


時間 | 院校 | 專業 | 學位 |
1978-1982 | 安徽師範大學 | 學士 | |
1984-1987 | 西北大學 | 碩士 | |
1989-1992 | 中科院自動化所 | 博士 |

1.小動物光學多模融合分子影像成像設備 國家自然科學基金 國家重大科研儀器研製專項 基金資助號:81227901 (2013.1-2017.12),8500萬
2.多模態分子影像關鍵科學問題研究 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃)基金資助號:2011CB707700(2011-2015),2650萬 首席科學家:田捷
3.基於組織特異性的光學-核素-CT多模影像融合方法與技術 國家自然科學基金重點項目 基金資助號:61231004 (2013.1.1-2017.12.31),310萬
4.圖像引導下高風險手術系列產品的研發 863計劃項目子課題 課題編號 2012AA021105 (2012.1-2015.12),44萬
Xia YQ, Zhang RL, Wang ZL*, Jie Tian*, Chen XY*. Recent Advances in High-Performance fluorescent and bioluminescent RNA Imaging Probes. Chemical Society Reviews. 2017 May 22;46(10):2824-2843.(SCI IF:34.09)
Yanqi Huang, Changhong Liang, Lan He, Jie Tian, Zaiyi Liu, Development and Validation of a Radiomics Nomogram for Preoperative Prediction of Lymph Node Metastasis in Colorectal Cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, JCO659128, 2016 (SCI IF: 24.008)
Du Y, Jiang Q, Beziere N,Song L,Zhang Q, Peng D,Chi C,Yang X,Guo H,Diot G, Ntziachristos V,Ding B, Jie Tian*. DNA-Nanostructure–Gold-Nanorod Hybrids for Enhanced In Vivo Optoacoustic Imaging and Photothermal Therapy. Advanced Materials.2016 Dec;28(45):10000-10007.(SCI IF:19.4)
Shang W, Zeng C, Du Y, Hui H, Liang X, Chi C, Wang K*, Wang Z*,Jie Tian*.Core–Shell Gold Nanorod@Metal–Organic Framework Nanoprobes for Multimodality Diagnosis of Glioma. Advanced Materials.2017 Jan;29(3).(SCI IF:19.4)
Hu YY, Chi Cw, Wang Sh, Wang Lx, Liang P, Liu Fy, Shang Wt, Wang Ww, Zhang Fr, Li Ss, Shen Hy, Yu Xl,* Liu Hy,* and Jie Tian*. A comparative study of clinical intervention and interventional photothermal therapy for pancreatic cancer,Advanced Materials. 2017 Sep;29 (33). (SCI IF:19.4)
Fang Zeng, Wei Qin, Fanrong Liang*, Jixin Liu, Yong Tang, Xuguang Liu, Kai Yuan, Shuguang Yu, Wenzhong Song, Mailan Liu, Lei Lan, Xin Gao, Yijun Liu, Jie Tian*. Abnormal Resting Brain Activity in Patients with Functional Dyspepsia is Related to Symptom Severity. Gastroenterology, 141(2):499-506, 2011. (SCI IF: 18.187)
Qian Zhang, Qiao Jiang, Na Li, Luru Dai, Qing Liu, Linlin Song, Jinye Wang, Yaqian Li, Jie Tian, Baoquan Ding*, and Yang Du*, DNA Origami as an In Vivo Drug Delivery Vehicle for Cancer Therapy, ACS Nano, 2014, 8 (7), pp 6633–6643. (SCI IF: 13.33)
Lv R,Yang P,Hu B,Xu J,Shang W, Jie Tian*.In Situ Growth Strategy to Integrate Up-Conversion Nanoparticles with Ultrasmall CuS for Photothermal Theranostics. ACS Nano. 2017 Jan 24; 11(1): 1064-1072.(SCI IF:13.33)
Zhenhua Hu, Yawei Qu, Kun Wang, Xiaojun Zhang, Jiali Zha, Tianming Song, Chengpeng Bao, Haixiao Liu, Zhongliang Wang, Jing Wang, Zhongyu Liu, Haifeng Liu*, Jie Tian*. In vivo nanoparticle-mediated radiopharmaceutical-excited fluorescence molecular imaging. Nature Communications. 6:7560, 2015 (SCI IF: 11. 47)
Chen X, Zhang C, Lin P, Huang K, Liang J, Jie Tian, Cheng J*. Volumetric Chemical Imaging by Stimulated Raman Projection Microscopy and Tomography. Nature Communications. 8:15117 (2017). April 2017. (SCI IF:11.47)
Zhe Wang, Fu Wang, Naoki Hida, Dale Kiesewetter, Jie Tian, Gang Niu and Xiaoyuan Chen, Design and use of a functional cyclic HSV1-TK reporter and its application to PET imaging of apoptosis, Nature Protocols, 2015 May;10 (5): 807-21. (SCI IF 10.032 )
Fang Zeng, Wei Qin, Tingting Ma, Jinbo Sun, Yong Tang, Kai Yuan, Ying Li, Jixin Liu, Xuguang Liu, Wenzhong Song, Lei Lan, Mailan Liu, Shuguang Yu, Xin Gao, Jie Tian* and Fanrong Liang*, Influence of Acupuncture Treatment on Cerebral Activity in Functional Dyspepsia Patients and Its Relationship With Efficacy. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 107(8): 1236-1247, 2012. (SCI IF: 10.383)
Guangyu Zhou, Wei Qin*, Fang Zeng, Peng Liu, Xuejuan Yang, Karen M von Deneen, Qiyong Gong, Fanrong Liang and Jie Tian*, White-Matter Microstructural Changes in Functional Dyspepsia: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study, American Journal of Gastroenterology, 108(2): 260-269, 2013.(SCI IF: 10.383)
Jiangdian Song#, Jingyun Shi#, Di Dong#, Mengjie Fang, Wenzhao Zhong, Kun Wang, Ning Wu, Yanqi Huang, Zhenyu Liu, Yue Cheng, Yuncui Gan, Yongzhao Zhou, Ping Zhou, Bojiang Chen, Changhong Liang, Zaiyi Liu*, Weimin Li*, Jie Tian*, A new approach to predict progression-free survival in stage IV EGFR-mutant NSCLC patients with EGFR-TKI therapy, Clinical Cancer Research, DOI:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-2507,2018.(SCI IF:9.619)
Zhenyu Liu, Xiao-Yan Zhang, Yan-Jie Shi,Lin Wang, Hai-Tao Zhu, Zhenchao Tang, Shuo Wang, Xiao-Ting Li,Jie Tian* and Ying-Shi Sun*,Radiomics Analysis for Evaluation of Pathological Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradio therapy in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research (2017): clincanres.1038.2017. (SCI IF: 9.619)
Bin Zhang#, Jie Tian#, Di Dong#, Dongsheng Gu, Yuhao Dong, Lu Zhang, Zhouyang Lian, Jing Liu, Xiaoning Luo, Shufang Pei, Xiaokai Mo, Wenhui Huang, Fusheng Ouyang, Baoliang Guo, Long Liang, Wenbo Chen, Changhong Liang, Shuixing Zhang*, Radiomics Features of Multiparametric MRI as Novel Prognostic Factors in Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Clinical Cancer Research, 23(15): 4259-4269, 2017. (SCI IF: 9.619)
Chenghu Qin, Jinchao Feng, Shouping Zhu, Xibo Ma, Jianghong Zhong, Ping Wu, Zhengyu Jin and Jie Tian*, Recent advances in bioluminescence tomography: methodology and system as well as application, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 8(1): 94-114, JAN 2014. (SCI IF: 9.486)
Fu Wang, Zhe Wang, Naoki Hida, Dale O. Kiesewetter, Ying Ma, Kai Yang, Pengfei Rong, Jimin Liang, Jie Tian*, Gang Niu*, and Xiaoyuan Chen*, A cyclic HSV1-TK reporter for real-time PET imaging of apoptosis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(PNAS), 111(14): 5165-5170, 2014 (SCI IF: 9.423)
Chongwei Chi, Yang Du, Jinzuo Ye, Deqiang Kou, Jingdan Qiu, Jiandong Wang, Jie Tian*, and Xiaoyuan Chen*, Intraoperative imaging-guided cancer surgery: from current fluorescence molecular imaging methods to future multi-modality imaging technology, Theranostics, 4(11): 1072-1084, 2014. (SCI IF: 8.854)
Kunshan He, Jian Zhou*, Fan Yang*, Chongwei Chi, Hao Li, Yamin Mao, Bengang Hui, Kun Wang Jie Tian, Jun Wang. Near-infrared Intraoperative Imaging of Thoracic Sympathetic Nerves: From Preclinical Study to Clinical Trial . Theranostics 2018; 8(2):304-313. doi: 10.7150 /thno. 22369 (SCI IF: 8.854)
Yuliang He, Jie Tian*, Liang Li, Hong Chen and Xin Yang. Fingerprint matching based on global comprehensive similarity. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 850-862, 2006. (SCI IF: 8.329)
Eryun Liu, Anil K. Jain and Jie Tian. A coarse to fine minutiae-based latent palmprint matching. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol.35, No.10, pp:2307-2322, 2013. (SCI IF: 8.329)
Xibo Ma, Zhen Cheng, Yushen Jin, Xiaolong Liang, Xin Yang, Zhifei Dai, Jie Tian*, SM5-1-Conjugated PLA nanoparticles loaded with 5-fluorouracil for targeted hepatocellular carcinoma imaging and therapy, Biomaterials, 35(9): 2878–2889, March 2014. (SCI IF: 8.387)
Ma X#, Hui H#, Jin Y, Dong D, Liang X, Yang X, Tan K, Dai Z, Cheng Z, Jie Tian*.Enhanced Immunotherapy of SM5-1 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Conjugating with Gold Nanoparticles and its In Vivo Bioluminscence Tomographic Evaluation. Biomaterials. 2016 May;87:46-56.(SCI IF:8.557)
