共找到2條詞條名為鄒小勇的結果 展開





1998年6月 中山大學化學系理學博士學位
1991年6月 中山大學化學系獲理學碩士學位
1986年6月 江西師範大學化學系學士學位


2005年12月~至今 中山大學化學學院教授
2001年6月~2005年12月 中山大學化學系副教授
1993年12月~2001年6月 中山大學化學系講師
2006年5月~至今 博士研究生導師
1999年~至今 碩士研究生導師
2000年3月~2000年6月 香港浸會大學作訪問學者
2004年~至今 《分析試驗室》學術刊物編委
2005年9月~至今 中山大學化學學院分析科學研究所副所長






1. 國家自然科學基金項目:多肽定量構效關係的研究(編號20975117)
2. 國家自然科學基金項目:蛋白質三維結構預測新方法的研究(編號20475068)
3. 國家自然科學基金項目:蛋白質摺疊問題的研究及其醫學應用(編號20575082)
4. 廣東省自然科學基金項目:基因突變識別新技術及其醫學應用(編號031577)
5. 廣東省科技計劃項目(引導):基於蟻群演演算法的蛋白質三維結構預測新技術及其醫學應用(編號2005B30101003)
6. 廣東省自然科學基金項目:蛋白質疊折的電化學研究及醫學應用(7003714)
7. 廣東市科技計劃項目(重點):電化學催化應用於三氯蔗糖的研究與開發(2007Z3-E0441)
8. 博士點基金:蛋白質疊折的電化學研究及醫學應用(20070558010)
1. “基礎化學實驗”,廣東省精品課程,2007,12
2. “基礎化學實驗”,中山大學精品課程,2007,12
3. “珠海校區基礎化學開放實驗的研究”中山大學實驗室開放基金項目. 2005,項目負責人
4. “分析化學實驗教學新方法的研究”中山大學教學改革研究課題項目. 2004,項目負責人
5. “珠海校區基礎化學開放實驗”中山大學實驗教學研究(改革)項目. 2003,項目負責人


1. 2006年獲中山大學化學與化學工程學院“芙蘭勵教金”.
2. 2003年榮獲化學學院“教書育人積極分子“榮譽稱號。
3. 2003年“深化分析化學實驗改革,培養高素質創新人才“榮獲中山大學實驗教學成果二等獎。(本人排名第一)。
4. 2002年《“分析化學“課程網上考試系統的構建》在中山大學教育技術徵文評比中獲優秀論文二等獎。(本人排名第一)。
5. 2004年“融培養興趣、激發創新意識為一體的基礎化學實驗教學改革“獲省級教學成果一等獎。(本人排名第二)。
6. 2001年“化學基地《分析化學》課程教學改革的探討“獲省級教學成果一等獎。(本人排名第四)。
7. 2004年“融培養興趣、激發創新意識為一體的基礎化學實驗教學改革“獲中山大學教學成果一等獎。(本人排名第二)。
8. 2001年“化學基地《分析化學》課程教學改革的探討“獲中山大學優秀教學成果一等獎。(本人排名第四)。
9. 2005年“基礎化學實驗課程新體系的建立“獲中山大學實驗教學研究改革成果二等獎。(本人排名第二)。
10. 2002年《分析化學實驗--薄層色譜法分離分析咖啡因》獲中山大學教育軟體評比一等獎。(本人排名第六)。
11. 2004年《絡合滴定法測定水的總硬度》網路課件獲中山大學教學軟體評比三等獎。(本人排名第六)。



