

劉正猷,物理學教授,教育部長江學者特聘教授,國家傑出青年基金獲得者,新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選。研究領域包括准晶、分形、無規介質、電流變液、光子晶體聲子晶體等。發表論文約100篇,包括Science 1篇,PRL 7篇。研究成果曾被選入PhysicsWeb 2000年物理學10大research highlights、nature physics portal的research highlights、Physical Review Focus,以及被New Scientists、Physics World,PhysicsWeb等報道。


指導博士生中2人獲全國百篇優秀博士論文提名獎。共發表論文120餘篇,包括Science 1篇,PRL 9篇。研究成果曾入選PhysicsWeb 2000年物理學10大研究亮點(Research Highlights)、Nature Physics Portal的研究亮點(Research Highlights)以及Physical Review Focus等。論文Google Scholar引用總數超過4000次,單篇引用最高超過1000次,10篇引用超過百次。


1982. 9—1986. 7 武漢大學物理學系金屬物理本科。
1986. 9—1989. 7 武漢大學物理學系金屬物理碩士研究生。
1990. 9—1993. 7 武漢大學物理學系凝聚態物理博士研究生。


1993. 7—2001. 9 華南理工大學應用物理系講師、副教授、教授。
1996. 6—1999. 8 香港科技大學物理學系訪問學者。
2000. 9—2001. 1 加拿大Manitoba大學物理與天文學系訪問教授。


1. “Metamaterial with Simultaneously Negative Bulk Modulus and Mass Density”, Yiqun Ding, Zhengyou Liu*, Chunyin Qiu and Jing Shi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 093904 (2007).
2. “Surface resonant states-enhanced acoustic wave tunneling in 2D phononic crystals”,Manzhu Ke, Zhaojian He, Shasha Peng, Zhengyou Liu*, Jing Shi, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 044301 (2007).
3. “Experimental demonstration of directional acoustic radiation based on two-dimensional phononic crystal band edge states”, Manzhu Ke, Zhengyou Liu*, Pei Pang, Chunyin Qiu, Degang Zhao, Shasha Peng, and Jing Shi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 083509 (2007).
4. “High refractive-index sonic material based on periodic subwavelength structure”, Feiyan Cai, Fengming Liu, Zhaojian He, and Zhengyou Liu*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 203515 (2007).
5. “Surface acoustic waves in two-dimensional phononic crystals: Dispersion relation and the eigenfield distribution of surface modes”, Degang Zhao, Zhengyou Liu*, Chunyin Qiu, Zhaojian He, Feiyan Cai, and Manzhu Ke, Phys. Rev. B 76, 144301 (2007).
6. “Acoustic Bloch oscillations in a two-dimensional phononic crystal”, Zhaojian He, Shasha Peng, Feiyan Cai, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu*, Phys. Rev. E76, 056605 (2007).
7. “Effective Mass Density of Fluid-Solid Composites”, Jun Mei, Zhengyou Liu*, Weijia Wen, and Ping Sheng, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 024301 (2006).
8. “Negative refraction imaging of acoustic waves by a two-dimensional three-component phononic crystal”, Jing Li, Zhengyou Liu*, and Chunyin Qiu, Phys. Rev. B73, 054302 (2006).
9. “Frequency-controlled interaction between magnetic microspheres”
Xu Zhang, Liyu Liu and Yabing Qi, Zhengyou Liu*, Jing Shi and Weijia Wen, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 134107(2006).
10. “Highly directional acoustic wave radiation based on asymmetrical two-dimensional phononic crystal resonant cavity”, Manzhu Ke, Zhengyou Liu*, Pei Pang, Wengang Wang, Zhigang Cheng, Jing Shi, and Xingzhong Zhao, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 263505(2006).
11. “Acoustic directional radiation and enhancement caused by band-edge states of two-dimensional phononic crystals”, Chunyin Qiu and Zhengyou Liu*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 063106(2006).
12. “Acoustic quasimodes in two-dimensional dispersed random media”, Xin Zhang, Zhengyou Liu*, Fugen Wu, Youyan Liu, Phys. Rev. E73, 066604 (2006).
13. “Mode-Selecting acoustic filter by using resonant tunneling of two-dimensional double phononic crystals”, Chunyin Qiu, Zhengyou Liu*, Jun Mei, and Jing Shi, App. Phys. Lett. 87, 104101 (2005).
14. “Negative-refraction imaging with two-dimensional phononic crystals”, Manzhu Ke, Zhengyou Liu*, Chunyin Qiu, Wengang Wang, and Jing Shi, Phys. Rev. B72, 064306 (2005).
15. “Directional acoustic source based on the resonant cavity of two-dimensional phononic crystals”, Chunyin Qiu, Zhengyou Liu*, Jing Shi and C. T. Chan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 224105 (2005).
16. “Analytical model of phononic crystals with local resonances”, Zhengyou Liu*, C. T. Chan and Ping Sheng, Phys. Rev. B71, 014103 (2005).
17. “Far-field imaging of acoustic waves by a two-dimensional sonic crystal”, Chunyin Qiu, Xiangdong Zhang, and Zhengyou Liu*, Phys. Rev. B71, 054302 (2005).
18. "Focusing of sound in a 3D phononic crystal", S.X. Yang, J.H. Page, Z.Y. Liu, M.L. Cowan, C.T. Chan and P. Sheng, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 024301 (2004).
19. “Negative refraction of acoustic waves in two-dimensional phononic crystals”, Xiangdong Zhang and Zhengyou Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 341 (2004).
20. “Splitting and tuning characteristics of the point defect modes in two-dimensional phononic crystals”, Fugen Wu, Zhengyou Liu and Youyan Liu, Phys. Rev. E69, 066609 (2004).
21. “Theory for elastic wave scattering by a two-dimensional periodical array of cylinders:An ideal approach for band-structure calculations”, Jun Mei, Zhengyou Liu*, Jing Shi, and Decheng Tian, Phys. Rev. B67, 245107 (2003).
22. “Acoustic band gaps created by rotating square rods in a two-dimensional lattice”, Fugen Wu, Zhengyou Liu and Youyan Liu, Phys. Rev. E66 046628, (2002).
23. “Three-component elastic wave bandgap material”, Zhengyou Liu, C. T. Chan and Ping Sheng, Phys. Rev. B65, 165116 (2002).
24. “Ultrasound Tunneling through 3D Phononic Crystals”, Suxia Yang, J. H. Page, Zhengyou Liu, M. L. Cowan, C. T. Chan and Ping Sheng, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 104301 (2002).
25. "Locally Resonant Sonic Materials", Z.Y. Liu, X.X. Zhang, Y. Mao, Y.Y. Zhu, Z. Yang, C.T. Chan and Ping Sheng, Science 289, 1734(2000).
26. “Elastic wave scattering by periodic structures of spherical objects: Theory and experiment”, Zhengyou Liu,C. T. Chan, Ping Sheng, A. L. Goertzen and J. H. Page, Phys. Rev. B62, 2446 (2000).
27. “Photonic band gaps in two-dimensional photonic quasicrystals” , Y. S. Chan, C. T. Chan and Z. Y. Liu,Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 956 (1998).


本項目研究成果共發表SCI論文132篇,包括Science 1篇,PRL 7篇,APL 9篇,PRB和PRE 18篇,Opt. Lett.和Opt. Express 3篇。
本項目的研究在國際和國內產生了較大的影響,本項目發表論文SCI檢索被他人在Nature Materials、PRL、Phys.Rep.(IF=20.26)、Chem. Rev.(IF=22.75)、Adv. Mater.、Nano Lett.等雜誌上引用共1274餘次。