Xia Y, Jie Tian, Chen X*. Effect of surface properties on liposomal siRNA delivery. Biomaterials. 2016 Feb;79:56-68.(SCI IF:8.557)
Jiangang Liu, Meiyun Wang, Xiaohong Shi, Lu Feng, Ling Li, Justine Marie Thacker, Jie Tian*, Dapeng Shi* and Kang Lee*, Neural Correlates of Covert Face Processing: fMRI Evidence from a Prosopagnosic Patient, Cerebral Cortex, 24(8): 2081-2092, 2014 (SCI IF: 8.285)
Zhan Y,Ai F, Chen F, Valdovinos HF, Orbay H, Sun H, Liang J, Barnhart TE, Jie Tian, Cai W. Intrinsically Zirconium‐89 Labeled Gd2O2S: Eu Nanoprobes for In Vivo Positron Emission Tomography and Gamma‐Ray‐Induced Radioluminescence Imaging. Small. 2016 Jun; 12(21): 2872-6. (SCI IF:8.315)
Hengte Ke, Xiuli Yue, Jinrui Wang, Sen Xing, Qian Zhang, Zhifei Dai*, Jie Tian*, Shumin Wang and Yushen Jin, Gold Nanoshelled Liquid Perfluorocarbon Nanocapsules for Combined Dual Modal Ultrasound/CT Imaging and Photothermal Therapy of Cancer, Small, 26;10(6): 1220-7, 2014. (SCI IF: 8.315)
Wang F*, Yang K, Wang Z, Ma Y, Gutkind JS, Hida N, Niu G, Jie Tian*. Combined image guided monitoring the pharmacokinetics of rapamycin loaded human serum albumin nanoparticles with a split luciferase reporter. Nanoscale. 2016 Feb 21;8(7):3991-4000.(SCI IF:7.76)
Peng D#, Du Y#, Shi Y, Mao D, Jia X, Li H, Zhu Y, Wang K, Jie Tian*. Precise diagnosis in different scenarios using photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging with dual-modality nanoparticles. Nanoscale. 2016 Aug 14;8(30):14480-8.(SCI IF:7.76)
Zeng C#, Shang W#, Liang X, Liang X, Chen Q, Chi C, Du Y, Fang C, Jie Tian*. Cancer Diagnosis and Imaging-Guided Photothermal Therapy Using a Dual-Modality Nanoparticle. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2016 Nov 2;8(43):29232-29241. (SCI IF:7.145)
Wang F, Zhang B, Zhou L, Shi Y, Li Z, Xia Y, Jie Tian*. Imaging dendrimer-grafted graphene oxide mediated anti-miR-21 delivery with an activatable luciferase reporter. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2016 Apr 13; 8(14):9014-21. (SCI IF:7.145)
Hu Z, Zhao M, Qu Y, Zhang X, Zhang M, Liu M, Guo H, Zhang Z, Wang J*, Yang W*, Jie Tian*. In vivo three-dimensional radiopharmaceutical excited fluorescence tomography.J Nucl Med. 2017 Jan;58(1):169-174. (SCI IF: 6.646)
Yang Du, Wenzhi Ren, Yaqian Li, Qian Zhang, Leyong Zeng, Aiguo Wu*, Jie Tian*. The PEG Coated TiO2 Nanocarriers with Enhanced Chemotherapeutic Effects of Doxorubicin in vivo: Evidence from Orthotopic Breast Tumor Bearing Mouse Model. Journal of Material Chemistry B , 3, 1518–1528, 2015. (SCI IF: 6.626)
Yang Du+,Xiaolong Liang+,Yuan Li+,Ting Sun,Huadan Xue,Zhengyu Jin*,Jie Tian*.Liposomal Nanohybrid Cerasomes Targeted to PD-L1 Enable Dual-Modality Imaging and Improve Antitumor Treatments.Cancer Lett.;414:230-238.2018 (SCI IF: 6.375)
Liang X#, Shang W#, Chi C, Zeng C, Wang K, Fang C, Chen Q, Liu H, Fan Y*, Jie Tian*.Dye-conjugated single-walled carbon nanotubes induce photothermal therapy under the guidance of near-infrared imaging. Cancer Letters. 2016 Dec 28;383(2):243-249. (SCI IF: 6.375)
Jin Y, Ma X, Zhang S, Meng H, Xu M, Yang X, Xu W*, Jie Tian*.A tantalum oxide-based core/shell nanoparticle for triple-modality image-guided chemo-thermal synergetic therapy of esophageal carcinoma. Cancer Letters. 397(2017): 61-71. (SCI IF: 6.375)
Bin Zhang,Xin He,Fusheng Ouyang,Dongsheng Gu,Yuhao Dong,Lu Zhang,Xiaokai Mo,Wenhui Huang,Jie Tian,Shuixing Zhang.Radiomic Machine-Learning Classifiers for Prognostic Biomarkers of Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Cancer Letters.DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2017.06.004. (SCI IF: 6.375)
Jing Xin+, Yonghua Zhan+, Muhan Liu, Hao Hu, Limin Xia, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, Jimin Liang*, Jie Tian*, ApoG2 induces ER stress-dependent apoptosis in gastric cancer cells in vitro and its real-time evaluation by bioluminescence imaging in vivo, Cancer Letters, 336(2): 260-269, AUG 19 2013. (SCI IF: 6.375)
Hu Z, Chi C, Liu M, Guo H, Zhang Z, Zeng C, Ye J, Wang J, Jie Tian*, Yang W*, Xu W*. Nanoparticle-mediated radiopharmaceutical-excited fluorescence molecular imaging allows precise image-guided tumor-removal surgery. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2017 Jan 20. pii: S1549-9634(17)30007-2. (SCI IF: 5.72)
Muhan Liu,Sheng Zheng,Xiaojun Zhang,Hongbo Guo,Xiaojing Shi,Xiaoyu Kang,Yawei Qu,Zhenhua Hu,Jie Tian*. Cerenkov luminescence imaging one valuation of early response to chemotherapy of drug-resistant gastric cancer. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 2017. DOI:10.1016/j.nano. 2017.10.001 (SCI IF:5.72)
Hui Zhang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Yingshi Sun, Jiangang Liu, Wu Li, Jie Tian*. A Weighted-RV Method to Detect Fine-Scale Functional Connectivity during Resting State. NeuroImage, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 2885-2898, 2011. (SCI IF: 5.463)
Wu Li, Jie Tian*, Enzhong Li, and Jianping Dai. Robust unsupervised segmentation of infarct lesion from diffusion tensor MR images using multiscale statistical classification and partial volume voxel reclassification. NeuroImage, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 1507-1518, 2004. (SCI IF: 5.463)
Xinjian Chen, Jie Tian*, and Xin Yang. A New algorithm for distorted fingerprints matching based on normalized fuzzy similarity measure. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 767-776, 2006. (SCI IF: 4.828)
Li, Guodong, Xinjian Chen, Fei Shi, Weifang Zhu, Jie Tian, and Dehui Xiang. Automatic liver segmentation based on shape constraints and deformable graph cut in CT images.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.Vol.24, No.12 (2015): 5315-5329. (SCI IF:4.828)
Chenghu Qin, Jianghong Zhong, Zhenhua Hu, Xin Yang, and Jie Tian*. Recent Advances in Cerenkov Luminescence and Tomography Imaging. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 1084-1093, 2012. (SCI IF: 4.078)
Jinchao Feng, Chenghu Qin, Kebin Jia, Shouping Zhu, Xin Yang and Jie Tian*, IEEE Bioluminescence tomography imaging in vivo: recent advances, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol.18, No.4, pp: 1394-1402, 2012. (SCI IF: 4.078)
Xiuli Li, Xinjian Chen, Jianhua Yao, Xing Zhang, Fei Yang, and Jie Tian*. Automatic renal cortex segmentation using implicit shape registration and novel multiple surfaces graph search. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 1849-1860, 2012. (SCI IF: 4.027)
Qingqi Hong*, Qingde Li, and Jie Tian. Implicit reconstruction of vasculatures using bivariate piecewise algebraic splines. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol.31, No.3, pp: 543-553, 2012(SCI IF: 4.027)
Liu H, Wang K, Peng D, Li H, Zhu Y, Zhang S, Liu M, Jie Tian*. Curve-driven-based Acoustic Inversion for Photoacoustic Tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.2016 Dec;35(12): 2546-2557.(SCI IF: 4.027)
Guo H, He X, Liu M, Zhang Z, Hu Z, Jie Tian*.Weight multispectral reconstruction strategy for enhanced reconstruction accuracy and stability with Cerenkov luminescence tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.2017 Feb 2. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2017.2658661 (SCI IF: 4.027)
An Y, Liu J, Zhang G, Jiang S, Ye J, Chi C, Jie Tian*.Compactly supported radial basis function-based meshless method for photon propagation model of fluorescence molecular tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2017 Feb; 36(2):366-373.(SCI IF: 4.027)
