共找到2條詞條名為宋桂明的結果 展開






1986年--1990年, 湘潭大學機械工程系, 本科 1993年--1996年, 哈爾濱工業大學材料學院, 碩士
1996年--1999年, 哈爾濱工業大學材料學院, 博士


2000年--2001年, 哈爾濱工業大學材料學院材料科學系
2000年--2001年, 中國地震局工程力學研究所土木工程博士后流動站
2001年--2002年, 韓國科學技術院材料系材料界面實驗室
2002年--2011, 荷蘭金屬研究所及代爾夫特工業大學
2011年-目前,荷蘭 Xycarb Ceramics, Schunk Group



1. Song GM, Li WJ, Zhou Y, Synthesis and electrochemical performance of Mg doped LiMn2O4 spinels by rotary heating. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2004, 87: 162-167
2. Song GM, Wang YJ, Zhou Y, Synthesis and electrochemical performance of LiCrxMn2-xO4 spinels by mechanical alloying and rotary heating. Journal of Power Sources, 2004, 128 (2): 270-277
3. Song GM, Wang YJ, Zhou Y, Synthesis of Al-doped LiMn2O4 spinels by mechanical alloying and rotary heating. Journal of Materials Science, 2004, 39: 357-360.
4. Song GM, Xu ZM, Wang YJ, Zhou Y, Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of LiMn2-xAlxO4 powders prepared by mechanical alloying and rotary heating, Electrochemistry Communication, 2003, 5 (11): 907-912
5. Song G M, Wang YJ, Zhou Y, Carbide Effect on the ablation property of carbide particle-reinforced tungsten composites, Materials Characterization, 2003, 50 (4-5): 293-303
6. Song G. M., Zhou Y, Kang S J L. Thermomechanical properties of short carbon fiber reinforced TiC composites, Materials and Design, 2003, 24 (8): 639-646
7. Song G M, Wang YJ, Zhou Y, Thermal-mechanical properties of TiC particle-reinforced tungsten composites for high temperature applications, International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 2003, 21(1): 1-12.
8. Li Q, Song GM, Zhang YZ, Lei TC, Chen WZ, Microstructure and dry sliding wear behavior of laser clad Ni-based alloy coating with the addition of SiC, Wear, 2003, 254 (3-4): 222-229
9. Wang YJ, Zhou Y, Song GM, Lei TQ. High temperature tensile properties of 30 vol. pct ZrCp/W composite, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2003, 19 (2): 167-170
10. Zhou Y, Wang YJ, Song GM, Lei TQ, Huang ZH, Thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of ZrCp/W composites, Journal of Advanced Materials, 2003, 35 (2): 41-45
11.Song G. M, Zhou Y. Kang S J L, Yoon D Y, The effect of carbon fibers on the thermophysical properties of TiC composites, Journal of Materials Science Letters, 2002, 21: 1733-1736
12. Song G. M., Wang YJ., Zhou Y., High temperature erosion of titanium carbide particle-reinforced tungsten composites, High temperatures-High Pressures, 2002, 34: 339-348
13. Song G. M., Wu Y., Li Q., Elevated temperature strength and thermal shock behavior of hot-pressed carbon fiber reinforced TiC composites. Journal of the European Ceramics Society, 2002, 22(4): 559-566
14. Song G. M. Li, Q, Wen, G. W, Zhou Y., Mechanical Properties of Short Carbon Fiber-Reinforced TiC Composites Produced by Hot Pressing, Materials Science and Engineering, A, 2001, 2002, 326: 238-246
15. Song G. M.. Wang YJ, Zhou Y., Mechanical and thermophysical properties of ZrC/W composites. Materials Science and Engineering, A 2002, 334: 223-232
16. Song, G. M., Zhou Y. Wang YJ. Microstructure and elevated temperature mechanical properties of TiC particle-reinforced tungsten composites, Journal of materials Science, 2002, 37, 3541-3548
17. Wang YJ. Zhou Y., Song G. M., Lei T. C., Microstructure and Properties of TiC/W composites, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2001, 17(1): 31-32
18. Wang YJ, Song G. M., Meng Q. C., Zhou Y., Elevated temperature strength and fracture behavior of ZrC particle reinforced tungsten composites, Transaction of Nonferrous Metal of Society of China, 2001, 11 (6): 868-872
