共找到88條詞條名為黃勇的結果 展開





解析幾何(2015.09--2016.01, analytic geometry);
偏微分方程(2016.03--2016.06, partial differential equation);
泛函分析(2018.09-2019.01, 2019.09-2020.01, functional analysis)。


S. Chen, Y. Huang, Q. Li, J. Liu, The Lp-Brunn-Minkowski inequality for p<1. Adv. Math. 368 (2020), 107166, 21 pp.
Y. Huang, Y. Jiang, Variational characterization for the planar dual Minkowski problem. J. Funct. Anal.,277(2019),2209-2236.
C. Chen, Y. Huang, Y. Zhao, Smooth solutions to the Lp dual Minkowski problem. Math. Ann., 373(2019),953-976.
Y. Huang, E. Lutwak, D. Yang, G. Zhang, The Lp-Alekesandrov problem for Lp-integral curvature. J. Differential Geom.,110(2018),1-29.
Y. Huang, Y. Zhao, On the Lp dual Minkowski problem. Adv. Math., 332 (2018), 57-84.
Y. Huang, E. Lutwak, D. Yang, G. Zhang, Geometric measures in the dual Brunn-Minkowski theory and their associated minkowski problems. Acta Math.,216(2016)2, 325-388.