1. Zhibin Mai, Xiaojuan Zhao, Zong Dai*, Xiaoyong Zou*. Contributions of Components in Guanidine Hydrochloride to Hemoglobin Unfolding Investigated by Protein Film Electrochemistry. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2010, 114, 7090~7097.
2. Zhibin Mai, Xiaojuan Zhao, Zong Dai*, Xiaoyong Zou*. Investigation of the chloride effect on hemoglobin by adsorptive transfer voltammetry. Analytical Biochemistry, 2010, 399, 23~29.
3. Zhibin Mai, Xiaojuan Zhao, Zong Dai*, Xiaoyong Zou*. Talanta, 2010, 81, 167~175.
4. Zong Dai, Yun Xiao, Xiaozhi Yu, Zhibin Mai, Xiaojuan Zhao, Xiaoyong Zou*. Direct electrochemistry of Myoglobin based on ionic liquid-clay composite films. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2009, 24, 1629~1634.
5. Po Wang, Zhibin Mai, Zong Dai, Yongxin Li, Xiaoyong Zou*. Construction of Au nanoparticles on choline chloride modified glassy carbon electrode for sensitive detection of nitrite. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2009, 24, 3242~3247.
6. Xiaojuan Zhao, Zhibin Mai, Xinhuang Kang,Xiaoyong Zou*. Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of horseradish peroxidase based on clay–chitosan-gold nanoparticle nanocomposite. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2008, 23, 1032~1038.
7. Chaoyang Long, Zhibin Mai, Yingfen Yang, Binghui Zhu, Xiumin Xu, Lin Lu,Xiaoyong Zou*. Determination of multi-residue for malachite green, gentian violet and their metabolites in aquatic products by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction. Journal of Chromatography A, 2009, 1216, 2275~2281.
8. Chaoyang Long, Zhibin Mai, Binghui Zhu, Xiaoyong Zou*, Yanhong Gao, Xiangdong Huang. New oxidant used for the post-column derivatization determination of Malachite Green and Leucomalachite Green residues in cultured aquatic products by high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 2008, 1203, 21~26.
9. Zhanchao Li, Xibin Zhou, Zong Dai, Xiaoyong Zou*. Prediction of protein structural classes by Chou’s pseudo amino acid composition: approached using continuous wavelet transform and principal component analysis. Amino Acids, 2009, 37, 415~425.
10. Xinbin Zhou, Chao Chen, Zhanchao Li, Xiaoyong Zou*. Improved prediction of subcellular location for apoptosis proteins by the dual-layer support vector machine. Amino Acids, 2008, 35, 383~388.
11. Zhanchao Li, Xibin Zhou, Yuran Lin, Xiaoyong Zou*. Prediction of protein structure class by coupling improved genetic algorithm and support vector machine. Amino Acids, 2008, 35, 581~590.
12. Chao Chen, Lixuan Chen, Xiaoyong Zou, Peixiang Cai. Predicting protein structural class based on multi-features fusion. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2008, 253, 388~392.
13. Xibin Zhou, Chao Chen, Zhanchao Li, Xiaoyong Zou*. Using Chou’s amphiphilic pseudo-amino acid composition and support vector machine for prediction of enzyme subfamily classes. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2007, 248, 546~551.
14. Chao Chen, Yuanxin Tian, Xiaoyong Zou*, Peixiang Cai, Jinyuan Mo. Using pseudo-amino acid composition and support vector machine to predict protein structural class. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2006, 243, 444~448.
15. Chao Chen, Xibin Zhou, Yuanxin Tian, Xiaoyong Zou* and Peixiang Cai. Predicting protein structural class with pseudo-amino acid composition and support vector machine fusion network. Analytical Biochemistry, 2006, 357, 116~121.
16. Xinhuang Kang, Zhibin Mai, Xiaoyong Zou*, Peixiang Cai, Jinyuan Mo. A sensitive nonenzymatic glucose sensor in alkaline media with a copper nanocluster/multiwall carbon nanotube-modified glassy carbon electrode.Analytical Biochemistry, 2007, 363, 143~150.
17. Xinhuang Kang, Zhibin Mai, Xiaoyong Zou*, Peixiang Cai, Jinyuan Mo. A novel glucose biosensor based on immobilization of glucose oxidase in chitosan on a glassy carbon electrode modified with gold–platinum alloy nanoparticles/multiwall carbon Nanotubes. Analytical Biochemistry, 2007, 369, 71~79.
18. Xuecai Tan, Minjian Li, Peixiang Cai, Lijun Luo, Xiaoyong Zou*. An amperometric cholesterol biosensor based on multiwalled carbon nanotubes and organically modified sol-gel/chitosan hybrid composite film. Analytical Biochemistry, 2005, 337, 111~120.
19. Xuecai Tan, Yuanxin Tian, Peixiang Cai, Xiaoyong Zou*. Glucose biosensor based on glucose oxidase immobilized in sol-gel chitosan/silica hybrid composite film on Prussian blue modified glass carbon electrode.Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2005, 381, 500~507.
20. Xinhuang Kang, Zhibin Mai, Xiaoyong Zou*, Peixiang Cai, Jinyuan Mo. Glucose biosensors based on platinum nanoparticles-deposited carbon nanotubes in sol-gel chitosan/silica hybrid. Talanta, 2008, 74, 879~886.
21. Chao Chen, Yuanxin Tian, Xiaoyong Zou* , Peixiang Cai, Jinyuan Mo. Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure Content Using Support Vector Machine. Talanta, 2007, 71, 2069~2073.
22. Xiaojuan Zhao, Zhibin Mai, Xinhuang Kang, Zong Dai, Xiaoyong Zou*. Clay–chitosan–gold nanoparticle nanohybrid: Preparation and application for assembly and direct electrochemistry of myoglobin. Electrochimica Acta, 2008, 53, 4732~4739.
23. Xiaozhi Yu, Zhibin Mai, Yun Xiao, Xiaoyong Zou*. Electrochemical Behavior and Determination of L-Tyrosine at Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode. Electroanalysis, 2008, 20, 1246~1251.
24. Xibin Zhou, Chao Chen, Zhanchao Li, Xiaoyong Zou*. Prediction of Subcellular Location for Apoptosis Protein by Dual-layer Support Vector Machine Based on Multiple Compositons. IEEE, 2007, 96~99.
25. Chao Chen, Yuanxin Tian, Xiaoyong Zou*, Peixiang Cai, Jinyuan Mo. A cooperative fast annealing coevolutionary algorithm for protein motif extraction. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52, 318~323.
26. Jianding Qiu, Ruping Liang, Xiaoyong Zou* and Jinyuan Mo. Prediction of Transmembrane Proteins Based on the Continuous Wavelet Transform. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 2004, 44, 741~747.
27. Xinhuang Kang, Zhibin Mai, Xiaoyong Zou*, Peixiang Cai, and Jinyuan Mo. Electrochemical Biosensor Based on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Au Nanoparticles Synthesized in Chitosan. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2007, 7, 1618~1624.
28. Xinhuang Kang, Zhibin Mai, Xiaoyong Zou*, Peixiang Cai, and Jinyuan Mo. A novel sensitive non-enzymatic glucose sensor. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2007, 18, 189~191.
29. Chao Chen, Yuanxin Tian, Xiaoyong Zou*, Peixiang Cai, Jinyuan Mo. A Cooperative Approach for the Extraction of Protein Motifs. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2006, 17, 707~710.
30 Yuanxin Tian, Chao Chen, Xiaoyong Zou*, Jianding Qiu, Peixiang Cai, Jinyuan Mo. Fourier Power Spectrum Analysis of Exons for the Period-3 Behavior. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2005, 16, 939~942.
31. Chao Chen, Yuanxin Tian, Xiaoyong Zou*, Peixiang Cai, Jinyuan Mo. A Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization for the Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2005, 16, 1551~1554.


