













1)國家自然科學基金數學天元專項基金項目:求解約束全局優化問題的填充函數法,2007,主持。2)國家博士后基金三等資助金項目:非線性規劃中的可分精確罰函數方法,2004-2006年,主持。3)上海市博士后科研資助計劃項目:可分增廣拉格朗日函數方法,2003-2005年,主持。 4)國家自然科學基金項目:簡單光滑精確罰函數和非線性對偶理論,2002-2005年,參加。 5)上海市教育委員會上海市高等學校科學技術發展基金項目:連續和整規劃的簡單光滑精確罰函數及非線性對偶理論,2002-2004年,參加。


1 F. S. Bai, M. Mammadov, Z. Y. Wu and Y. J. Yang (2008), A filled function method for constrained nonlinear equations, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 4(1).
2 Z. Y. Wu and F. S. Bai (2008), Global optimality conditions for mixed nonconvex quadratic programs, Optimization.
3 F. S. Bai, Z. Y. Wu and D. L. Zhu (2008), Sequential Lagrange multiplier condition of -optimal solution in convex programming, Optimization.
4 Z. Y. Wu, F. S. Bai, H. W. J. Lee and Y. J. Yang (2007), A filled function method for constrained global optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, 39(4): 495-507.
5 Z. Y. Wu, M. Mammadov, F. S. Bai and Y. J. Yang (2007), A filled function method for nonlinear equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 189(2): 1196-1204.
6 Z. Y. Wu, M.Mammadov and F. S. Bai, A filled function method for box-constrained system of nonlinear equations, Proceedings of the IEEE APCCAS 2006, 623-626.
7 F. S. Bai and Z. Y. Wu (2006), A novel monotonization for some classes of global optimization problems, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research, 23(3): 371-392.
8 F. S. Bai and Z. Y. Wu (2006), Convexification and concavification for a class of non-monotone optimization problems, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 2(2): 205-223.
9 吳至友,白富生 (2006),一種新的求全局優化最優性條件的方法,重慶師範大學學報 (自然科學版), 23(1): 1-5.
10 F. S. Bai, Z. Y. Wu and D. L. Zhu (2006), Lower order calmness and exact penalty function, Optimization Methods and Software, 21(4): 515-525.
11 Z. Y. Wu, H. W. J. Lee, F. S. Bai and L. S. Zhang (2005), Quadratic Smoothing Approximation to Exact Penalty Function in Global Optimization, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 1(4): 533-547.
12 Z. Y. Wu, F. S. Bai and L. S. Zhang (2005), Monotonization in global optimization, 數學年刊, 26 B(3): 475-490.
13 Z. Y. Wu, L. S. Zhang, K. L. Teo and F. S. Bai (2005), A new modified function method for global optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 125(1): 181-203.
14 Z. Y. Wu, F. S. Bai and L. S. Zhang (2005), Convexification and concavification for a general class of global optimization problems, Journal of Global Optimization, 31(1): 45-60.
15 F. S. Bai, Z. Y. Wu and L. S. Zhang (2004), Exact penalty function and asymptotic strong nonlinear duality in integer programming, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (應用數學學報英文版), 20(1): 45-52.
16 L. S. Zhang and F. S. Bai (2004), Asymptotic strong nonlinear duality for bounded integer programming, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, 25(4): 433--442. (文17 的英文稿)
17 L. S. Zhang and F. S. Bai (2004), 有界整規劃中的漸近強非線性對偶, 數學年刊, 25A (5): 677-684.
18 Z. Y. Wu, L. S. Zhang, F. S. Bai and X. M. Yang (2004), Convexification and concavification methods for some global optimization problems, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 17(3): 421-436.
19 F. S. Bai, L. S. Zhang and Z. Y. Wu (2004), The general penalty function in integer programming, 上海大學學報(英文版), 8(1): 19-23.
20 Z. Y. Wu, F. S. Bai, X. Q. Yang and L. S. Zhang, An exact lower order penalty function and its smoothing in nonlinear programming, Optimization, 53(1): 51-68, 2004.
21 L. S. Zhang, F. S. Bai and Q. Y. Xu (2003), Some smooth global exact penalty functions for nonlinear integer programming, 運籌學學報, 7(4): 19-27.
22 F. S. Bai and L. S. Zhang, Approximate global exact barrier method for logarithmic barrier function, 運籌學學報, 4(3): 13-18, 2000.