



. – . 揚州范院系獲,
. – . 揚州范院系 。
. – . 華范系修。
1985.9 – 1996.8揚州大學數學科學學院講師。
1996.9 – 揚州大學數學科學學院副教授。
1999.9 – 2002.6 中國科學技術大學學習,獲博士學位。
2003.5 – 美國數學評論“Math. Review”評論員。
2003.9 – 揚州大學數學科學學院碩導。





1. 《學習高等代數應掌握的主要方法》, 副主編, 石油大學出版社,1993。
2. 談“高等代數”課程中的啟發教學,揚州大學學報(理論與實踐探索),2003(6)。




1. Sun Jianhua, Zhang Pu, On the Structure of Graded l–Hopf Algebras, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 25B(1)(2009), 95-108.
2. Xiao yanyan, Tang xiaoli, Sun Jianhua, duality of bitwisted Hopf algebras, 數學雜誌, 29(2)(2009), 38-41.
3. 趙士銀,孫建華,Hopf 余理想,西南師範大學學報,34(3)(2009),38-41.
4. Sun Jianhua, Equivalence of c-Hopf Algebra, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 23B(2)(2003), 239-246.
5. Sun Jianhua, Li Shangzhi, Strongly graded rings and ungraded module categories , 數學學報, 46(6) (2003), 1103-1110.
6. Sun Jianhua, Extensions of Some Twisted Hopf Algebras, Math Sci. Res. J, 6(11)(2002), 520-526. (USA)
7. Sun Jianhua, Wei Junchao, Strongly Graded Rings and Maschke-type Theorems, 數學研究與評論, 23(1)(2003), 151-154
8. Sun Jianhua and Li Shangzhi, Some Constructions of Twisted Hopf Algebras, Math Sci. Res. J, 6(7)(2002), 354-360. (USA)
9. Sun Jianhua and Li Shangzhi, Graded rings and adjoint functions over module category, 數學雜誌, 22(3)(2002), 349-353.
10. Sun Jianhua, Wang Qingwen, Graded endmorphism rings of G-set graded modules, 數學學報, 42 (4) (1999): 659-664.
11. Sun Jianhua, G-set graded modules and Morita Context, 數學學報, 39(1) (1996), 84-95.
12. Sun Jianhua, Wang Qingwen, Duality Theorem Associated with the Smash Product of Graded Ring and G-set, Chinese Quart. J. Math, 13(3)(1998), 32-35.
13. Sun Jianhua, Jacobson Radical Graded by G-sets, Northeast Math J. 12(2)(1996), 222-226.
14. Cai Chuanren and Sun Jianhua, Hopf –Jacobson Radical of Hopf module Algebra, Chinese Science Bulletin, 45(12)(1996), 626-630.
15. Li Libin, Sun Jianhua, Unique decomposition of the ideals of quantum group Uq(sl(2)), 數學年刊,25A:6(2004), 817-824.
16. Wang Qingwen and Sun Jianhua, The consistency of systems of matrix equations over a finite central algebra, J. of Natural Sci and Math, 41(1)(2001), 61-69.
17. Wang Qingwen, Sun Jianhua and Li Shangzhi, Consistency for bi(skew) symmetric solutions to systems of generalized Sylvester equations over a finite central algebra, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 353(2002),169-182. (USA)
18. Wang Qingwen, Sun Jianhua and Li Shangzhi, On the Centroskewsymmetric Solutions to a Matrix Equations over a Central Algebra, Chin. Quart. J. Math, 18(2)(2003), 111-116.
19. Sun Jianhua, Some results with the smash product of G-graded ring and G-set , 數學研究與評論, 16(3)(1996), 436-440
20. Sun Jianhua, A Maschke-type theorem with the smash product of graded rings, 數學雜誌, 16(2)(1996), 233-238.
21. Sun Jianhua, 無單位元群分次環, Smash 積及其一個應用, 數學研究與評論16(1)(1996), 99-102.
22. Sun Jianhua, G-graded Regular R-modules, Chinese Quart. J. Math, 8(1)(1993), 102-107.
23. Sun Jianhua, 詣零MHR環的等價條件, 徐州師院學報, 12(3)(1994), 5-8.
24. 孫建華, 關於亞直既約環為體的條件, 揚州師院學報10(3)(1990).
25. 蔡傳仁,孫建華,滿足主理想極小條件的環,揚州師院學報9(3)(1989), 1-4.