Song J, Yang C, Fan L, Wang K, Yang F, Liu S, Jie Tian*. Lung lesion extraction using a toboggan based growing automatic segmentation approach. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2016 Jan;35(1):337-53.(SCI IF: 4.027)
Shouping Zhu, Di Dong, Udo Jochen Birk, Matthias Rieckher, Nektarios Tavernarakis, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Jie Tian, and Jorge Ripoll*. Automated Motion Correction for in-vivo Optical Projection Tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 31, No. 7, pp.1358-1371. 2012. (SCI IF (2012): 4.027)
Y Gao,K Wang*,S Jiang,Y Liu,T Ai,and J Tian*. Bioluminescence tomography based on gaussian weighted laplace prior regularization for invivo morphological imaging of glioma. IEEE Transactionson Medical Imaging,PP(99),1-1.2017.(SCI IF:3.947)
Di Dong, Shouping Zhu, Chenghu Qin, Varsha Kumar, Jens V. Stein, Stephan Oehler, Charalambos Savakis, Jie Tian*, and Jorge Ripoll, Automated recovery of the center of rotation in optical projection tomography in the presence of scattering, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Vol.17.No.1. pp: 198-204,2013. (SCI IF: 3.451)
Ping Wu, Yifang Hu, Kun Wang, Jie Tian*, Bioluminescence Tomography by an Iterative Reweighted l(2)-Norm Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.61, No.1, pp. 189-196, 2014 (SCI IF: 2.278)
Wei Mu, Zhe Chen, Xiaoqian Dai, and Jie Tian*, Noninvasive Estimation of the Input Function for Dynamic Mouse 18F-FDG MicroPET Studies. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 60, No. 11, pp. 3103 – 3112, 2013. (SCI IF: 2.278)
Yu D,Yang F,Yang C,Leng C,Cao J,Wang Y,Jie Tian*. Fast Rotation-Free Feature-Based Image Registration Using Improved N-SIFT and GMM-Based Parallel Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.2016 Aug; 63(8): 1653-64. (SCI IF:2.278)
An, Yu, Jie Liu, Guanglei Zhang, Jinzuo Ye, Yang Du, Yamin Mao, Chongwei Chi, and Jie Tian. A novel region reconstruction method for fluorescence molecular tomography.IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering62, no. 7 (2015): 1818-1826.
Jian Chen, Jie Tian*, Noah Lee, Jian Zheng, R. Theodore Smith, and Andrew F. Laine. A partial intensity invariant feature descriptor for multimodal retinal image registration. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 57, No. 7, pp. 1707-1718, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.278)
Xing Zhang, Jie Tian*, Kexin Deng, Yongfang Wu, and Xiuli Li. Automatic Liver Segmentation Using a Statistical Shape Model with Optimal Surface Detection. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 2622-2626, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.278)
Dong Han, Jie Tian*, Kai Liu, Jinchao Feng, Bo Zhang, Xibo Ma, and Chenghu Qin. Sparsity-promoting tomographic fluorescence imaging with simplified spherical harmonics approximation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 2564-2567, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.278)
Junting Liu, Duofang Chen, Xiangsi Li, Xiaopeng Ma, Haichao Chen, Weiwei Fan, Fu Wang, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Feng Cao, and Jie Tian*. In vivo quantitative reconstruction studies of bioluminescence tomography: effects of peak wavelength shift and model deviation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 2579-2582, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.278)
Dehui Xiang, Jie Tian*, Fei Yang, Qi Yang, Xiang Zhang, Qingde Li, and Xin Liu. Skeleton Cuts - An Efficient Segmentation Method for Volume Rendering, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 17, No. 9, pp. 1295-1306, 2011. (SCI IF: 2.215)
Fei Yang, Qingde Li, Dehui Xiang, Yong Cao and Jie Tian*. A Versatile Optical Model for Hybrid Rendering of Volume Data, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 925-937, 2012. (SCI IF: 1.898)
Xinjian Chen, Jie Tian* and Xin Yang, An algorithm for distorted fingerprint matching based on local triangle features set, IEEE Transactions on Information, Forensics and Security, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 169 -177, 2006. (SCI IF: 2.338)
Ning Zhang, Yali Zang, Xin Yang, Xiaofei Jia, Jie Tian*. Adaptive Orientation Model Fitting for Latent Overlapped Fingerprints Separation, IEEE Transactions on Information, Forensics and Security, Vol. 9, No.10, pp. 1547 -1556, 2014. (SCI IF: 2.036)
Jie Tian*, Jian Xue, Yakang Dai, Jian Chen, Jian Zheng. A novel software platform for medical image processing and analyzing. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 800-812, 2008. (SCI IF: 1.939)
Yakang Dai,Jie Tian*, Di Dong, Guorui Yan, and Hairong Zheng. Real-time visualized freehand 3D ultrasound reconstruction based on GPU. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 1338-1345, 2010. (SCI IF: 1.707)
Guorui Yan, Jie Tian*, Shouping Zhu, Chenghu Qin, Yakang Dai, Fei Yang, Di Dong, and Ping Wu. Fast katsevich algorithm based on GPU for helical cone-beam computed tomography. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 1053-1061, 2010. (SCI IF: 1.707)
Jian Zheng, Jie Tian*, Kexin Deng, Xiaoqian Dai, and Min Xu. Salient Feature Region: a New Method for Retinal Image Registration. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 221-232, 2011. (SCI IF: 1.676)
Jie Tian*, Jing Bai, Xiu-Ping Yan, Shanglian Bao, Yinghui Li, Wei Liang, and Xin Yang. Multimodality molecular imaging. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 48-57, 2008. (SCI IF: 1.466)
Xiaoguang He, Jie Tian*, Liang Li, Yuliang He and Xin Yang. Modeling and analysis of local comprehensive minutia relation for fingerprint matching. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part B: Cybernetics, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 1204-1211, 2007. (SCI IF: 1.353)
Changhong Chen, Jimin Liang, Heng Zhao, Haihong Hu, and Jie Tian*, Factorial HMM and parallel HMM for gait recognition, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part C: Applications and Reviews, Vol.39, No.1 , pp: 114-123, 2009. (SCI IF:1.526)
Hongtao Chen, Liaojun Pang,Jimin Liang, Eryun Liu, and Jie Tian*, Fingerprint Singular Point Detection Based on Multiple-Scale Orientation Entropy. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.18, No.11, pp: 679-682, 2011.(SCI IF:1.388)
Yujie Lv, Jie Tian*, Wenxiang Cong, Ge Wang*, Jie Luo, Wei Yang, and Hui Li. A Multilevel adaptive finite element algorithm for bioluminescence tomography. Optics Express, Vol. 14, No. 18, pp. 8211-8223, 2006. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Xiaowei He, Jimin Liang, Xiaorui Wang, Jingjing Yu, Xiaochao Qu, Xiaodong Wang, Yanbin Hou, Duofang Chen, Fang Liu, and Jie Tian*. Sparse reconstruction for quantitative bioluminescence tomography based on the incomplete variables truncated conjugate gradient method. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 24, pp. 24825-24841, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Zhenhua Hu, Jimin Liang, Weidong Yang, Weiwei Fan, Congye Li, Xiaowei Ma, Xueli Chen, Xiaopeng Ma, Xiangsi Li, Xiaochao Qu, Jing Wang*, Feng Cao*, and Jie Tian*. Experimental Cerenkov luminescence tomography of the mouse model with SPECT imaging validation. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 24, pp. 24441-24450, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Kai Liu, Yujie Lu,Jie Tian*, Chenghu Qin, Xin Yang, Shouping Zhu, Xiang Yang, Quansheng Gao, and Dong Han. Evaluation of the simplified spherical harmonics approximation in bioluminescence tomography through heterogeneous mouse models. