韓中人(Johnny Han)遼寧鞍山人。1991年畢業於中央美術學院油畫系第四工作室。展覽:1991年中央美院畫廊舉辦“韓中人現代藝術展”,1990-1991年參加由美國哈佛大學巫鴻先生邀請《中國首屆當代藝術文獻展》,1993年中國美術館參加中國首屆油畫雙年展,1994年德國柏林中國當代藝術展。作品曾發表於《中國當代藝術年鑒》、《藝術界》、《畫廊》、《中央美術學院四畫室》。
1988年 中央美院畫廊 第四工作室八七級彙報展
1991年 中央美院畫廊 舉辦“韓中人現代藝術展”
1990-1991年 參加由美國哈佛大學巫鴻先生邀請《中國首屆當代藝術文獻展》
1993年 中國美術館 參加中國首屆油畫雙年展
1994年 德國柏林 中國當代藝術展
2006年 北京 參加中國當代繪畫交流展
2007年 798時態空間“融合 ·消解”——2007年中國當代油畫邀請展。
2007年 798紅鼎畫廊“散點。聚焦”——2007中國當代油畫展。
在我有限的讀畫覽歷中,老韓的畫可為一絕。他對油畫天生的感受力,表現力,實力難得。他的油畫源於東北黑土地,然又有別於東北油畫的同道,沉鬱,結實。帶有一種濃郁的大地的神秘的氣息。那飽滿的,厚厚的油彩在畫面上滾現,猶如一曲人生的樂章,淋漓盡致,其酣勁,撕裂,在爆發強烈的衝動下,卻又收的住,用筆一 拖帶去潤心得柔情,看他的畫有一種人生的滿足感。老韓早在考中央美院時,就因為他的一張風景畫被油畫大家林崗先生看中,從萬丈考卷中挑出,而被錄取,在美院讀書時,一些老師興起,改起老韓的畫來,畫麵條理清很多,但我在旁邊感覺就是少了那個味,那種只有在老韓筆下才有的氣息。
老韓的畫看起來很快,然而他醞釀的時間卻很長,他時常跟我說“我在運氣”我理解老韓,他是一個使真氣畫畫的人。為了畫一張好畫。他會讓自己整個心沉浸下去,情緒也會低沉很長時間,當他畫完之後,才得以解脫。他對畫畫如此,對生活也是如此。亦如對女友的感情,他全身心的投入,明明知道對方出國世事難料,還一如 既往,回絕了身邊大批崇拜的女性,十年不變,他心裡一種求真,仁義的東西在當今更加的顯得喃喃可貴。我和老韓是同學。同受業於四畫室,住在同一個宿舍,朝夕相處,共同成長,有著共同的理想和興趣。時稱金刀,白光,寒劍三劍客。金刀者金然,在煙台仙居,靜坐,修佛,一晃二十年,大家平時來往少,只把感情留在心裡,我和老韓同在京城,卻也難得清靜談心,只能在文章中得以發揮了。
In my extensive experience of evaluating and analizingabstract art, Johnny Han’s work is some of the most exceptional that I havecome across. He was born with a greateye for oil painting, a wonderful understanding of this art form, and a firstclass ability to create unique work.His work originates from China’s NorthEasten black earth style, but is quite different from typical works of thatstyle.His paintings manage to communicate two very different feelings at thesame time through the use of desolute depressed landscapes that are also manage to depict abosulte strengthand resolve at the same time. He makes excellent use of paint texture,thickness, and stroke order to convey deep emotion. Viewing his workleaves you with a comforting feeling much like listening to a beautifulclassical composition.
Johnny Han enjoy much early success due to one of hislandscapes reciving a raving review from the art critic Lin Gang. His works had a very unqiue flavor, hisvision was unique and fresh, and something that no one else has been ablereplicate with the same mastery.
Johnny Han’s work to the untrained eye looks as thoughit was quickly and carelessly produced, but that is definitely not thecase. Each one of his works requires animmense amount of time, planning, and forethought. Johnny Han is the type of person that puts100% of his focus into each work, unable to concentrate on anything else untila painting is finished. His ability toconcentrate completely during the creation process is almost fanatical, but itpays off in the end with works that are of an extremely high technical value,yet full of emotion. Even in hispersonal life, Johnny employs a similar attitude in his personal life, and isfilled with deep emotions.
I was fortunate to study with Johnny Han for a goodperiod of time and watched his style develop. He was a good friend, but even more so a good painter.
While I haven’t always been close withJohnny Han, he has managed to have a large range of experiences and live a fulllife. This history has allowed his workto reach a new level, and he appears to continue to reach new heights.