大學交通設備與控制工程專業,碩博連讀生), Discipline: Traffic & Transportation Engineering/Vehicle Engineering (2018級載運工具運用工程)


3.1 Graphical Display Components for Robot indoor Localization (機器人室內定點陣圖像控制控制項開發), Student Name: Mr. Yaman Neameh (本科畢業於德國卡爾斯魯厄理工學院 Karlsruher Institut für Technologie,KIT), Discipline: Computational Engineering (計算工程), completed on 24.09.2012.
3.2 Database Programming for Mobile Robot (移動機器人資料庫類庫開發), Student Name: Mr. B. Chaitanya Krishna Reddy(本科畢業於印度理工學院 Indian Institute of Technology,IIT), Discipline: Computational Engineering (計算工程), completed on 08.10.2012.
3.3 Mobile Robot Localization Using Microsoft Kinect Sensor(基於微軟體感感測器的機器人定位方法), Student Name: Mr. Mohammed Myasar Ali (本科畢業於伊朗謝里夫理工大學 Sharif University of Technology,SUT), Discipline: Computational Engineering (計算工程), completed on 26.03.2013.
3.4 Accuracy Measurement of StarGazer Based Indoor Localization for Mobile Robots in Laboratories (實驗室環境下移動機器人高精度STARGAZER定位方法), Student Name: Mr. Xiaozhou Li(本科畢業於中國電子科技大學), Discipline: Electronic Engineering (電子工程), completed on 20.09.2013.
3.5 System Integration for Mobile Robots in Bio-labs(生命實驗室環境下移動機器人無縫系統集成方法), Student Name: Mr. Sohail Mughal(本科畢業於德國柏林工業大學 Technischen Universität Berlin,TUB), Discipline: Computational Engineering (計算工程), completed on 19.05.2014.
3.6 Indoor Navigation with the Dr. Robot Jaguar (JAGUAR機器人室內導航新方法), Student Name: Mr. Ankit R. Ramani(本科畢業於印度理工學院 Indian Institute of Technology,IIT), Discipline: Computational Engineering (計算工程), completed on 25.06.2014.
3.7 Human-Mobile Robot Interaction and Controlling Software Development Using Novel Face Orientation Recognition Strategy (基於人臉新識別策略的人機介面與控制系統開發), Student Name: Mr. Jian Zhang(本科畢業於中國同濟大學通信工程5年制本科), Discipline: Communication Engineering (通信工程), completed on 16.03.2016.


4.1 智慧製造人工神經網路及大數據智能 (Artificial Neural Networks & Big Data Intelligence in Smart Manufacturing), Student Name: Mr. Jiahao Huang(黃家豪,本科畢業於中南大學 交 通設備與控制工程專業), Discipline: Traffic & Transportation Engineering/Vehicle Engineering (載運工具運用工程).
4.2 智能機器視覺與虛擬可視化 (Intelligent Machine Vision and Virtualization), Student Name: Mr. Kairong Jin(金楷榮,本科畢業於中南大學 交通設備與控制工程專業), Discipline: Traffic & Transportation Engineering/Vehicle Engineering (載運工具運用工程).
4.3 智能軌道交通全生命周期大數據建模與辨識 (Intelligent Cyle Life Big Data Modeling & Identification in Rail Traffic Engineering), Student Name: Mr. Yuxiang Yang(楊宇翔,本科畢業於華南理工大學 交通工程專業,與李燕飛老師聯合培養), Discipline: Traffic & Transportation Engineering/Vehicle Engineering (載運工具運用工程).
4.4 研究方向待定 (To be added), Student Name: Mr. Xinyu Zhang(張馨雨,本科畢業於華東交通大學 交通設備工程專業), Discipline: Traffic & Transportation Engineering/Vehicle Engineering (載運工具運用工程).


Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧)
Intelligent Systems (智能系統)
Signal Processing in Engineering (工程信號處理)
Sensor and Actuator (感測器與執行器)
Process Automation(流程自動化)
Power Electronic Technology (電力電子技術)








1.1 一種高速鐵路沿線風速智能混合預測方法,中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL 201210036109.1,
1.2. 一種風電場風速智能預測方法,中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL 201210036118.0,
1.3 一種基於多Kinect協同的移動機器人室內全視角識別裝置及其控制系統和方法,中國發明專利,
授權專利號:ZL 201610654716.2,授權日期:2017-4-26,發明人:劉輝,李燕飛
1.4 一種機器人運輸虛擬可視化控制方法及系統,中國發明專利,授權專利號:ZL 201610743319.2,
2. 申請國家發明專利
2.1 基於靈敏度參數的人臉朝向識別方法,中國發明專利,申請專利號:201610230028.3,
2.2. 基於神經網路和靈敏度參數的人臉朝向識別方法,中國發明專利,申請專利號:201610230290.8,
2.3 基於人臉識別的移動機器人人機交互控制方法,中國發明專利,申請專利號:201610230284.2,
2.4. 移動機器人指令安全可行性的判斷方法,中國發明專利,申請專利號:201610231601.2,
2.5 基於人臉位置和靈敏度參數的移動機器人人機控制系統,中國發明專利,申請專利號: 201610230027.9,申請日期:2016-4-14,發明人:劉輝,李燕飛
2.6 運輸機器人自主式進入電梯的控制方法,中國發明專利,申請專利號:201610427616.6,
2.7 運輸機器人自主式進入電梯的控制系統,中國發明專利,申請專利號:201610424301.6,




1. Liu H.*; Tian H.Q.; Li Y.F.: Comparison of new hybrid FEEMD-MLP, FEEMD-ANFIS, Wavelet Packet-MLP and Wavelet Packet-ANFIS for wind speed predictions. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 89: 1-11. (影響因子: 4.380, JCR-Q1 國際SCI一區權威期刊, 入選全球ESI前0.1%熱點論文-ESI Top 0.1% Hot Paper)
2. Liu H.*; Tian H.Q.; Liang X.F.; Li Y.F.: New Wind Speed Forecasting Approaches Using Fast Ensemble Empirical Model Decomposition, Genetic Algorithm, Mind Evolutionary Algorithm and Artificial Neural Networks. Renewable Energy, 2015, 83: 1066-1075. (影響因子: 3.476, JCR-Q1國際SCI一區權威期刊, 入選全球ESI前0.1%熱點論文-ESI Top 0.1% Hot Paper)
3. Liu H.*; Tian H.Q.; Li Y.F.: Comparison of two new ARIMA-ANN and ARIMA-Kalman hybrid methods for wind speed prediction. Applied Energy, 2012, 98(10): 415-424. (影響因子: 5.613, JCR-Q1國際SCI一區權威期刊, 入選全球ESI前1%高被引論文-ESI Highly Cited Paper)
4. Liu H.*; Tian H.Q.; Pan D.F.; Li Y.F.: Forecasting models for wind speed using wavelet, wavelet packet, time series and artificial neural networks. Applied Energy, 2013, 107(7): 191-208. (影響因子: 5.613, JCR-Q1國際SCI一區權威期刊, 入選全球ESI前1%高被引論文-ESI Highly Cited Paper)
5. Liu H.*; Tian H.Q.; Li Y.F.; Zhang L.: Comparison of four Adaboost algorithm based artificial neural networks in wind speed predictions. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 92: 67-81. (影響因子: 4.380, JCR-Q1 國際SCI一區權威期刊, 入選全球ESI前1%高被引論文-ESI Highly Cited Paper)
6. Liu H.*; Tian H.Q.; Liang X.F.; Li Y.F.: Wind speed forecasting approach using secondary decomposition algorithm and Elman neural networks. Applied Energy, 2015, 157(11): 183-194. (影響因子: 5.613, JCR-Q1國際SCI一區權威期刊)
7. Liu H.*; Tian H.Q.; Li Y.F.: Four Wind Speed Forecasting Models Using Extreme Learning Machines and Signal Decomposing Algorithms. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 100: 16-22. (影響因子: 4.380, JCR-Q1國際SCI一區權威期刊)
8. Liu H.*; Tian H.Q.; Chen C.; Li Y.F.: An experimental investigation of two Wavelet-MLP hybrid frameworks for wind speed prediction using GA and PSO optimization. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2013, 52(11): 161-173. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2013.03.034. (影響因子: 3.432, JCR-Q1國際SCI一區權威期刊)
9. Liu H.*; Chen C.; Tian H.Q.; Li Y.F.: A hybrid model for wind speed prediction using empirical mode decomposition and artificial neural network. Renewable Energy, 2012, 48(12): 545-556. (影響因子: 3.476, JCR-Q1國際SCI一區權威期刊)
10. Liu H.*; Tian H.Q.; Li Y.F.: An EMD-Recursive ARIMA Method to Predict Wind Speed for Railway Strong Wind Warning System. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2015, 141(6): 27-38. (影響因子: 1.414, JCR-Q2國際SCI二區重要期刊)