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 20, pp. 20988-21002, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Bo Zhang, Xiang Yang, Fei Yang, Xin Yang, Chenghu Qin, Dong Han, Xibo Ma, Kai Liu, and Jie Tian*. The CUBLAS and CULA based GPU acceleration of adaptive finite element framework for bioluminescence tomography.Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 19, pp. 20201-20214, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao*, Duofang Chen, Xiaopeng Ma, Xiaohui Zhao, Man Shen, Xiangsi Li, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Jorge Ripoll, Jie Tian*. 3D reconstruction of light flux distribution on arbitrary surfaces from 2D multi-photographic images. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 19, pp. 19876-19893, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Junting Liu, Yabin Wang, Xiaochao Qu, Xiangsi Li, Xiaopeng Ma, Runqiang Han, Zhenhua Hu, Xueli Chen, Dongdong Sun, Rongqing Zhang, Duofang Chen, Dan Chen, Xiaoyuan Chen, Jimin Liang*, Feng Cao*, and Jie Tian*. In vivo quantitative bioluminescence tomography using heterogeneous and homogeneous mouse models. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 13102-13113, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Dong Han, Jie Tian*, Shouping Zhu, Jinchao Feng, Chenghu Qin, Bo Zhang, and Xin Yang. A fast reconstruction algorithm for fluorescence molecular tomography with sparsity regularization. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 8630-8646, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Nunu Ren, Jimin Liang, Xiaochao Qu, Jianfeng Li, Bingjia Lu, and Jie Tian*. GPU-based Monte Carlo simulation for light propagation in complex heterogeneous tissues. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 6811-6823, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Bo Zhang, Xin Yang, Chenghu Qin, Dan Liu, Shouping Zhu, Jinchao Feng, Li Sun, Kai Liu, Dong Han, Xibo Ma, Xing Zhang, Jianghong Zhong, Xiuli Li, Xiang Yang, and Jie Tian*. A trust region method in adaptive finite element framework for bioluminescence tomography. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 6477-6491, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Kai Liu, Jie Tian*, Xin Yang, Yujie Lu, Chenghu Qin, Shouping Zhu, Xing Zhang. A fast bioluminescent source localization method based on generalized graph cuts with mouse model validations. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 3732-3745, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Chenghu Qin+, Xin Yang+, Jinchao Feng, Kai Liu, Junting Liu, Guorui Yan, Shouping Zhu, Min Xu and Jie Tian*. Adaptive improved element free galerkin method for quasi- or multi-spectral bioluminescence tomography. Optics Express, Vol. 17, No. 24, pp. 21925-21934, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Jinchao Feng, Kebin Jia*, Chenghu Qin, Guorui Yan, Shouping Zhu, Xing Zhang, Junting Liu and Jie Tian*. Three-dimensional Bioluminescence Tomography based on Bayesian Approach. Optics Express, Vol. 17, No. 19, pp. 16834–16848, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao*, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Lin Wang, Da'an Yang, Anikitos Garofalakis, Jorge Ripoll, andJie Tian*. A study of photon propagation in free-space based on hybrid radiosity-radiance theorem. Optics Express, Vol. 17, No. 18, pp. 16266-16280, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Runqiang Han, Jimin Liang, Xiaochao Qu, Yanbin Hou, Nunu Ren, Jingjing Mao, and Jie Tian*. A source reconstruction algorithm based on adaptive hp-FEM for bioluminescence tomography. Optics Express, Vol. 17, No. 17, pp. 14481-14494, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.749).
Chenghu Qin, Jie Tian*, Xin Yang, Kai Liu, Guorui Yan, Jinchao Feng, Yujie Lv, Min Xu. Galerkin-based meshless methods for photon transport in the biological tissue. Optics Express, Vol. 16, No. 25, pp. 20317-20333, 2008. (SCI IF: 3.749).
Jinchao Feng, kebin Jia*, Guorui Yan, Shouping Zhu, Chenghu Qin, Yujie Lv and Jie Tian*. An optimal permissible source region strategy for multispectral bioluminescence tomography. Optics Express, Vol. 16, No. 20, pp. 15640-15654, 2008. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Hongbo Guo,Zhenhua Hu,Xiaowei He,Xiaojun Zhang,Muhan Liu,Zeyu Zhang,Xiaojing Shi,Sheng Zheng,Jie Tian*. Non-convex sparse regularization approach framework for high multiple-source resolutionin Cerenkov luminescence tomography. Optics Express, 2017, 25(23): 28068-28085.(SCI IF:3.497)
Chenghu Qin, Shouping Zhu, Jinchao Feng, Jianghong Zhong, Xibo Ma, Ping Wu and Jie Tian*, Comparison of permissible source region and multispectral data using efficient bioluminescence tomography method, Journal of Biophotonics, 4 (11-12): 824-839, 2011 (SCI IF: 4.343)
W Shen, M Zhou, F Yang*, D Yu, D Dong, C Yang, Y Zang, J Tian*. Multi-crop Convolutional Neural Networks for Lung Nodule Malignancy Suspiciousness Classification. Pattern Recognition. Vol.61, pp. 663-673.2017. (SCI IF: 4.582)
Wang S# ,Zhou Mu #,Liu Zy,Liu Zhenyu,Gu Dongsheng, Zang Yali, Dong Di ,Olivier Gevaert,Jie Tian* .Central Focused Convolutional Neural Networks: Developing a Data-driven Model for Lung Nodule Segmentation. Medical Image Analysis.2017 June 13. DOI: 10.1016/ j.media. 2017. 06.014.(SCI IF:4.188)
Dongmei Chen, Shouping Zhu, Huangjian Yi, Xianghan Zhang, Duofang Chen, Jimin Liang* and Jie Tian*, Cone beam x-ray luminescence computed tomography: A feasibility study, Medical Physics, 40(3): 031111, MAR 2013. (SCI IF: 3.012)
1.Xia YQ, Zhang RL, Wang ZL*, Jie Tian*, Chen XY*. Recent Advances in High-Performance fluorescent and bioluminescent RNA Imaging Probes. Chemical Society Reviews. 2017 May 22;46(10):2824-2843.(SCI IF:34.09)
2.Yanqi Huang, Changhong Liang, Lan He, Jie Tian, Zaiyi Liu, Development and Validation of a Radiomics Nomogram for Preoperative Prediction of Lymph Node Metastasis in Colorectal Cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, JCO659128, 2016 (SCI IF: 24.008)
3.Du Y, Jiang Q, Beziere N,Song L,Zhang Q, Peng D,Chi C,Yang X,Guo H,Diot G, Ntziachristos V,Ding B, Jie Tian*. DNA-Nanostructure–Gold-Nanorod Hybrids for Enhanced In Vivo Optoacoustic Imaging and Photothermal Therapy. Advanced Materials.2016 Dec;28(45):10000-10007.(SCI IF:19.4)
4.Shang W, Zeng C, Du Y, Hui H, Liang X, Chi C, Wang K*, Wang Z*,Jie Tian*.Core–Shell Gold Nanorod@Metal–Organic Framework Nanoprobes for Multimodality Diagnosis of Glioma. Advanced Materials.2017 Jan;29(3).(SCI IF:19.4)
5.Hu YY, Chi Cw, Wang Sh, Wang Lx, Liang P, Liu Fy, Shang Wt, Wang Ww, Zhang Fr, Li Ss, Shen Hy, Yu Xl,* Liu Hy,* and Jie Tian*. A comparative study of clinical intervention and interventional photothermal therapy for pancreatic cancer,Advanced Materials. 2017 Sep;29 (33). (SCI IF:19.4)
6.Fang Zeng, Wei Qin, Fanrong Liang*, Jixin Liu, Yong Tang, Xuguang Liu, Kai Yuan, Shuguang Yu, Wenzhong Song, Mailan Liu, Lei Lan, Xin Gao, Yijun Liu, Jie Tian*. Abnormal Resting Brain Activity in Patients with Functional Dyspepsia is Related to Symptom Severity. Gastroenterology, 141(2):499-506, 2011. (SCI IF: 18.187)
7.Qian Zhang, Qiao Jiang, Na Li, Luru Dai, Qing Liu, Linlin Song, Jinye Wang, Yaqian Li, Jie Tian, Baoquan Ding*, and Yang Du*, DNA Origami as an In Vivo Drug Delivery Vehicle for Cancer Therapy, ACS Nano, 2014, 8 (7), pp 6633–6643. (SCI IF: 13.33)