19. Song G. M., Wang YJ., Zhou Y., Elevated temperature ablation resistance and thermophysical properties of tungsten matrix composites reinforced with ZrC particles. Journal of Materials Science, 2001, 36(19): 4625-4631
20. Song G. M., Guo Y. K., Zhou Y. Preparation and mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced-TiC matrix composites, Journal of Materials Science Letters, 2001, 20, 2157-2160
21. Wu Y., Yang D Z., Song G M, The formation mechanism of the O phase in a Ti3Al-Nb alloy, Intermetalics, 2000, 8(5-6) 629-632
22. Song G. M., Wang YJ., Zhou Y., Lei T. C., Elevated temperature mechanical and thermophysical properties titanium carbide particle-reinforced tungsten composites, High Temperatures-High Pressures, 1999, 31(3), 331-336 ,
23. Song G. M., Zhou Y., Sun Y., Modeling of fiber toughening in fiber-reinforced ceramic composites, Ceramics International, 1999, 25(3), 257-260,
24. Song G. M., Zhou Y., Wang YJ., Lei T. C., Elevated temperature strength of a 20vol%ZrCp/W composite, Journal of Materials Science Letters, 1998, 17(20), 1739-1741,
25. Song G. M., Zhou Y., Sun Y., Lei T. C., Computer simulation of crack propagation in whisker-reinforced ceramic composites, Ceramics International, 1998, 24(6), 455-460,
26. Song G. M., Zhou Y., Sun Y., Lei T. C., Modeling of combined reinforcement of ceramic composites by whisker and transformation toughening, Ceramics International, 1998, 24(7), 521-525,
27. Wu Y. Song G. M. Zhou S. X. Narita T, Oxidation behavior of the single crystal TMS-82+ superalloy in air. Transcation of Nonferrous Metals of Society of China. 17(2007), Special Issue: Part A. S136-140.
28 G. M. Song, W. G. Sloof, T. Vystavel, J. Th M De Hosson, Interface microstructure and delamination behavior of zinc coatings on TRIP steel, Materials Science Forum. 539-543 (2007) 1104-1109.
29. Y. T. Pei, G. M. Song, W. G. Sloof, J. Th M De Hosson, A methodology to determine anisotropy effects in non-cubic coatings, Surface Coating and Technology. 201 (2007) 6911-6916.
30. T. Q. Zhang, Y. J. Wang, Y. Zhou. T. C. Lei, G. M. Song, Elevated temperature compressive failure behavior of a 30 vol.%ZrCp/W composite, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 25 (2007) 445-450,
31. G. M. Song, S. van der Zwaag, Self-healing of Ti3AlC2 ceramic, Leonardo Times. 2007. November-December. Highlight paper. 23-24.
32. T. Q. Zhang, Y. J. Wang, Y. Zhou. T. C. Lei, G. M. Song. Compressive deformation behavior of a 30vol.%ZrCp/W composite at temperatures of 1300-1600°C, Materials Science and Engineering A, 474 (2008) 382-389.
33. G. M. Song, Y. T. Pei, W. G. Sloof, S. B. Li, J. Th M De Hosson, S. van der Zwaag, Oxidation-induced crack healing of Ti3AlC2 ceramic, Scripta Materialia. 58(2008)13-16.
34. G. M. Song, Y. T. Pei, W. G. Sloof, J. Th. M. De. Hosson, S. van der Zwaag, Oxidation early stages of Ti3AlC2 ceramics. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 91 (2008).
35. G. M. Song, W. G. Sloof, S. B. Li, and S. van der Zwaag, Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Electroconductive High Temperature ZrC Particle-Reinforced
Ti3AlC2 Composites, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 5, 1725-1729 (2008)
36. Wang Y.J. Zhang TQ, Zhou Y, Lei TQ, Song G.M. Elevated Temperature Compressive Strength and Deformation Behavior of a ZrCP Reinforced
Tungsten-Matrix Composite, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 5, 1730-1734 (2008)
1. Song G M , Sloof W G, Pei Y. T., Th M De Hosson Jeff, Interface cracking behavior of zinc coatings on steels: experiments and finite element simulation. The International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, ICMCTF 2006, May 1-5, 2006 , Town and Country Hotel, San Diego , California , Oral presentation.
