果德安,男,1962年4月生於山東鄆城,現任中國科學院上海藥物研究所研究員,中藥標準化技術國家工程實驗室主任,上海中藥現代化研究中心主任。1999年國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者。主要社會兼職包括國家藥典會天然藥物專業委員會主任委員、美國藥典委員會植物膳食劑與草藥專家委員會副主席、歐洲藥典中藥專家委員會委員、國際中醫藥規範研究學會會長、世界中醫藥聯合會中藥分析專業委員會會長、國家《中藥標準化項目》專家組組長等;擔任《World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》、《Phytomedicine》、《Phytochemistry》等16個國際著名雜誌的主編、副主編或編委;在國際主要學術會議上作大會報告50餘次;培養博士生70餘人。
1993-1996 美國德州理工大學(Texas Tech University)化學系博士后,從事天然有機化合物的生物合成研究。
1. Guo DA, Jia ZH and Nes WD. Mechanism of hydrogen migration from C-24 to C-25 during phytosterol biomethylation.J Amer Chem Soc 1996,118(35): 8507-8508.
2. Min Ye, De-an Guo*, Guan Ye, Cheng-gang Huang, Analysis of Homoisoflavonoids inOphiopogon japonicus by HPLC-MS-ESI-MS, J Am Soc Mass Spectrom, 2005, 16: 234-243.
3. Ai-hua Liu, Yan Lian, Yan-hua Lin, Wan-ying Wu, Jiang-hao Sun and De-an Guo*, Detection, characterization and identification of phenolic acids in Danshen using high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.J. Chromatogr A, 2007, 1161(1-2): 170-182.
4. Yue QX,Cao ZW, Guan SH, Liu XH, Tao L, Wu WY, Li YX, Yang PY, Liu X, Guo DA*, Proteomic characterization of the cytotoxic mechanism of ganoderic acid D and computer automated estimation of the possible drug-target network,Mol CellProteomics, 2008, 7(5): 949-961.
5. Xue Qiao, Min Ye, De-lin Pan, Wen-juan Miao, Cheng Xiang, Jian Han, De-an Guo*. Differentiation of various traditional Chinese medicines derived from animal bile and gallstone: simultaneous determination of bile acids by liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.J Chromatogr A, 2011; 1218(1): 107-17.
6. Li-Xing Feng, Chun-Jie Jing, Kai-Lin Tang, Lin Tao, Zhi-Wei Cao, Wan-Ying Wu, Shu-Hong Guan, Bao-Hong Jiang, Min Yang, Xuan Liu and De-An Guo, Clarifying the signal network of salvianolic acid B using proteomic assay and bioinformatic analysis,Proteomics, 2011, 11(8): 1473-85.
7. Jin-Jun Hou, Wan-Ying Wu*, Juan Da, Shuai Yao, Hua-Li Long, Zhou Yang, Lu-Ying Cai, Min Yang, Xuan Liu, Bao-Hong Jiang and De-an Guo*, Ruggedness and robustness of conversion factors in method of simultaneous determination of multi-components with single reference standard,J Chromatogr A, 2011, 1218:5618-5627.
8. Qiao, X.; Ye, M.; Xiang, C.; Wang, Q.; Liu, C. F.; Miao, W. J.; Guo, D. A., Analytical strategy to reveal the in vivo process of multi-component herbal medicine: A pharmacokinetic study of licorice using liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.J Chromatogr A, 2012, 1258: 84-93.
9. Yang, W. Z.; Ye, M.; Qiao, X.; Liu, C. F.; Miao, W. J.; Bo, T.; Tao, H. Y.; Guo, D. A., A strategy for efficient discovery of new natural compounds by integrating orthogonal column chromatography and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis: Its application in Panax ginseng, Panaxquinquefolium and Panaxnotoginseng to characterize 437 potential new ginsenosides.Anal Chim Acta, 2012, 739: 56-66.
10. Yang, M.; Cheng, C. R.; Yang, J. L.; Guo, D. A., Metabolite Profiling and Characterization for Medicinal Herbal Remedies.Curr Drug Metab, 2012, 13 (5): 535-557.
11. Wang, W. B.; Feng, L. X.; Yue, Q. X.; Wu, W. Y.; Guan, S. H.; Jiang, B. H.; Yang, M.; Liu, X.; Guo, D. A., Paraptosis accompanied by autophagy and apoptosis was induced by celastrol, a natural compound with influence on proteasome, ER stress and Hsp90.J Cell Physiol, 2012, 227 (5): 2196-2206.
12. Yang, W. Z.; Ye, M.; Huang, F. X.; He, W. N.; Guo, D. A., Biocatalysis of Cycloastragenol by Filamentous Fungi to Produce Unexpected Triterpenes.Adv Synth Catal, 2012, 354 (2-3): 527-539.
13. Chun-Ru Cheng, Min Yang, Kate Yu, Shu-Hong Guan, Alan Millar, Xiao-Yan Pang, De-An Guo*, Metabolites identification of ganoderic acid D by ultraperformance liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry.Drug Metab Dispos, 2012, 40(12): 2307-2314
14. Liu X, Wu WY, Jiang BH, Yang M, Guo DA. Pharmacological tools for the development of traditional Chinese medicine.Trends Pharmacol Sci, 2013, 34(11):620-8.
15. Feng LX, Zhang DM, Fan CY, Ma C, Yang WM, Meng YH, Wu WY, Guan SH, Jiang BH, Yang M, Liu X, Guo DA. ER stress-mediated apoptosis induced by celastrol in cancer cells and important role of glycogen synthase kinase-3β in the signal network.Cell Death & Disease, 2013, 4: e715.