8.Lv R,Yang P,Hu B,Xu J,Shang W, Jie Tian*.In Situ Growth Strategy to Integrate Up-Conversion Nanoparticles with Ultrasmall CuS for Photothermal Theranostics. ACS Nano. 2017 Jan 24; 11(1): 1064-1072.(SCI IF:13.33)
9.Zhenhua Hu, Yawei Qu, Kun Wang, Xiaojun Zhang, Jiali Zha, Tianming Song, Chengpeng Bao, Haixiao Liu, Zhongliang Wang, Jing Wang, Zhongyu Liu, Haifeng Liu*, Jie Tian*. In vivo nanoparticle-mediated radiopharmaceutical-excited fluorescence molecular imaging. Nature Communications. 6:7560, 2015 (SCI IF: 11. 47)
10.Chen X, Zhang C, Lin P, Huang K, Liang J, Jie Tian, Cheng J*. Volumetric Chemical Imaging by Stimulated Raman Projection Microscopy and Tomography. Nature Communications. 8:15117 (2017). April 2017. (SCI IF:11.47)
11.Zhe Wang, Fu Wang, Naoki Hida, Dale Kiesewetter, Jie Tian, Gang Niu and Xiaoyuan Chen, Design and use of a functional cyclic HSV1-TK reporter and its application to PET imaging of apoptosis, Nature Protocols, 2015 May;10 (5): 807-21. (SCI IF 10.032 )
12.Fang Zeng, Wei Qin, Tingting Ma, Jinbo Sun, Yong Tang, Kai Yuan, Ying Li, Jixin Liu, Xuguang Liu, Wenzhong Song, Lei Lan, Mailan Liu, Shuguang Yu, Xin Gao, Jie Tian* and Fanrong Liang*, Influence of Acupuncture Treatment on Cerebral Activity in Functional Dyspepsia Patients and Its Relationship With Efficacy. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 107(8): 1236-1247, 2012. (SCI IF: 10.383)
13.Guangyu Zhou, Wei Qin*, Fang Zeng, Peng Liu, Xuejuan Yang, Karen M von Deneen, Qiyong Gong, Fanrong Liang and Jie Tian*, White-Matter Microstructural Changes in Functional Dyspepsia: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study, American Journal of Gastroenterology, 108(2): 260-269, 2013.(SCI IF: 10.383)
14.Jiangdian Song#, Jingyun Shi#, Di Dong#, Mengjie Fang, Wenzhao Zhong, Kun Wang, Ning Wu, Yanqi Huang, Zhenyu Liu, Yue Cheng, Yuncui Gan, Yongzhao Zhou, Ping Zhou, Bojiang Chen, Changhong Liang, Zaiyi Liu*, Weimin Li*, Jie Tian*, A new approach to predict progression-free survival in stage IV EGFR-mutant NSCLC patients with EGFR-TKI therapy, Clinical Cancer Research, DOI:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-2507,2018.(SCI IF:9.619)
15.Zhenyu Liu, Xiao-Yan Zhang, Yan-Jie Shi,Lin Wang, Hai-Tao Zhu, Zhenchao Tang, Shuo Wang, Xiao-Ting Li,Jie Tian* and Ying-Shi Sun*,Radiomics Analysis for Evaluation of Pathological Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradio therapy in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research (2017): clincanres.1038.2017. (SCI IF: 9.619)
16.Bin Zhang#, Jie Tian#, Di Dong#, Dongsheng Gu, Yuhao Dong, Lu Zhang, Zhouyang Lian, Jing Liu, Xiaoning Luo, Shufang Pei, Xiaokai Mo, Wenhui Huang, Fusheng Ouyang, Baoliang Guo, Long Liang, Wenbo Chen, Changhong Liang, Shuixing Zhang*, Radiomics Features of Multiparametric MRI as Novel Prognostic Factors in Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Clinical Cancer Research, 23(15): 4259-4269, 2017. (SCI IF: 9.619)
17.Chenghu Qin, Jinchao Feng, Shouping Zhu, Xibo Ma, Jianghong Zhong, Ping Wu, Zhengyu Jin and Jie Tian*, Recent advances in bioluminescence tomography: methodology and system as well as application, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 8(1): 94-114, JAN 2014. (SCI IF: 9.486)
18.Fu Wang, Zhe Wang, Naoki Hida, Dale O. Kiesewetter, Ying Ma, Kai Yang, Pengfei Rong, Jimin Liang, Jie Tian*, Gang Niu*, and Xiaoyuan Chen*, A cyclic HSV1-TK reporter for real-time PET imaging of apoptosis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(PNAS), 111(14): 5165-5170, 2014 (SCI IF: 9.423)
19.Chongwei Chi, Yang Du, Jinzuo Ye, Deqiang Kou, Jingdan Qiu, Jiandong Wang, Jie Tian*, and Xiaoyuan Chen*, Intraoperative imaging-guided cancer surgery: from current fluorescence molecular imaging methods to future multi-modality imaging technology, Theranostics, 4(11): 1072-1084, 2014. (SCI IF: 8.854)
20.Kunshan He, Jian Zhou*, Fan Yang*, Chongwei Chi, Hao Li, Yamin Mao, Bengang Hui, Kun Wang Jie Tian, Jun Wang. Near-infrared Intraoperative Imaging of Thoracic Sympathetic Nerves: From Preclinical Study to Clinical Trial . Theranostics 2018; 8(2):304-313. doi: 10.7150 /thno. 22369 (SCI IF: 8.854)
21.Yuliang He, Jie Tian*, Liang Li, Hong Chen and Xin Yang. Fingerprint matching based on global comprehensive similarity. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 850-862, 2006. (SCI IF: 8.329)
22.Eryun Liu, Anil K. Jain and Jie Tian. A coarse to fine minutiae-based latent palmprint matching. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol.35, No.10, pp:2307-2322, 2013. (SCI IF: 8.329)
23.Xibo Ma, Zhen Cheng, Yushen Jin, Xiaolong Liang, Xin Yang, Zhifei Dai, Jie Tian*, SM5-1-Conjugated PLA nanoparticles loaded with 5-fluorouracil for targeted hepatocellular carcinoma imaging and therapy, Biomaterials, 35(9): 2878–2889, March 2014. (SCI IF: 8.387)
24.Ma X#, Hui H#, Jin Y, Dong D, Liang X, Yang X, Tan K, Dai Z, Cheng Z, Jie Tian*.Enhanced Immunotherapy of SM5-1 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Conjugating with Gold Nanoparticles and its In Vivo Bioluminscence Tomographic Evaluation. Biomaterials. 2016 May;87:46-56.(SCI IF:8.557)
25.Xia Y, Jie Tian, Chen X*. Effect of surface properties on liposomal siRNA delivery. Biomaterials. 2016 Feb;79:56-68.(SCI IF:8.557)
26.Jiangang Liu, Meiyun Wang, Xiaohong Shi, Lu Feng, Ling Li, Justine Marie Thacker, Jie Tian*, Dapeng Shi* and Kang Lee*, Neural Correlates of Covert Face Processing: fMRI Evidence from a Prosopagnosic Patient, Cerebral Cortex, 24(8): 2081-2092, 2014 (SCI IF: 8.285)
27.Zhan Y,Ai F, Chen F, Valdovinos HF, Orbay H, Sun H, Liang J, Barnhart TE, Jie Tian, Cai W. Intrinsically Zirconium‐89 Labeled Gd2O2S: Eu Nanoprobes for In Vivo Positron Emission Tomography and Gamma‐Ray‐Induced Radioluminescence Imaging. Small. 2016 Jun; 12(21): 2872-6. (SCI IF:8.315)
28.Hengte Ke, Xiuli Yue, Jinrui Wang, Sen Xing, Qian Zhang, Zhifei Dai*, Jie Tian*, Shumin Wang and Yushen Jin, Gold Nanoshelled Liquid Perfluorocarbon Nanocapsules for Combined Dual Modal Ultrasound/CT Imaging and Photothermal Therapy of Cancer, Small, 26;10(6): 1220-7, 2014. (SCI IF: 8.315)
29.Wang F*, Yang K, Wang Z, Ma Y, Gutkind JS, Hida N, Niu G, Jie Tian*. Combined image guided monitoring the pharmacokinetics of rapamycin loaded human serum albumin nanoparticles with a split luciferase reporter. Nanoscale. 2016 Feb 21;8(7):3991-4000.(SCI IF:7.76)
30.Peng D#, Du Y#, Shi Y, Mao D, Jia X, Li H, Zhu Y, Wang K, Jie Tian*. Precise diagnosis in different scenarios using photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging with dual-modality nanoparticles. Nanoscale. 2016 Aug 14;8(30):14480-8.(SCI IF:7.76)
31.Zeng C#, Shang W#, Liang X, Liang X, Chen Q, Chi C, Du Y, Fang C, Jie Tian*. Cancer Diagnosis and Imaging-Guided Photothermal Therapy Using a Dual-Modality Nanoparticle. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2016 Nov 2;8(43):29232-29241. (SCI IF:7.145)
32.Wang F, Zhang B, Zhou L, Shi Y, Li Z, Xia Y, Jie Tian*. Imaging dendrimer-grafted graphene oxide mediated anti-miR-21 delivery with an activatable luciferase reporter. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2016 Apr 13; 8(14):9014-21. (SCI IF:7.145)
33.Hu Z, Zhao M, Qu Y, Zhang X, Zhang M, Liu M, Guo H, Zhang Z, Wang J*, Yang W*, Jie Tian*. In vivo three-dimensional radiopharmaceutical excited fluorescence tomography.J Nucl Med. 2017 Jan;58(1):169-174. (SCI IF: 6.646)
