共找到37條詞條名為張麗娟的結果 展開





1.Lijuan Zhang, Ruili Tian, Pu Hu, Yuru Ma and Dingguo Xia.A gold-nickel alloy as the anodic catalyst in a direct formic acid fuel cell,RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING(accepted)
2.Tao Yang,Lijuan Zhang, Xiang Li and Dingguo Xia. Structural and Morphological Characterization of Gold-Nickel Electrocatalyst Synthesized By Taking Advantage of the AuNi Phase Separation Mechanism,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2010, Volume 492, Issues 1-2, Pages 83-87.
3.Xiang Li, Ge Chen, Jia Xie,Lijuan Zhang, Dingguo Xia, Ziyu Wu,An Electrocatalyst for Methanol Oxidation in DMFC: PtBi/XC-72 with Pt Solid-Solution Structure,J. Electrochem. Soc., 2010, Volume 157, Issue 4, Pages B580-584
4.Dingguo Xia, Shuzhen Liu, Zhenyao Wang , Ge Chena,Lijuan Zhang.Methanol-tolerant MoN electrocatalyst synthesized through heattreatment of molybdenum tetraphenylporphyrin for four-electron oxygen reduction reaction,Journal of Power Sources, 177 (2008) 296
5.Lijuan Zhang, Dingguo Xia.Electrocatalytic activity of ordered intermetallic PtSb for methanol electro-oxidation,Applied Surface Science,252(2006), 2191
6.Lijuan Zhang,Dingguo Xia.Bimetallic PtPb for formic acid electro-oxidation.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,426(2006), 268
7.Lijuan Zhang,Dingguo Xia.Electrochemical properties of CoSb3(-MCMB) anodes for lithium-ion batteries,Materials Letters , 2005, 59 (27): 3448
8.Lijuan Zhang,X.B. Zhao.Study on the insertion behaviors of lithium-ions into CoFeSbbased electrodes.J. Power Sources, 2001, 94(1): 92
9.馬玉茹,孫少瑞,張麗娟。鋰離子電池正極材料的研究進展,新材料產業, 2009. 3: 94
11.張麗娟,夏定國。金屬間化合物PtSb對甲酸的電催化氧化,物理化學學報, 21(2005), 1006
13.Lijuan Zhang, Dingguo Xia.Electrochemical properties of CoSb(-MCMB) anodes for lithium-ion batteries.Materials Letters,59(2005),3448
15.夏定國,張麗娟。一種直接甲醇燃料電池用陰極抗甲醇催化劑。發明專利,專利號ZL 200310110348.8