2. Song G M , Sloof W G, Vystavel T, Th M De Hosson Jeff, Interface microstructure and delamination behavior of zinc coatings on TRIP steel, International Conference on processing & manufacturing of advanced materials: Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications, July 4-8, 2006 , Vancouver , Canada , Oral presentation.
3. Song G. M. , Sloof W. G., Pei Y. T., Th. M. de Hosson J., Adhesion of zinc coating on high strength steel: Finite element simulation, Building bridges in Metallurgy, NIMR Conference, December 12-13th, 2005 , Leeuwenhorst, Noordwijkerhout, p7.20.
4. Song G. M. , Sloof W. G., Vystavel T., Th. M. de Hosson J., Influence of oxides on the adhesion of Zn coatings on high strength steels, Building bridges in Metallurgy, NIMR Conference, December 20-21th, 2004, Leeuwenhorst, Noordwijkerhout, p7.15.
5. Song G M , Sloof WG, Vystavel T. Th M De Hosson J, Adhesive strength of Zn coatings on high strength steels. NIMR Congress, Building bridges in metallurgy, Dec. 8-9th, 2003 , Leiden , the Netherlands , poster 7.4
6. Vystavel T. Th M De Hosson J, Song G M , Sloof WG, Microscopy analysis of zinc coatings on high strength steels. NIMR Congress, Building bridges in metallurgy, Dec. 8-9th, 2003 , Leiden , the Netherlands , poster 7.5
7. Song G. M . Zhou Y., Strengthening and toughening of TiC ceramics by short carbon fibers, in Mechanics and Materials Engineering for Science and Experiments, ed. Yichun Zhou, Yuanxian Gu, Zheng Li, Proceedings of International Symposium of Youth Scholars on Mechanics and Materials Engineering for Science and Experiments, Changsha, China, August 11-16. Science Press New York Ltd, 2001, 90-93
8. Song G M , Zhou Y, Wang YJ, Lei T C, Ablation of tungsten composites reinforced by carbides particles, International Conference on Engineering and Technological Sciences 2000, Advanced Materials v1, New World Press, Beijing, p379-384
9. Zhou Y, Song G M , Sun Y, Wang YJ, Thermal shock behavior and its numerical simulation of tungsten composites reinforced by carbide particles, International Conference on Engineering and Technological Sciences 2000, Advanced Materials v1, New World Press, Beijing, p235-242
10. Song G. M. , Zhou Y., Wang YJ., Tei T. C, Mechanical properties and fracture behavior of TiCp/W composite, The 5th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials. Beijing , China , 1999, June.
11. Zhou Y., Song G. M. , Wang YJ., Microstructure and Properties TiCp/W composite, International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics, 1998, 10.31-11.3. Beijing , 1999, Tsinghua University Press, p, 423-427.
12. Guiming Song , Yu Zhou, Yi Sun, Dechang Jia. Computer simulation of toughening incerments due to crack deflection and crack bridging in whisker-reinforced ceramics. in: The international conference on modeling and simulation in metallurgical engineering and materials science, MSMM'96, Bei jing, June, 1996, June, 20-24, p779-783
13. G. M. Song. W. G. Sloof, S.B. Li, S. S. van der Zwaag. Crack healing of advanced machinable Ti3AlC2 ceramics. The First International Conference on Sealing Healing Materials, April 18-20th, 2007, Noordwijk aan Zee, the Netherlands, Springer Press 2007, No12: 1-9. Oral presentation.
14. Y. Wu, G. M. Song, S. X. Zhou, T. Narita, Oxidation behavior of the single crystal TMS-82+ superalloy in air. Transcation of Nonferrous Metals of Society of China. 17(2007), Special Issue: Part A. S136-140.
15. G. M. Song, W. G. Sloof, S. B. Li, S. van der Zwaag. Fabrication and mechanical properties of electroconductive ZrC particles-reinforced Ti3AlC2 ceramics, 5th International conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation, Oct 23-27th, 2007, Zhengzhou, China. Paper M83: 1-6, will be published by Materials Science Forum. Oral presentation.