34.Yang Du, Wenzhi Ren, Yaqian Li, Qian Zhang, Leyong Zeng, Aiguo Wu*, Jie Tian*. The PEG Coated TiO2 Nanocarriers with Enhanced Chemotherapeutic Effects of Doxorubicin in vivo: Evidence from Orthotopic Breast Tumor Bearing Mouse Model. Journal of Material Chemistry B , 3, 1518–1528, 2015. (SCI IF: 6.626)
35.Yang Du+,Xiaolong Liang+,Yuan Li+,Ting Sun,Huadan Xue,Zhengyu Jin*,Jie Tian*.Liposomal Nanohybrid Cerasomes Targeted to PD-L1 Enable Dual-Modality Imaging and Improve Antitumor Treatments.Cancer Lett.;414:230-238.2018 (SCI IF: 6.375)
36.Liang X#, Shang W#, Chi C, Zeng C, Wang K, Fang C, Chen Q, Liu H, Fan Y*, Jie Tian*.Dye-conjugated single-walled carbon nanotubes induce photothermal therapy under the guidance of near-infrared imaging. Cancer Letters. 2016 Dec 28;383(2):243-249. (SCI IF: 6.375)
37.Jin Y, Ma X, Zhang S, Meng H, Xu M, Yang X, Xu W*, Jie Tian*.A tantalum oxide-based core/shell nanoparticle for triple-modality image-guided chemo-thermal synergetic therapy of esophageal carcinoma. Cancer Letters. 397(2017): 61-71. (SCI IF: 6.375)
38.Bin Zhang,Xin He,Fusheng Ouyang,Dongsheng Gu,Yuhao Dong,Lu Zhang,Xiaokai Mo,Wenhui Huang,Jie Tian,Shuixing Zhang.Radiomic Machine-Learning Classifiers for Prognostic Biomarkers of Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Cancer Letters.DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2017.06.004. (SCI IF: 6.375)
39.Jing Xin+, Yonghua Zhan+, Muhan Liu, Hao Hu, Limin Xia, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, Jimin Liang*, Jie Tian*, ApoG2 induces ER stress-dependent apoptosis in gastric cancer cells in vitro and its real-time evaluation by bioluminescence imaging in vivo, Cancer Letters, 336(2): 260-269, AUG 19 2013. (SCI IF: 6.375)
40.Hu Z, Chi C, Liu M, Guo H, Zhang Z, Zeng C, Ye J, Wang J, Jie Tian*, Yang W*, Xu W*. Nanoparticle-mediated radiopharmaceutical-excited fluorescence molecular imaging allows precise image-guided tumor-removal surgery. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2017 Jan 20. pii: S1549-9634(17)30007-2. (SCI IF: 5.72)
41.Muhan Liu,Sheng Zheng,Xiaojun Zhang,Hongbo Guo,Xiaojing Shi,Xiaoyu Kang,Yawei Qu,Zhenhua Hu,Jie Tian*. Cerenkov luminescence imaging one valuation of early response to chemotherapy of drug-resistant gastric cancer. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 2017. DOI:10.1016/j.nano. 2017.10.001 (SCI IF:5.72)
42.Hui Zhang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Yingshi Sun, Jiangang Liu, Wu Li, Jie Tian*. A Weighted-RV Method to Detect Fine-Scale Functional Connectivity during Resting State. NeuroImage, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 2885-2898, 2011. (SCI IF: 5.463)
43.Wu Li, Jie Tian*, Enzhong Li, and Jianping Dai. Robust unsupervised segmentation of infarct lesion from diffusion tensor MR images using multiscale statistical classification and partial volume voxel reclassification. NeuroImage, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 1507-1518, 2004. (SCI IF: 5.463)
44.Xinjian Chen, Jie Tian*, and Xin Yang. A New algorithm for distorted fingerprints matching based on normalized fuzzy similarity measure. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 767-776, 2006. (SCI IF: 4.828)
45.Li, Guodong, Xinjian Chen, Fei Shi, Weifang Zhu, Jie Tian, and Dehui Xiang. Automatic liver segmentation based on shape constraints and deformable graph cut in CT images.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.Vol.24, No.12 (2015): 5315-5329. (SCI IF:4.828)
46.Chenghu Qin, Jianghong Zhong, Zhenhua Hu, Xin Yang, and Jie Tian*. Recent Advances in Cerenkov Luminescence and Tomography Imaging. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 1084-1093, 2012. (SCI IF: 4.078)
47.Jinchao Feng, Chenghu Qin, Kebin Jia, Shouping Zhu, Xin Yang and Jie Tian*, IEEE Bioluminescence tomography imaging in vivo: recent advances, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol.18, No.4, pp: 1394-1402, 2012. (SCI IF: 4.078)
48.Xiuli Li, Xinjian Chen, Jianhua Yao, Xing Zhang, Fei Yang, and Jie Tian*. Automatic renal cortex segmentation using implicit shape registration and novel multiple surfaces graph search. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 1849-1860, 2012. (SCI IF: 4.027)
49.Qingqi Hong*, Qingde Li, and Jie Tian. Implicit reconstruction of vasculatures using bivariate piecewise algebraic splines. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol.31, No.3, pp: 543-553, 2012(SCI IF: 4.027)
50.Liu H, Wang K, Peng D, Li H, Zhu Y, Zhang S, Liu M, Jie Tian*. Curve-driven-based Acoustic Inversion for Photoacoustic Tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.2016 Dec;35(12): 2546-2557.(SCI IF: 4.027)
51.Guo H, He X, Liu M, Zhang Z, Hu Z, Jie Tian*.Weight multispectral reconstruction strategy for enhanced reconstruction accuracy and stability with Cerenkov luminescence tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.2017 Feb 2. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2017.2658661 (SCI IF: 4.027)
52.An Y, Liu J, Zhang G, Jiang S, Ye J, Chi C, Jie Tian*.Compactly supported radial basis function-based meshless method for photon propagation model of fluorescence molecular tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2017 Feb; 36(2):366-373.(SCI IF: 4.027)
53.Song J, Yang C, Fan L, Wang K, Yang F, Liu S, Jie Tian*. Lung lesion extraction using a toboggan based growing automatic segmentation approach. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2016 Jan;35(1):337-53.(SCI IF: 4.027)
54.Shouping Zhu, Di Dong, Udo Jochen Birk, Matthias Rieckher, Nektarios Tavernarakis, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Jie Tian, and Jorge Ripoll*. Automated Motion Correction for in-vivo Optical Projection Tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 31, No. 7, pp.1358-1371. 2012. (SCI IF (2012): 4.027)
55.Y Gao,K Wang*,S Jiang,Y Liu,T Ai,and J Tian*. Bioluminescence tomography based on gaussian weighted laplace prior regularization for invivo morphological imaging of glioma. IEEE Transactionson Medical Imaging,PP(99),1-1.2017.(SCI IF:3.947)
56.Di Dong, Shouping Zhu, Chenghu Qin, Varsha Kumar, Jens V. Stein, Stephan Oehler, Charalambos Savakis, Jie Tian*, and Jorge Ripoll, Automated recovery of the center of rotation in optical projection tomography in the presence of scattering, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Vol.17.No.1. pp: 198-204,2013. (SCI IF: 3.451)
57.Ping Wu, Yifang Hu, Kun Wang, Jie Tian*, Bioluminescence Tomography by an Iterative Reweighted l(2)-Norm Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.61, No.1, pp. 189-196, 2014 (SCI IF: 2.278)
58.Wei Mu, Zhe Chen, Xiaoqian Dai, and Jie Tian*, Noninvasive Estimation of the Input Function for Dynamic Mouse 18F-FDG MicroPET Studies. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 60, No. 11, pp. 3103 – 3112, 2013. (SCI IF: 2.278)
59.Yu D,Yang F,Yang C,Leng C,Cao J,Wang Y,Jie Tian*. Fast Rotation-Free Feature-Based Image Registration Using Improved N-SIFT and GMM-Based Parallel Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.2016 Aug; 63(8): 1653-64. (SCI IF:2.278)
60.An, Yu, Jie Liu, Guanglei Zhang, Jinzuo Ye, Yang Du, Yamin Mao, Chongwei Chi, and Jie Tian. A novel region reconstruction method for fluorescence molecular tomography.IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering62, no. 7 (2015): 1818-1826.