16. Yao CL, Yang WZ, Wu WY, Da J, Hou JJ, Zhang JX, Zhang YH, Jin Y, Yang M, Jiang BH, Liu X, Guo DA. Simultaneous quantitation of five Panax notoginseng saponins by multi heart-cutting two-dimensional liquid chromatography: Method development and application to the quality control of eight Notoginseng containing Chinese patent medicines.J Chromtaogr A, 2015; 1402: 71-81.
17. Min Yang; Zhe Zhou; De-an Guo, A strategy for fast screening and identification of sulfur derivatives in medicinal Pueraria species based on the fine isotopic pattern filtering method using ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry,Anal Chim Acta, 2015, 894: 44-53.
18. Shi Qiu; Wen-zhi Yang, Doctor; Xiao-jian Shi; Chang-liang Yao; Min Yang; Wanying Wu; Xuan Liu; Bao-hong Jiang; De-an Guo, A green protocol for efficient discovery of novel natural compounds: characterization of new ginsenosides from the stems and leaves of Panax ginseng as a case study.Anal Chim Acta, 2015, 893:65-76.
19. De-an Guo*, Wan-ying Wu, Min Ye, Xuan Liu, Geoffrey Cordell, A holistic approach to the quality control of traditional Chinese medicines,Science,2015, 347 (6219 Suppl), S29-31.
20. Qiu S, Yang WZ, Yao CL, Qiu ZD, Shi XJ, Zhang JX, Hou JJ, Wang QR, Wu WY, Guo DA, Nontargeted metabolomic analysis and "Commercial-homophyletic" comparison-induced biomarkers verification for the systematic chemical differentiation of five different parts of Panax ginseng.J Chromatogr A, 2016, 1453: 78-87.
《Journal of Ethnopharmacology》Associate Editor
《Nat Prod Commun》Editor
《Phytomedicine》Editorial Board Member
《Planta Medica》Advisory Board Member
《Fitoterapia》Editorial Board Member
《Phytochemistry Letters》Editorial Board Member
《Acta Pharmacologica Sinica》Editorial Board Member
《J Integr Plant Biol》Editorial Board Member
《Journal of Asian Natural Products Research》Editorial Board Member
《Frontiers in Ethnopharmacology》 Associate Editor
《Scientitia Pharmaceutica》Editorial Board Member
《Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine》Editorial Board Member
《Natural Products and Bioprospecting》 Editorial Board Member
《ISRN Spectroscopy 》Editorial Board Member
《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica》B, Associate Editor in Chief
《Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines》Associate Editor in Chief
《Chinese Herbal Medicines》Editorial Board Member
第八屆、第九屆、第十屆國家藥典委員會委員(第十屆執行委員),天然藥物專業委員會主任委員;2010年版《中國藥典》英文版主編,2005年版《中國藥典》英文版副主編;美國藥典委員會 委員;《國際藥用植物研究學會》(GA)理事,顧問專家(亞洲唯一人選);美國植物學委員會顧問專家(American Botanical Council);國家863專家組專家(1998-2006);世界中醫藥學會聯合會中藥分析專業委員會會長;中國藥學會中藥與天然藥物專業委員會副主任委員;中國植物學會植物化學與資源學專業委員會副主任委員等。
建立了廣泛的國際合作關係,與美國國家天然產物研究中心聯合成立“中美中藥研究中心-Sino-US TCM Research Center”,還與英國University of Nottingham,英國University of Cambridge, 奧地利University of Innsbruck等國外大學建立了良好的合作關係,發表多篇合作論文。
在國內外率先開展應用蛋白質組學技術闡明中藥作用的分子機理研究,建立了研究平台體系,如今已經發表一系列高水平的學術論文,2008年發表在Mol Cell Proteomics上的論文影響因子達9.39。2011年又連續在Proteomics,PLoS One等國際知名雜誌上連續發表3篇論文闡明中藥丹參中的主要活性成分丹酚酸B的作用機理,受到廣泛關注。
1、Simultaneous quantification of six major phenolic acids in the roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza and four related traditional Chinese medicinal preparations by HPLC-DAD method, J Pharm Biomed Anal, 2006, 41(1): 48-56, Liu AH, Li L, Xu M, Lin YH, Guo HZ, Guo DA *
2、Characterization of tanshinones in the roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza (Dan-shen) by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 2006, 20(8):1266-1280, Yang M, Liu AH, Guan SH, Sun JH, Xu M, Guo DA*
3、Detection, characterization and identification of phenolic acids in Danshen using high-performance. liquid chromatography with diode array detection and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, J Chromatogr. A, 2007, 1161(1-2): 170-182, Liu AH, Guo H, Ye M, Lin YH, Sun HH , Xu M ,Guo DA*
4、Development of the fingerprints for the quality of the roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza and its related preparations by HPLC-DAD and LC-MSn, J Chromatogr.B, 2007, 846(1-2): 32-41, Liu AH, Lin YH, Yang M , Guo H, Guan SH, Sun JH, Guo DA*
5、Analysis of triterpenoids in Ganoderma lucidum using liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, J Amer Soc Mass Spectrom, 2007, 18(5):927-939, Yang M, Wang XM, Guan SH, Xia JM, Sun JH, Guo H, Guo DA*
6、Proteomics characterization of the cytotoxicity mechanism of ganoderic acid D and computer-automated estimation of the possible drug target network, Mol Cell Proteomics, 2008, 7(5): 946-961, Yue QX, Cao ZW, Guan SH, Liu XH, Guo DA*
7、Phytochemical analysis of traditional Chinese medicine using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, J Chromatogr. A, 2009, 1216(11): 2045-2062, Yang M, Sun JH, Lu ZQ, Chen GT, Guan SH, Liu X, Jiang BH, Ye M, Guo DA*