共找到3條詞條名為劉曉晶的結果 展開





2006—2010 上海交通大學核科學與工程 博士
2004—2006 上海交通大學 核科學與工程 碩士
2000—2004 燕山大學 機械工程 學士


2007—2008 慕尼黑工業大學 訪問學者
2010—2013 上海交通大學/核科學與工程學院 助理研究員


反應堆熱工水力分析; 超臨界水冷堆設計及分析; 子通道程序與核熱耦合程序開發;不確定性分析與程序驗證


2012―2014 國家自然科學基金項目“超臨界區域流體傳熱模化理論及驗證方法研究”,負責人
2011―2015 國家重大專項“核電關鍵軟體自主化技術研究堆芯物理-熱工設計及系統安全分析軟體包研發的工作參與 (1)-熱工安全及棒束內流動和傳熱行為驗證技術研究”,負責人
2011―2014 上海市自然科學基金項目“混合中子能譜超臨界水堆堆芯分析方法及性能研究”,負責人
2012―2014 教育部高校博士學科點專項科研基金(新教師類)“超臨界水堆條件下流動傳熱數值模型評價方法的研究”,負責人
2011―2012 上海核工程研究設計院國家科技重大專項外協子課題“方形旁支管聲共振基礎試驗研究”,負責人
2010—2011 IAEA國際合作項目“Heat Transfer Behavior and Thermo-hydraulics Code Testing for Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors (SCWRs)”,負責人
2010―2012 IAEA國際合作項目“Heat Transfer Behavior and Thermo-hydraulics Code Testing for Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors (SCWRs)” Renewal,負責人
2011―2012 中廣核校企合作項目“超臨界水堆方案計算分析研究”,負責人


Liu, X.J., Schaefer A. (2013).Improvement of ATHLET modelling capability for asymmetric natural circulation phenomenon using uncertainty and sensitivity measures,Annals of Nuclear Energy,62,471-482.(SCI)
Liu, X.J., Yang, T. and Cheng, X(2013).Development and assessment of a sub-channel code applicable for trans-critical transient of SCWR, Nuclear Engineering and Design,262,499–509.(SCI)
Liu, X.J., Yang, T. and Cheng, X (2013).Multi-layer fuel assembly design proposal for supercritical water cooled reactor, Progress in Nuclear Energy 67, 82-87.(SCI)
Liu, X.J., Yang, T. and Cheng, X(2013).Thermal-hydraulic analysis of flow blockage in a supercritical water-cooled fuel bundle with sub-channel code, Annals of Nuclear Energy,59,194-203.(SCI)
Liu X.J.,Fu S.W., Xu Z.H. et al.(2013).LOCA analysis of SCWR-M with passive safety system, Nuclear Engineering and Design,259,187-197.(SCI)
Fu S.W., Liu X.J., Zhou C.et al.(2012).Modification and application of the system analysis code ATHLET to trans-critical simulations, Annals of Nuclear Energy 44,40–49.(SCI)
Yang, T.,Liu, X.J.and Cheng, X.(2011): Optimization of multilayer fuel assemblies for supercritical water-cooled reactors with mixed neutron spectrum, Nuclear Engineering and Design, published online.(SCI)
Liu, X.J., Kerner, A. and Schaefer, A. (2010): Using statistical sensitivities for adaptation of a best-estimate thermo-hydraulic simulation model, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 240(10), 3413-3420. (SCI)
Liu, X.J., Cheng, X. (2010): Coupled thermal-hydraulics and neutron-physics analysis of SCWR with mixed spectrum core, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 52(7), 640-647.(SCI)
Liu, X.J., Yang, T. and Cheng, X. (2010): Core and sub-channel analysis of SCWR with mixed spectrum Core, 2010, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 37(12), 1674-1682.(SCI)
Liu, X.J., Cheng, X. (2009): Thermal-hydraulic and neutron-physical characteristics of a new SCWR fuel assembly, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 36, 28-36. (SCI)
Liu, X.J., Cheng, X. (2009): Core and sub-channel evaluation of a thermal SCWR, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 41(5), 677-690. (SCI)
Cheng, X., Liu, X.J. and Yang, Y. H.(2008) A mixed core for supercritical water-cooled reactor, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 40(2), 117-126.(SCI)
Liu, X.J., Cheng, X. (2008): Steady-state thermal-hydraulic analysis of SCWR assembly, Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China, 2(4), 475-478. (EI)
Liu, X.J., Kerner, A. and Schaefer A.(2008), Using statistical sensitivities for adaptation in a Thermo-hydraulic simulation, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 98, 451(EI)