1. 鄒小勇,馬志玲,黃濱,胡玉玲李攻科. “分析化學實驗”教學改革探討。大學化學,2006,21(4),30~32
2. 鄒小勇,阮文江,馬志玲,黃濱,李攻科. 分析化學課程網路考試系統的構建. 大學化學,2004,19 (2): 36-39
3. 馬志玲,黃濱,鄒小勇,陳煥光. 以培養創新型人才為目標的分析化學實驗教學改革. 大學化學,2003,18(5),15-18
4. Li Gongke, Zou Xiaoyong, Ma Zhiling, Huang Bin, Zou Shichun.Study on the training of innovative talent in analytical chemistry teaching. Proceeding of 17th IUPAC international conference on chemical education, 2002,p32
5. 鄒小勇,阮文江,馬志玲,黃濱. “分析化學”課程考試方法改革的探討。教學研究與實踐,中山大學出版,2002.11, p548
6. 馬志玲,黃濱,鄒小勇,陳煥光. 深化教學改革,培養具有創新精神的高素質化學人才. 教學研究與實踐,中山大學出版,2002.11,p361
7. 黃濱,馬志玲,鄒小勇,揚賢峰. 在珠海校區開展分析化學開放實驗的探討。教學研究與實踐,中山大學出版,2002.11, p328
8. 石建新劉漢標,鄒小勇,梁起. 基礎化學實驗課程新體系的建立與實踐. 教學研究與實踐,中山大學出版,2003.8,p137