61.Jian Chen, Jie Tian*, Noah Lee, Jian Zheng, R. Theodore Smith, and Andrew F. Laine. A partial intensity invariant feature descriptor for multimodal retinal image registration. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 57, No. 7, pp. 1707-1718, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.278)
62.Xing Zhang, Jie Tian*, Kexin Deng, Yongfang Wu, and Xiuli Li. Automatic Liver Segmentation Using a Statistical Shape Model with Optimal Surface Detection. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 2622-2626, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.278)
63.Dong Han, Jie Tian*, Kai Liu, Jinchao Feng, Bo Zhang, Xibo Ma, and Chenghu Qin. Sparsity-promoting tomographic fluorescence imaging with simplified spherical harmonics approximation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 2564-2567, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.278)
64.Junting Liu, Duofang Chen, Xiangsi Li, Xiaopeng Ma, Haichao Chen, Weiwei Fan, Fu Wang, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Feng Cao, and Jie Tian*. In vivo quantitative reconstruction studies of bioluminescence tomography: effects of peak wavelength shift and model deviation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 2579-2582, 2010. (SCI IF: 2.278)
65.Dehui Xiang, Jie Tian*, Fei Yang, Qi Yang, Xiang Zhang, Qingde Li, and Xin Liu. Skeleton Cuts - An Efficient Segmentation Method for Volume Rendering, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 17, No. 9, pp. 1295-1306, 2011. (SCI IF: 2.215)
66.Fei Yang, Qingde Li, Dehui Xiang, Yong Cao and Jie Tian*. A Versatile Optical Model for Hybrid Rendering of Volume Data, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 925-937, 2012. (SCI IF: 1.898)
67.Xinjian Chen, Jie Tian* and Xin Yang, An algorithm for distorted fingerprint matching based on local triangle features set, IEEE Transactions on Information, Forensics and Security, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 169 -177, 2006. (SCI IF: 2.338)
68.Ning Zhang, Yali Zang, Xin Yang, Xiaofei Jia, Jie Tian*. Adaptive Orientation Model Fitting for Latent Overlapped Fingerprints Separation, IEEE Transactions on Information, Forensics and Security, Vol. 9, No.10, pp. 1547 -1556, 2014. (SCI IF: 2.036)
69.Jie Tian*, Jian Xue, Yakang Dai, Jian Chen, Jian Zheng. A novel software platform for medical image processing and analyzing. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 800-812, 2008. (SCI IF: 1.939)
70.Yakang Dai,Jie Tian*, Di Dong, Guorui Yan, and Hairong Zheng. Real-time visualized freehand 3D ultrasound reconstruction based on GPU. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 1338-1345, 2010. (SCI IF: 1.707)
71.Guorui Yan, Jie Tian*, Shouping Zhu, Chenghu Qin, Yakang Dai, Fei Yang, Di Dong, and Ping Wu. Fast katsevich algorithm based on GPU for helical cone-beam computed tomography. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 1053-1061, 2010. (SCI IF: 1.707)
72.Jian Zheng, Jie Tian*, Kexin Deng, Xiaoqian Dai, and Min Xu. Salient Feature Region: a New Method for Retinal Image Registration. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 221-232, 2011. (SCI IF: 1.676)
73.Jie Tian*, Jing Bai, Xiu-Ping Yan, Shanglian Bao, Yinghui Li, Wei Liang, and Xin Yang. Multimodality molecular imaging. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 48-57, 2008. (SCI IF: 1.466)
74.Xiaoguang He, Jie Tian*, Liang Li, Yuliang He and Xin Yang. Modeling and analysis of local comprehensive minutia relation for fingerprint matching. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part B: Cybernetics, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 1204-1211, 2007. (SCI IF: 1.353)
75.Changhong Chen, Jimin Liang, Heng Zhao, Haihong Hu, and Jie Tian*, Factorial HMM and parallel HMM for gait recognition, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part C: Applications and Reviews, Vol.39, No.1 , pp: 114-123, 2009. (SCI IF:1.526)
76.Hongtao Chen, Liaojun Pang,Jimin Liang, Eryun Liu, and Jie Tian*, Fingerprint Singular Point Detection Based on Multiple-Scale Orientation Entropy. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.18, No.11, pp: 679-682, 2011.(SCI IF:1.388)
77.Yujie Lv, Jie Tian*, Wenxiang Cong, Ge Wang*, Jie Luo, Wei Yang, and Hui Li. A Multilevel adaptive finite element algorithm for bioluminescence tomography. Optics Express, Vol. 14, No. 18, pp. 8211-8223, 2006. (SCI IF: 3.749)
78.Xiaowei He, Jimin Liang, Xiaorui Wang, Jingjing Yu, Xiaochao Qu, Xiaodong Wang, Yanbin Hou, Duofang Chen, Fang Liu, and Jie Tian*. Sparse reconstruction for quantitative bioluminescence tomography based on the incomplete variables truncated conjugate gradient method. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 24, pp. 24825-24841, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
79.Zhenhua Hu, Jimin Liang, Weidong Yang, Weiwei Fan, Congye Li, Xiaowei Ma, Xueli Chen, Xiaopeng Ma, Xiangsi Li, Xiaochao Qu, Jing Wang*, Feng Cao*, and Jie Tian*. Experimental Cerenkov luminescence tomography of the mouse model with SPECT imaging validation. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 24, pp. 24441-24450, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
80.Kai Liu, Yujie Lu,Jie Tian*, Chenghu Qin, Xin Yang, Shouping Zhu, Xiang Yang, Quansheng Gao, and Dong Han. Evaluation of the simplified spherical harmonics approximation in bioluminescence tomography through heterogeneous mouse models. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 20, pp. 20988-21002, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
81.Bo Zhang, Xiang Yang, Fei Yang, Xin Yang, Chenghu Qin, Dong Han, Xibo Ma, Kai Liu, and Jie Tian*. The CUBLAS and CULA based GPU acceleration of adaptive finite element framework for bioluminescence tomography.Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 19, pp. 20201-20214, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
82.Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao*, Duofang Chen, Xiaopeng Ma, Xiaohui Zhao, Man Shen, Xiangsi Li, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Jorge Ripoll, Jie Tian*. 3D reconstruction of light flux distribution on arbitrary surfaces from 2D multi-photographic images. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 19, pp. 19876-19893, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
83.Junting Liu, Yabin Wang, Xiaochao Qu, Xiangsi Li, Xiaopeng Ma, Runqiang Han, Zhenhua Hu, Xueli Chen, Dongdong Sun, Rongqing Zhang, Duofang Chen, Dan Chen, Xiaoyuan Chen, Jimin Liang*, Feng Cao*, and Jie Tian*. In vivo quantitative bioluminescence tomography using heterogeneous and homogeneous mouse models. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 13102-13113, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
84.Dong Han, Jie Tian*, Shouping Zhu, Jinchao Feng, Chenghu Qin, Bo Zhang, and Xin Yang. A fast reconstruction algorithm for fluorescence molecular tomography with sparsity regularization. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 8630-8646, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
85.Nunu Ren, Jimin Liang, Xiaochao Qu, Jianfeng Li, Bingjia Lu, and Jie Tian*. GPU-based Monte Carlo simulation for light propagation in complex heterogeneous tissues. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 6811-6823, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
86.Bo Zhang, Xin Yang, Chenghu Qin, Dan Liu, Shouping Zhu, Jinchao Feng, Li Sun, Kai Liu, Dong Han, Xibo Ma, Xing Zhang, Jianghong Zhong, Xiuli Li, Xiang Yang, and Jie Tian*. A trust region method in adaptive finite element framework for bioluminescence tomography. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 6477-6491, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
87.Kai Liu, Jie Tian*, Xin Yang, Yujie Lu, Chenghu Qin, Shouping Zhu, Xing Zhang. A fast bioluminescent source localization method based on generalized graph cuts with mouse model validations. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 3732-3745, 2010. (SCI IF: 3.749)
88.Chenghu Qin+, Xin Yang+, Jinchao Feng, Kai Liu, Junting Liu, Guorui Yan, Shouping Zhu, Min Xu and Jie Tian*. Adaptive improved element free galerkin method for quasi- or multi-spectral bioluminescence tomography. Optics Express, Vol. 17, No. 24, pp. 21925-21934, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.749)
89.Jinchao Feng, Kebin Jia*, Chenghu Qin, Guorui Yan, Shouping Zhu, Xing Zhang, Junting Liu and Jie Tian*. Three-dimensional Bioluminescence Tomography based on Bayesian Approach. Optics Express, Vol. 17, No. 19, pp. 16834–16848, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.749)
Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao*, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Lin Wang, Da'an Yang, Anikitos Garofalakis, Jorge Ripoll, andJie Tian*. A study of photon propagation in free-space based on hybrid radiosity-radiance theorem. Optics Express, Vol. 17, No. 18, pp. 16266-16280, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.749)
91.Runqiang Han, Jimin Liang, Xiaochao Qu, Yanbin Hou, Nunu Ren, Jingjing Mao, and Jie Tian*. A source reconstruction algorithm based on adaptive hp-FEM for bioluminescence tomography. Optics Express, Vol. 17, No. 17, pp. 14481-14494, 2009. (SCI IF: 3.749).
92.Chenghu Qin, Jie Tian*, Xin Yang, Kai Liu, Guorui Yan, Jinchao Feng, Yujie Lv, Min Xu. Galerkin-based meshless methods for photon transport in the biological tissue. Optics Express, Vol. 16, No. 25, pp. 20317-20333, 2008. (SCI IF: 3.749).
