霸菱亞洲管理霸菱投資基金I和基金II,管理資本共計5億美元。主要投資於亞洲數據通訊和信息技術。霸菱亞洲投資於早期、擴展期和回購。公司共有六名合伙人,在香港、新加坡、矽谷有辦事處,並在印度、台灣和曼谷有分支機構。2006年9月,霸菱亞洲(Baring Private Equity Asia Group)完成旗下第三支基金――霸菱亞洲投資基金III L.P.的募集,募集資金為4.9億美元。霸菱亞洲投資基金III L.P.繼續秉承霸菱亞洲以往的投資策略,針對中國、印度、新加坡及日本市場一些需要資本進行業務拓展或管理層收購的中型公司。
資方編號: Z001047
聯 系 人:徐新
投資階段:中後期 Pre-IPO
地 址:香港中環港景街1號國際金融中心1期樓40層
管理基金:霸菱投資基金I,霸菱投資基金II,霸菱投資基金III (L.P.)
霸菱投資京信通信(700萬美元)風險投資 2003
霸菱投資網易(500萬美元)風險投資 1999
霸菱投資中聯繫統(350萬美元)風險投資 1998
中經合/華平/霸菱/裕隆共同投資亞洲醫藥網 風險投資
Baring Private Equity Asia is one of the largest and most established independent private equity firms in Asia with $5 billion under management. The firm runs a pan-Asian investment program, specializing in mid-market companies requiring capital for expansion, recapitalization or acquisitions. The firm has been investing in Asia since its formation in 1997 and has over 80 employees located in offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Mumbai, Singapore and Tokyo. Baring Asia currently has over 30 portfolio companies across Asia with 78,000 employees and revenues of $5.8 billion in 2011. The firm was previously part of Dutch Insurer ING but subsequently became independent through a management led buyout in 2000 and is currently 100% owned by its partners.
It has come to our attention that an organization with a Chinese name that is very similar to Baring Private Equity Asia is operating in China, has set up websites at homepage, and is using information copied directly from our website, presumably with the intent to pass themselves off as our firm or an affiliate.
We wish to make absolutely clear that this organization is in no way affiliated with or represents Baring Private Equity Asia.
We are currently investigating the matter. We take this matter very seriously and will pursue all appropriate measures to protect our reputation, the interests of our investors and the interests of the public who may be deceived by this organization.
Baring Private Equity Asia
5 January 2009 (updated on 16 January 2009)