共找到109條詞條名為張超的結果 展開









非標準擬線性橢圓和拋物型方程的Calderón-Zygmund估計. 國家自然科學基金面上項目, 2017.
幾類擬線性拋物型方程的適定性與正則性. 第五批黑龍江省博士后特別資助(博士后青年英才計劃), 2014.
幾類具非標準增長的擬線性橢圓和拋物型方程的研究. 國家自然科學基金青年基金, 2013.
具變指數非線性橢圓和拋物型方程中的若干問題. 教育部博士點新教師基金, 2013
具變指數擬線性橢圓和拋物型方程的熵解和重整化解. 中國博士后科學基金面上一等資助, 2012.


Chao Zhang, Xia Zhang, Shulin Zhou. Gradient estiamtes for the strong p(x)-Laplacian. 2017.
Chao Zhang, Xia Zhang. Renormalized solutions for the fractional p(x)-Laplacian equation with L^1 data. 2017.
Kaimin Teng, Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou. Renormalized and entropy solutions for the fractional p-Laplacian parabolic equation with L^1 data. 2017
Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou. Bounded very weak solutions for some non-uniformly elliptic equation with L1 datum. 2017.
Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou. The well-posedness of renormalized solutions for a non-uniformly parabolic equation. 2017.
Lihe Wang, Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou. Existence and Uniqueness of Weak Solutions for a 2D Low-Curvature Equation. 2017
Chao Zhang. Global weighted estimates for the nonlinear parabolic equations with non-standard growth. 2016.
Chao Zhang. Gradient estimates for -Laplacian equation in composite Reifenberg domains. 2016.
Kaimin Teng, Chao Zhang. Infinitely many solutions for quasilinear elliptic equations involving (p,q)-Laplacian in R. 2016.
Bin Ge, Chao Zhang. On the superlinear problems involving the fractional Laplacian. 2015.
Bin Ge, Chao Zhang. Existence of a Positive Solution to Kirchhoff Problems Involving the Fractional Laplacian. 2015.
Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou, Bin Ge. Gradient estimates for the p(x)-Laplacian equation in RN. 2015.
Bin Ge, Chao Zhang. Existence of positive solutions to elliptic problems involving the fractional Laplacian. 2015.
Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou. Global weighted estimates for quasilinear elliptic equations with non-standard growth. 2014.
Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou, Xiaoping Xue. Global gradient estimates for the parabolic -Laplacian equation.2014.
Chao Zhang. Entropy solutions for nonlinear elliptic equations with variable exponents. 2014.
Chao Zhang, Lihe Wang, Shulin Zhou, Yun-Ho Kim. Global gradient estimates for P(x)-Laplace equation in non-smooth domains. 2014.
Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou. On a class of non-uniformly elliptic equations. 2012.
Chao Zhang, ShulinZhou. Hölder regularity for the gradients of solutions of the strong -Laplacian. 2012.
Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou. Renormalized solutions for a non-uniformly parabolic equation. 2012.
Yun-Ho Kim, Lihe Wang, Chao Zhang. Global solution branches for elliptic equations with inclusions. 2011.
Chao Zhang,Yun-Ho Kim. A global bifurcation for p(x)-Laplacian. 2011.
Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou. Renormalized and entropy solutions for nonlinear parabolic equations with variable exponents and L1 data. 2010.
Yun-Ho Kim,Lihe Wang, Chao Zhang. Global bifurcation of a class of degenerate elliptic equations with variable exponents. 2010.
Lihe Wang, Chao Zhang. Existence of solution to boundary value problem for impulsive differential equations. 2010.
Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou. Entropy solutions for a non-uniformly parabolic equation. 2010.
Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou. A general fourth-order parabolic equation. 2010.
Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou. Entropy and renormalized solutions for the p(x)-Laplacian equation with measure date. 2010.
Chao Zhang, Shulin Zhou. A fourth-order degenerate parabolic equation with variable exponent. 2009.