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- 埃里·瓦拉赫
- 伊萊·沃勒克
埃里·瓦拉赫(Eli Wallach,1915年12月7日-2014年6月25日),美國著名影視和舞台演員,成名於20世紀50年代後期。

華爾街:金錢永不眠 Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)
Showing Up (2010)
影子寫手 The Ghost Writer (2010)
紐約,我愛你 New York, I Love You (2009)
Tickling Leo (2009)
超越時代 Ahead of Time (2009)
北美國家公園全紀錄 The National Parks: America's Best Idea (2009)
基督教黑暗史 Constantine's Sword (2007)
戰爭 The War (2007)
媽媽的寶貝 Mama's Boy (2007)
馬龍·白蘭度傳 Brando (2007)
騙局 The Hoax (2006)
戀愛假期 The Holiday (2006)
月亮和兒子 The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation (2005)
追求幸福 King of the Corner (2004)
復活節彩蛋歷險記 The Easter Egg Adventure (2004)
罪無可赦:拳王傑克·強生沉浮錄 Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson (2004)
The Education of Gore Vidal (2003)
神秘河 Mystic River (2003)
100位最偉大的電影明星 The 100 Greatest Movie Stars (2003)
Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip (2003)
男人愛美神 Keeping the Faith (2000)
The 50th Annual Tony Awards (1996)
大亨也瘋狂 The Associate (1996)
詹姆斯·迪恩肖像 James Dean: A Portrait (1996)
成雙不成對 Two Much (1995)
Baseball (1994)
甜蜜的愛 Honey Sweet Love (1994)
教父傳奇:1901-1980 The Godfather Trilogy: 1901-1980 (1992)
四海本色 Night and the City (1992)
杏林戰場 Article 99 (1992)
情人主角 Mistress (1992)
Lincoln (1992)
黑手黨新娘 Vendetta: Secrets of a Mafia Bride (1991)
血洗唐人街 The Two Jakes (1990)
教父3 The Godfather: Part III (1990)
Funny (1989)
John Huston: The Man, the Movies, the Maverick (1989)
美國歷史 The American Experience (1988)
未經審查的好萊塢 Hollywood Uncensored (1987)
我要求審判 Nuts (1987)
We the People 200: The Constitutional Gala (1987)
再上梁山 Tough Guys (1986)
Something in Common (1986)
Embassy (1985)
克里斯托弗·哥倫布 Christopher Columbus (1985)
Our Family Honor (1985)
Highway to Heaven (1984)
Anatomy of an Illness (1984)
美國大師 American Masters (1983)
劊子手之歌 The Executioner's Song (1982)
屠龍計劃 The Salamander (1981)
Skokie (1981)
亡命大捕頭 The Hunter (1980)
殺機 Winter Kills (1979)
Firepower (1979)
女朋友 Girlfriends (1978)
靜靜的長笛 Circle of Iron (1978)
Movie Movie (1978)
小義大利 Squadra antimafia (1978)
Seventh Avenue (1977)
鬼屋奇談 The Sentinel (1977)
多米諾骨牌 The Domino Principle (1977)
深深深 The Deep (1977)
Nasty Habits (1977)
先開槍,再提問 Il bianco, il giallo, il nero (1975)
瘋狂的喬 Crazy Joe (1974)
灰姑娘假期 Cinderella Liberty (1973)
¡Viva la muerte... tua! (1971)
Zigzag (1970)
鄰居 The People Next Door (1970)
吉拉德歷險記 The Adventures of Gerard (1970)
The David Frost Show (1969)
大頭腦 Le Cerveau (1969)
麥肯納淘金記 Mackenna's Gold (1969)
How to Save a Marriage and Ruin Your Life (1968)
The 22nd Annual Tony Awards (1968)
要命不要錢 Quattro dell'Ave Maria, I (1968)
牡丹花血案 A Lovely Way to Die (1968)
猛虎發威 The Tiger Makes Out (1967)
黃金三鏢客 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
偷龍轉鳳 How to Steal a Million (1966)
蝙蝠俠 Batman (1966)
罌栗也是花 Poppies Are Also Flowers (1966)
成吉斯罕 Genghis Khan (1965)
吉姆老爺 Lord Jim (1965)
Kisses for My President (1964)
The Moon-Spinners (1964)
勝利者 The Victors (1963)
第一幕 Act One (1963)
Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man (1962)
西部開拓史 How the West Was Won (1962)
The Merv Griffin Show (1962)
亂點鴛鴦譜 The Misfits (1961)
七賊 Seven Thieves (1960)
豪勇七蛟龍 The Magnificent Seven (1960)
Directions (1960)
陣容 The Lineup (1958)
赤裸城市 Naked City (1958)
劇院90分 Playhouse 90 (1956)
嬌娃春情 Baby Doll (1956)
To Tell the Truth (1956)
霍爾馬克·霍爾名人堂電影 Hallmark Hall of Fame (1951)
Studio One in Hollywood (1948)
The Philco-Goodyear Television Playhouse (1948)
小城名流 The Ed Sullivan Show (1948)
猛虎發威 The Tiger Makes Out (1967)
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