16. G. M. Song, Q. Xu, W. G. Sloof, S. B. Li, S. van der Zwaag, Toughening of ZrC particle-reinforced Ti3AlC2 composite. 32nd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites. Jan 27 to Feb. 1. 2008. Dytona Beach, Florida, USA. Paper: ICACC-S1-042-2008. Will be published in the Proceedings of American Ceramics Society 2008. Oral presentation.


1. 張太全 , 王玉金 , 宋桂明 , 鎢及鎢合金的變形、斷裂及強化機制研究綜述 , 有色金屬, 2004, 56(1): 7-12
2. 周玉 , 王玉金 , 宋桂明 , TiCp / W 及 ZrCp / W 複合材料的組織結構與性能 , 材料導報 , 2004, 18(8) : 97-101
3. 呂德生 , 宋桂明 , 周玉 , 賈德昌,段小明,航天飛行器防熱部件燒蝕行為的數值模擬,固體火箭技術, 2002 , 25 (2): 67-70
4. 宋桂明,王玉金,周玉, ZrC 顆粒含量對鎢基複合材料力學性能的影響 , 有色金屬, 2001 , 53(1) : 47-51
5. 宋桂明,武英碳纖維增強 TiC 複合材料的熱震性能,材料工程, 2001, 12: 16-19
6. 宋桂明,武英,碳纖維增強 TiC 複合材料的製備與高溫強度,材料工程, 2001 , 2001 , 9 : 3-6 , 17
7. 宋桂明,周文元,周玉,鋰離子正極材料 LiMn2O4 製備新工藝,無機材料學報, 2001, 16(3): 486-490
8. 宋桂明,王玉金,郭英奎,周玉,周文元,鋰離子正極材料 LiCo0.5Ni0.5O2 製備及其電化學性能,稀有金屬材料與工程, 2001, 30(4): 299-302
9. 宋桂明,周玉,白后善,納米陶瓷粉體的製備技術及產業化,礦冶, 2001 , 10(2) : 55-60, 35
10. 王玉金,周玉,宋桂明,雷廷權ZrCp/W 複合材料的高溫拉伸行為,材料科學與工藝, 2001,9(sup.): 268-270
11. 王文,周玉,葉楓,賈德昌,宋桂明,雷廷權, SrBi2Ta2O9 鐵電薄膜的結構與性能研究進展。材料工程, 2001 , 8 : 44-47
12. 王玉金,宋桂明,周玉,雷廷權, ZrCp/W 複合材料的熱物理性能,粉末冶金技術 ,2002, 20(5) , 263-266
13. 柯華,周玉 , 寧聰琴,宋桂明 , HA 生物材料的進展 , 有色金屬, 2001 , 53(4) : 8-14
14. 宋桂明 , 武英,白后善,王玉金 , 周玉 , 雷廷權 , TiCp/W 複合材料的燒蝕性能研究 , 中國有色金屬學報 , 2000, 10(2): 313-317
15. 宋桂明 , 白后善,周玉 , 王玉金 , ZrCp/W 複合材料高溫斷裂行為 , 稀有金屬材料與工程 , 2000, 29(2): 101-104
16. 宋桂明 , 王玉金 , 周玉 , 雷廷權 , 鎢基複合材料燒蝕真溫測量 , 礦冶 , 2000, 9(3): 76-79,83
17. 白后善,宋桂明,楊躍平新產品開發的論證方法,礦冶, 2000 , 9(2) : 98-102
18. 宋桂明,白厚善,楊躍平, ZnO 壓敏複合瓷粉的製備,有色金屬, 2000 , 52(4): 88-92
19. 王玉金,周玉,宋桂明,雷廷權,呂德生, 20Wf/30ZrCp/W 複合材料的組織結構與力學性能,中國有色金屬學報, 2001, 11(3): 472-476
