凱文·考利甘(Kevin Corrigan),本名Kevin Fitzgerald Corrigan,男,1969年出生於美國紐約,白羊座。
失蹤女孩 Lost Girls (2020)
監護者 (2011)
殺人之人 (2011
請給予/房東與租客 Please Give ------- (2010)
危情時速/煞不住(台)/煞破天劫(港)/銳不可當/不可阻擋 Unstoppable ------- (2010)
Ponies ------- (2010)
Big Fan ------- (2009)
不許向上看 Don't Look Up ------- (2009)
Harmony and Me ------- (2009)
肇事逃逸 Hit and Run ------- (2009)
The Mother of Invention ------- (2009)
愛情三選一/確定地可能 Definitely, Maybe ------- (2008)
菠蘿特快/菠蘿快車 Pineapple Express ------- (2008)

RSO [Registered Sex Offender] ------- (2008)
The Toe Tactic ------- (2008)
危機邊緣/迷離檔案 Fringe ------- (2008)
愛情無限譜/尼克與諾拉的無窮播放列表/尼克與諾拉 Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist ------- (2008)
Transbeman ------- (2008)
超級壞/男孩我最壞(台)/太壞了 Superbad ------- (2007)
Goodbye Baby ------- (2007)
美國黑幫/美國黑幫(台)/犯罪帝國(港) American Gangster ------- (2007)
"The Black Donnellys" ------- (2007)
無間行者/神鬼無間(台)/無間道風雲(港) The Departed ------- (2006)
Champions ------- (2006)
Feel ------- (2006)
On the Road with Judas ------- (2006)
狗的難題 The Dog Problem ------- (2006)
最後的寒冬 The Last Winter ------- (2006)
Break a Leg ------- (2005)
蜜月期/蜜月伴侶 The Honeymooners ------- (2005)
房中性事 Sexual Life ------- (2005)
孤獨的吉姆 Lonesome Jim ------- (2005)
Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Movie ------- (2004)
When Zachary Beaver Came to Town ------- (2003)
Sick in the Head ------- (2003)
Brilliant But Cancelled ------- (2002)
切爾西大牆 Chelsea Walls ------- (2001)
See Jane Run ------- (2001)
American Saint ------- (2001)
"Grounded for Life" ------- (2001)
Scotland, Pa. ------- (2001)
內幕檔案 Steal This Movie ------- (2000)
2000戀愛法則 Chain of Fools ------- (2000)
Broke Even ------- (2000)
搖滾城市底特律 Detroit Rock City ------- (1999)
Roberta ------- (1999)
Coming Soon ------- (1999)
Love Bites ------- (1999)
水牛城66/流氓本色 Buffalo '66 ------- (1998)
比佛利山超級警探 Slums of Beverly Hills ------- (1998)
綠寶機密 Lulu on the Bridge ------- (1998)
Brown's Requiem ------- (1998)
紐約瘋雲 Kicked in the Head ------- (1997)
地鐵悍將 SUBWAYStories: Tales from the Underground ------- (1997)
亨利你這個大笨蛋 Henry Fool ------- (1997)
Revelation ------- (1997)
樂隊車 Bandwagon ------- (1996)
出殯抱佳人 The Pallbearer ------- (1996)
Trees Lounge ------- (1996)
良緣知己 Walking and Talking ------- (1996)
Illtown ------- (1996)
"Pearl" ------- (1996)
絕地戰警/壞小子/重案夢幻組/壞男孩 Bad Boys ------- (1995)
未曾酒醉已清醒 Drunks ------- (1995)
死亡之吻/致命布局 Kiss of Death ------- (1995)
開麥拉狂想曲 Living in Oblivion ------- (1995)
An Eviction Notice ------- (1995)
The Last Good Time ------- (1994)
Rhythm Thief ------- (1994)
American Standoff ------- (1994)
華盛頓城堡的聖徒 The Saint of Fort Washington ------- (1993)
致命浪漫/真實羅曼史/絕命大煞星(台)/浪漫風暴(港) True Romance ------- (1993)
Family Remains ------- (1993)
怪胎兄弟 Zebrahead ------- (1992)
碧血兄弟情 Jumpin' at the Boneyard ------- (1992)
勝者為王/義膽風雲 Billy Bathgate ------- (1991)
模範警察 One Good Cop ------- (1991)
Dead and Alive: The Race for Gus Farace ------- (1991)
驅魔人3/大法師3 The Exorcist III ------- (1990)
好傢夥/四海好傢夥(台)/盜亦有道(港) Goodfellas ------- (1990)
男人止步 Men Don't Leave ------- (1990)
Lost Angels ------- (1989)
紐約瘋雲 Kicked in the Head ------- (1997)
獨立精神獎 提名1次
1997 ·Best Supporting Male 提名
Chlotrudis Awards 獲獎1次
1997 ·最佳男配角 獲獎
Gijón International Film Festival 獲獎1次
1996 ·Special Jury Award 獲獎