1. (英國倫敦)Liu H.*; Stoll, N.; Junginger S.; Thurow, K.: Human-Mobile Robot Interaction in Laboratories Using Kinect Sensor and ELM based Face Feature Recognition, IEEE HSI-International Conference on Human System Interaction, London (UK), 6-8, July, 2016. (國際人機介面領域旗艦會議)
2. (美國明尼蘇達)Liu H.*; Stoll, N.; Junginger S.; Thurow, K.: A Fast Method for Mobile Robot Transportation in Life Science Automation, IEEE I2MTC-International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Minneapolis (USA), 6-9, May, 2013, pp. 238-242. (國際測量與儀器領域最權威會議)
3. (美國明尼蘇達)Liu H.*; Stoll, N.; Junginger S.; Thurow, K.: An Application of Charging Management for Mobile Robot Transportation in Laboratory Environments, IEEE I2MTC-International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Minneapolis (USA), 6-9, May, 2013, pp. 435-439. (國際測量與儀器領域最權威會議)
4. (奧地利格拉茨)Liu H.*; Stoll, N.; Junginger S.; Thurow, K.: A Common Wireless Remote Control System for Mobile Robots in Laboratory, Proceedings, IEEE I2MTC-International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Graz (Austria), 13-16, May, 2012, pp. 688-693. (國際測量與儀器領域最權威會議)
5. (韓國首爾)Liu H.*; Stoll, N.; Junginger S.; Thurow, K.: A Floyd-Dijkstra Hybrid Application for Mobile Robot Path Planning in Life Science Automation, Proceedings, IEEE CASE-8th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Seoul (Korea), 20-24, August, 2012, pp. 275-280. (國際自動化領域旗艦會議)
6. (義大利披薩)Ali M. M.; Liu H.*; Stoll, R.; Thurow, K.: Arm Grasping for Mobile Robot Transportation Using Kinect Sensor and Kinematic Analysis. IEEE I2MTC-International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Italy (Pisa), 11-14, May, 2015, pp. 516-521. (國際測量與儀器領域最權威會議)
7. (義大利披薩)Abdulla A. A. A.; Liu H.*; Stoll, N.; Thurow, K.: Multi-floor Navigation Method for Mobile Robot Transportation Based on StarGazer Sensors in Life Science Automation. IEEE I2MTC-International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Italy (Pisa), 11-14, May, 2015, pp. 428–433. (國際測量與儀器領域最權威會議)
8. (義大利披薩)Ghandour M.; Liu H.*; Stoll, N.; Thurow, K.: Improving the Navigation of Indoor Mobile Robots Using Kalman Filter. IEEE I2MTC-International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Italy (Pisa), 11-14, May, 2015, pp. 1434-1439. (國際測量與儀器領域最權威會議)
9. (印度尼西亞巴厘)Liu, H.*; Stoll, N.; Junginger, S.; Thurow, K.: A New Approach to Battery Power Tracking and Predicting for Mobile Robot Transportation Using Wavelet Decomposition and ANFIS Networks. Proceedings, IEEE ROBIO-IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Bali (Indonesia), 5-10, December, 2014, pp. 253-258. (國際機器人領域旗艦會議)
10. (印度尼西亞巴厘)Liu, H.*; Stoll, N.; Junginger, S.; Thurow, K.: Mobile Robotic Transportation in Laboratory Automation: Multi-robot Control, Robot-Door Integration and Robot-Human Interaction. Proceedings, IEEE ROBIO-IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Bali (Indonesia), 5-10, December, 2014, pp. 1033-1038. (國際機器人領域旗艦會議)
11. (中國珠海)Liu, H.*; Stoll, N.; Junginger, S.; Thurow, K.: Human Face Orientation Recognition for Mobile Robot Transportation in Laboratory Automation using Hybrid Edge Detection and LVQ Neural Networks. Proceedings, IEEE ROBIO-IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Zhuhai (China), 6-9, December, 2015, pp. 2003-2007. (國際機器人領域旗艦會議)
12. (中國珠海)Liu, H.*; Stoll, N.; Junginger, S.; Thurow, K.: New Localization Strategy for Mobile Robot Transportation in Life Science Automation Using StarGazer Sensor, Time Series Modeling and Kalman Filter Processing. Proceedings, IEEE ROBIO-IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Zhuhai (China), 6-9, December, 2015, pp. 164-168. (國際機器人領域旗艦會議)
13. (中國深圳)Liu H.*; Stoll, N.; Junginger S.; Thurow, K.: A New Method for Mobile Robot Arm Blind Grasping Using Ultrasonic Sensors and Artificial Neural Networks, Proceedings, IEEE ROBIO-IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Shenzhen (China), 11-14, December, 2013, pp. 1360-1364. (國際機器人領域旗艦會議)
14. (中國廣州)Liu H.*; Stoll, N.; Junginger S.; Thurow, K.: A Floyd-Genetic Algorithm Based Path Planning System for Mobile Robots in Laboratory Automation, Proceedings, IEEE ROBIO-IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Guangzhou (China), 11-14, December, 2012, pp. 1550-1555. (國際機器人領域旗艦會議)