93.Jinchao Feng, kebin Jia*, Guorui Yan, Shouping Zhu, Chenghu Qin, Yujie Lv and Jie Tian*. An optimal permissible source region strategy for multispectral bioluminescence tomography. Optics Express, Vol. 16, No. 20, pp. 15640-15654, 2008. (SCI IF: 3.749)
94.Hongbo Guo,Zhenhua Hu,Xiaowei He,Xiaojun Zhang,Muhan Liu,Zeyu Zhang,Xiaojing Shi,Sheng Zheng,Jie Tian*. Non-convex sparse regularization approach framework for high multiple-source resolutionin Cerenkov luminescence tomography. Optics Express, 2017, 25(23): 28068-28085.(SCI IF:3.497)
95.Chenghu Qin, Shouping Zhu, Jinchao Feng, Jianghong Zhong, Xibo Ma, Ping Wu and Jie Tian*, Comparison of permissible source region and multispectral data using efficient bioluminescence tomography method, Journal of Biophotonics, 4 (11-12): 824-839, 2011 (SCI IF: 4.343)
96.W Shen, M Zhou, F Yang*, D Yu, D Dong, C Yang, Y Zang, J Tian*. Multi-crop Convolutional Neural Networks for Lung Nodule Malignancy Suspiciousness Classification. Pattern Recognition. Vol.61, pp. 663-673.2017. (SCI IF: 4.582)
97.Wang S# ,Zhou Mu #,Liu Zy,Liu Zhenyu,Gu Dongsheng, Zang Yali, Dong Di ,Olivier Gevaert,Jie Tian* .Central Focused Convolutional Neural Networks: Developing a Data-driven Model for Lung Nodule Segmentation. Medical Image Analysis.2017 June 13. DOI: 10.1016/ j.media. 2017. 06.014.(SCI IF:4.188)
98.Dongmei Chen, Shouping Zhu, Huangjian Yi, Xianghan Zhang, Duofang Chen, Jimin Liang* and Jie Tian*, Cone beam x-ray luminescence computed tomography: A feasibility study, Medical Physics, 40(3): 031111, MAR 2013. (SCI IF: 3.012)
《Molecular Imaging:Fundamentals and Applications》(Jie Tian Editor)Springer出版社 浙江大學出版社,2012年(付費下載已達53618次)
《Multi-Modality Neuroimaging Study on Neurobiological Mechanisms of Acupuncture》(Jie Tian Editor)Springer出版社,2018年(付費下載已達1002次)
《Molecular Imaging:Fundamentals and Applications》(Jie Tian Editor)Springer出版社 浙江大學出版社,2012年(付費下載已達53618次)
《Multi-Modality Neuroimaging Study on Neurobiological Mechanisms of Acupuncture》(Jie Tian Editor)Springer出版社,2018年(付費下載已達1002次)
● ● Associate Editor of IEEE Transction on Biomedical Engeering (2012年起)
● ● Associate Editor of IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics(J-BHI)(2013年1月起)(註:2013年1月由TITB更名至J-BHI)
● ● Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions of Medical Imaging (2015年5月~2017年5月)
● ● Editor of Photoacoustics(2015年起)
● ● Editor of European Radiology(2018年起)
● ● Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine(TITB)(2011年1月~2012年12月)
● ● Editor of Journal of X-ray Science and Technology (2004年起)
● ● Associate Editor of International Journal of Biomedical Imaging (2005年起)
● ● Editor of Frontiers of Computer Science in China(2008年起)
● ● 《中國科學》F輯:信息科學編委(2008年~2022年)
● ● 《自動化學報》副主編(2011年~2016年)
● ● 《計算機學報》編輯委員會委員(2010年~2016年)
● ● 《軟體學報》雜誌編委(2003年~2018年)
● ● 《中華放射學雜誌》編輯委員會委員(第十屆)(2014年10月起)
● ● 《中華核醫學與分子影像雜誌》第八屆編輯委員會 副總編輯(2011年起)
● ● 《中國臨床醫學影像雜誌》第五屆編委會 副主編(2015年起)
● ● Associate Editor of IEEE Transction on Biomedical Engeering (2012年起)
● ● Associate Editor of IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics(J-BHI)(2013年1月起)(註:2013年1月由TITB更名至J-BHI)
● ● Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions of Medical Imaging (2015年5月~2017年5月)
● ● Editor of Photoacoustics(2015年起)
● ● Editor of European Radiology(2018年起)
● ● Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine(TITB)(2011年1月~2012年12月)
● ● Editor of Journal of X-ray Science and Technology (2004年起)
● ● Associate Editor of International Journal of Biomedical Imaging (2005年起)
● ● Editor of Frontiers of Computer Science in China(2008年起)
● ● 《中國科學》F輯:信息科學編委(2008年~2022年)
● ● 《自動化學報》副主編(2011年~2016年)
● ● 《計算機學報》編輯委員會委員(2010年~2016年)
● ● 《軟體學報》雜誌編委(2003年~2018年)
● ● 《中華放射學雜誌》編輯委員會委員(第十屆)(2014年10月起)
● ● 《中華核醫學與分子影像雜誌》第八屆編輯委員會 副總編輯(2011年起)
● ● 《中國臨床醫學影像雜誌》第五屆編委會 副主編(2015年起)
● ● Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (2010年)
● ● Fellow of the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering (IAMBE) (2012年)
● ● Fellow of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) (2013年)
● ● Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) (2014年)
● ● Fellow of International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) (2014年)
● ● Fellow of Optical Society of American (OSA) (2016年)
● ● Fellow of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) (2018年)
● ● IEEE EMBS Administrative Committee (AdCom) Asia Pacific Representative (2015年1月1日~2017年12月31日)
● ● Member of IEEE CS Fellows Evaluation Committee(2010年,2011年)
● ● Member of IEEE EMB Fellows Evaluation Committee(2017年,2018年)
● ● Members of the IEEE Administrative Committee of the Biometrics Council(2007年~2015年)
● ● 中國體視學會副理事長(2017年~2020年)
● ● 中國自動識別技術協會副理事長(2007~2017年)
● ● 中國自動化學會模式識別與機器智能專業委員會主任(2000年~2013年)
● ● 中國系統模擬學會理事兼虛擬醫療專委會首任主任委員(2015年起)
● ● 中國生物物理學會分子影像專業委員會首任主任委員(2009年~2017年)
● ● 中國醫師協會臨床精準醫療專業委員會首屆副主任委員(2016年起)
● ● Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (2010年)
● ● Fellow of the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering (IAMBE) (2012年)
● ● Fellow of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) (2013年)
● ● Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) (2014年)
● ● Fellow of International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) (2014年)
● ● Fellow of Optical Society of American (OSA) (2016年)
● ● Fellow of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) (2018年)
● ● IEEE EMBS Administrative Committee (AdCom) Asia Pacific Representative (2015年1月1日~2017年12月31日)
● ● Member of IEEE CS Fellows Evaluation Committee(2010年,2011年)
● ● Member of IEEE EMB Fellows Evaluation Committee(2017年,2018年)
● ● Members of the IEEE Administrative Committee of the Biometrics Council(2007年~2015年)
● ● 中國體視學會副理事長(2017年~2020年)
● ● 中國自動識別技術協會副理事長(2007~2017年)
● ● 中國自動化學會模式識別與機器智能專業委員會主任(2000年~2013年)
● ● 中國系統模擬學會理事兼虛擬醫療專委會首任主任委員(2015年起)
● ● 中國生物物理學會分子影像專業委員會首任主任委員(2009年~2017年)
● ● 中國醫師協會臨床精準醫療專業委員會首屆副主任委員(2016年起)
● ● 中國生物物理學會分子影像學專業委員會主任(首屆)(2009-2017)
● ● 國家自然科學基金委信息學部第六、第七屆,生命科學部第十二屆,醫學科學部第十三屆學科評議專家組成員
● ● 國家自然科學基金委信息科學部第五屆、第七屆專家諮詢委員會委員
● ● 中國科學院大學、中國科學技術大學、西安電子科技大學、東北大學等院校和301醫院等多家臨床醫院特聘或兼職教授
時間 | 獎項全稱 | 具體獎項 | 獲獎作品 | 頒獎機構 |
2018 | 國際醫用磁共振學會會士 | |||
2017 | 2017年度全國創新爭先獎狀 | |||
2016 | 美國光學學會會士 | |||
2015 | 第43屆日內瓦國際發明博覽會金獎 | 金獎 | ||
2014 | 第八屆國際發明展覽會金獎 | 金獎 | ||
2014 | 美國醫學與生物工程院會士 | |||
2014 | 國際模式識別學會會士 | |||
2013 | 國際光學工程學會會士 | |||
2013 | 中國產學研合作創新成果獎 | |||
2012 | 國家技術發明二等獎 | 二等獎 | “基於大形變和低質量的指紋加密方法與應用” | |
2012 | 何梁何利基金科學與技術進步獎 | |||
2012 | 國際醫學與生物工程院會士 | |||
2010 | 國家技術發明二等獎 | 二等獎 | “小動物多模態光學分子影像成像方法與系統” | |
2010 | 全國優秀科技工作者 | |||
2010 | 國際電氣電子工程學會會士 | |||
2009 | 第十一屆中國專利優秀獎 | “基於點重建的超大規模醫學影像三維可視化方法” | ||
2009 | 全國發明展覽會金獎 | “多模態熒光分子影像系統” | ||
2008 | 第十屆(中國專利優秀獎 | “基於知識的指紋圖像增強方法” | ||
2007 | 中科院“百人計劃”入選者 | |||
2006 | “長江學者”獎勵計劃特聘教授 | 教育部 | ||
2005 | 國家信息產業部信息產業重大技術發明榮譽 | “Fingerpass嵌入式指紋識別系統” | ||
2004 | 國家科技進步獎二等獎 | 二等獎 | “基於混合匹配的指紋識別系統與應用” | |
2003 | 國家科技進步二等獎 | 二等獎 | “大規模斷層數據的分割和三維重建及其應用” | |
2002 | 國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者 |