20. 宋桂明,周玉,雷廷權,王玉金,郭英奎, ZrCp/W 複合材料的組織結構與高溫力學性能,中國有色金屬學報, 1999, 9(1): 49-54
21. 宋桂明,周玉 , 王玉金,雷廷權 , 30vol%TiCp/W 複合材料的製備與性能,稀有金屬材料與工程 , 1999, 28(3), 171-175,
22. 宋桂明 , 周玉 , 雷廷權 , 孫毅 , 王玉金 . 金屬基複合材料理論模型研究進展 . 材料導報 . 1998, 12(6): 58-60,64
23. 宋桂明,周玉,復相陶瓷設計進展,宇航材料工藝, 1999 , 29(1): 12-16
24. 周玉 , 宋桂明,雷廷權 , 王玉金 . TiCp/W 複合材料的斷裂行為 . 中國有色金屬學報 , 1999, 9(sp): 158-165
25. 宋桂明 , 周玉 , 林廣涌 , 賈德昌 , 雷廷權 , SiCw/ZrO2(6mol%Y2O3) 陶瓷中晶須增韌的數值模型 , 無機材料學報 , 1998, 13(5), 691-697, 已被 SCI 收錄 No: 07179990
26. 宋桂明,周玉,孫毅,雷廷權,晶須增韌陶瓷中裂紋擴展行為分析模型,材料研究學報, 1998 , 12(1): 31-36
27. 宋桂明 , 周玉 , 雷廷權 , 王玉金 , 固體火箭發動機喉襯材料 , 固體火箭技術 , 1998, 21(2): 54-59,
28. 王玉金,宋桂明,周玉,雷廷權 . 合金元素及第二相對鎢的影響 ( 上 ). 宇航材料工藝 . 1998, 28(5): 11-18
29. 王玉金,宋桂明,周玉,雷廷權 . 合金元素及第二相對鎢的影響 ( 下 ). 宇航材料工藝 . 1998, 28(6): 13-15
30. 宋桂明 , 周玉 , 雷廷權 , 複合材料設計的回顧與展望 , 固體火箭技術 , 1997, 20(4): 53-60,
31. 宋桂明 , 周玉 , 孫毅 , 雷廷權 . 晶須增強陶瓷中晶須參數對晶須增韌效果的研究 . 材料科學與工藝 . 1997, 5(1): 121-124
32. 宋桂明 , 周玉 , 王玉金 , 雷廷權 . 鎢與鎢合金研究 . 航天工藝 . 1997, 6: 43-47
國內會議 :
1. 宋桂明,周玉,鋰離子正極材料製備新工藝與電化學性能, 2000 年中國博士後學術大會論文集 , 材料與能源分冊,北京 : 科學出版社 , 2001 年 ,p 52-57
2. 白后善,宋桂明,王玲,劉潁,李鵬,壓敏瓷粉產業化的技術經濟分析, 99 全國壓敏學術年會,蘭州, p31-43
3. 宋桂明 , 周玉 , 雷廷權 , 王玉金 . 碳化物顆粒高溫增強鎢基複合材料 . in: 世紀之交複合材料的現狀與發展 . 黨嘉立 . 第十屆全國複合材料大會 , 上海, 1998. 長沙 : 湖南科技出版社出版 , 1998: p245-250


(2) “特種陶瓷物理性能” ( 賈德昌主編 ) 中第4章 ( 磁性能 ) ,第6章第3節 ( 壓磁效應與壓磁材料 ) 和第7章 ( 敏感特性 ) ,北京:科學出版社,2008.1。


(1) 1994 年 11 月 "Al-Si-Mg 合金二維定向凝固技術 " 通過湖南省科委鑒定, 1995 年該成果獲湖南省教委科技進步二等獎(廖世傑,宋桂明)。
(2) 1999 年北京市冶金青年學術年會優秀論文獎;
(3) 2000 年獲哈工大 " 優秀博士學位論文 " 榮譽證書與獎金
(4) “陶瓷複合材料在彈用發動機上應用工藝研究-碳化物顆粒增強鎢基複合材料及工藝研究” , 2001 年 11 月通過國防科工委鑒定, 2004 年獲國防科工委科技進步三等獎 ( 周玉,宋桂明,王玉金,雷廷權,孫毅,沈維偉,趙文勝 )


(1) 結構陶瓷強韌化
(2) 碳化物顆粒增強鎢基複合材料的製備和應用
(3) 超高溫材料特種環境下的失效行為和數值模擬
(4) 鋰離子電池正極材料研究
(5) 鋼鐵表面塗層的組織表徵
(6) 高強鋁合金的定向凝固技術