1. 德國優秀青年基金(430萬歐元/主持),德國聯邦教育與研究部,2015.03
2. 全國百篇優秀博士學位論文提名獎,國務院學位辦、教育部,2014.04
3. 湖南省優秀博士學位論文獎,湖南省學位辦、湖南省教育廳,2013.06
4.徠 中國工程院重大諮詢課題“物聯網在交通運輸領域的應用”優秀個人獎,中國工程院,2010.12
5. 德國年度“實驗室自動化領域”四個最優秀研究成果之一,德國著名技術評論期刊《Labor Journal》,(2015年第5期,P36-38頁),2015.05
6. 德國梅克倫堡-前波莫瑞州官方日報Ostsee-Zeitung “科技領軍人才專訪”,德國梅前州,(2015年4月10日,第15版),2015.04
7. 中國寶鋼教育獎,中國寶鋼教育基金會,2010.09
8. 中國茅以升鐵道教育獎,中國茅以升科技基金會,2007.09
9. 湖南省優秀碩士學位論文獎,湖南省學位辦、湖南省教育廳,2010.06
10. 湖南省優秀畢業研究生,湖南省教育廳,2008.06
11. 湖南省三好學生(研究生),湖南省教育廳,2007.06
12. 湖南省優秀共產黨員(研究生),湖南省委教育工委,2008.07
13. 中南大學首屆畢業研究生學術獎一等獎,中南大學,2011.12
14. 中南大學首屆“最喜愛的班導師”提名獎,中南大學,2009.12