共找到51條詞條名為王志勇的結果 展開



徠1964年(甲辰年)10月生,內蒙古人,博士。植物激素與信號轉導創新研究組研究員,博士生導師。美國斯坦福卡內基科學研究所植物生物學系(Carnegie Institution for Science, Department of Plant Biology)高級研究人員。近年來在植物激素油菜素內酯的生理功能和作用機制研究方面取得了系列突破性進展,研究結果連續發表在Nature、Science等國際頂級雜誌上,在國際植物生物學研究領域產生了積極的影響。王志勇在美國加州大學洛杉磯分校獲得博士學位,之後在著名的索爾克研究所(The Salk Institute and The Howard Hughes Medical Institute)Joanne Chory實驗室從事博士后研究工作。


他的研究工作在植物光周期基因調控機理和油菜素類酯信號轉導等領域獲得了一些突破性的成果。首先提出CCA1是一個與Myb-相關的轉錄因子,結合在光反應基因Lhcb家族保守的啟動子元件上,並介導了光敏色素對此類基因家族的誘導表達。第一個證明CCA1是體內條件下光敏色素調節基因表達中起重要作用的轉錄因子,和在晝夜節律中的中心作用。通過生化方法證明BR通過與BRI1胞外域作用啟動激酶活性,進而闡明BRI1為油菜素內酯的受體,這是該領域研究的重大進展。曾在《CELL》、《NATURE》、《SCIENCE》、《PLANT CELL》、《Dev. Cell》和《PNAS》等重要期刊發表多篇學術論文,其中一些被《植物生物化學與分子生物學》引用。他的研究組進一步克隆到參與油菜素調節基因表達的細胞核內轉錄因子BZR1,並闡明油菜素通過受體BRI1、胞內激酶BIN2調節BZR1磷酸化和降解的分子機制。


主要從事 植物激素油菜素內酯(BR)信號轉導過程和機理的研究;使用擬南芥、水稻以及棉花為材料,探索BR在植物生長發育調控中的功能和機理。主要研究集中在以下方面:
1. 利用生化和細胞學方法研究BR信號轉導中關鍵轉錄因子OsBZR1的生理功能;
2. 通過生物信息學方法尋找同時參與BR和光信號過程的關鍵轉錄因子家族,研究BR與光信號互作的機理。
3. 通過染色體免疫沉澱結合超高通量測序技術大規模分離BR信號重要調控因子BZR1的目的基因和響應元件,並利用激活標籤技術篩選抑制bzr1-1D表型的突變體,研究BR影響植物生長發育過程和生理反應的詳細機制。
4. 在水稻T-DNA插入和其它突變體庫中尋找葉夾角和株高異常的突變體,克隆基因並研究機理,系統分析BR如何影響株型結構。
5. 通過蛋白組學方法分離BR信號轉導途徑的新組份。
6. 利用棉花懸浮培養系統和轉錄組學方法研究BR促進棉花纖維發育的機制。
1992-1998.1: 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校分子、細胞發育生物學獲博士學位;
1986-1989.6: 中國科學院植物研究所獲碩士學位;
1982-1986.6: 蘭州大學生物學專業獲學士學位.


1. Tang WQ, Kim TW, Oses-Prieto JA, Sun Y, Deng ZP, Zhu SW, Wang RJ, Burlingame AL,Wang ZY. Brassinosteroid-signaling Kinases(BSKs) mediate signal transduction from the receptor kinase BRI1 in Arabidopsis. Science, 2008,321:557-60.
2. Tang WQ*, Deng ZP*, Oses-Prieto JA*, Suzuki N, Zhu SW, Zhang X, Burlingame AL, andWang ZY. Proteomic studies of brassinosteroid signal transduction using prefractionation and 2-D DIGE (* These authors contributed equally to this paper). Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 2008, 7(4): 728-38.
3. Gampala SS, Kim TW, He JX, Tang W, Deng Z, Bai MY, Guan S, Lalonde S, Sun Y, Gendron JM, Chen H, Shibagaki N, Ferl RJ, Ehrhardt D, Chong K, Burlingame AL,Wang ZY. An essential role for 14-3-3 proteins in brassinosteroid signal transduction in Arabidopsis. Dev Cell. 2007 13(2):177-89.
4. Bai MY, Zhang LY, Gampala SS, Zhu SW, Song WY, Chong K,Wang ZY. Functions of OsBZR1 and 14-3-3 proteins in brassinosteroid signaling in rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 21: 104(34): 13839-44.
5. Shi YH, Zhu SW, Mao XJ, Feng JX, Qin YM, Zhang L, Cheng J, Wei LP,Wang ZYand Zhu YX. Transcriptome profiling, molecular biology and physical studies reveal a major role for ethylene in cotton fiber cell elongation. The Plant Cell, 2006. 18: 651-64.
6.Wang ZY, Wang Q, Chong K, Wang F, Wang L, Bai M, Jia C. (2006). The brassinosteroid signal transduction pathway. Cell Res. 16(5):427-34.
7. Shi, Y-H., Zhu, S-W., Mao, X-Z., Feng, J-X., Zhang, L., Cheng, J., Wei, L-P.,Wang, Z-Y., Zhu, Y-X. (2006) Transcriptome Profiling, Molecular Biological and Physiological Studies Reveal a Major Role for Ethylene in Cotton Fiber Cell Elongation. Plant Cell, 18(3):651-64.
8. Jun-Xian He, Joshua M. Gendron, Yu Sun, Srinivas S. L. Gampala, Nathan Gendron, Catherine Qing Sun, andZhi-Yong Wang(2005). BZR1 is a transcriptional repressor with dual roles in brassinosteroid homeostasis and growth responses. Science 307, 1634-1638.
9.Wang, Zhi-Yong and He, Jun-Xian (2004). Brassinosteroid signal transduction: Choices of signals and receptors. Trends in Plant Science, 9 (2), 91-96.
10. He, J-X., Gendron, J. M., Yang, Y. Li, J.,Wang, Z-Y. (2002). The GSK3-like kinase BIN2 phosphorylates and destabilizes BZR1, a positive regulator of the brassinosteroid signaling pathway in Arabidopsis. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci, 99, 10185-10990.
11. Green, R.M., Tingay, S.,Wang, Z-Y, Tobin, E.M. (2002). Circadian rhythms confer a higher level of fitness to Arabidopsis plants. Plant Physiology 129, 576-584.
12. Yin, Y.,Wang, Z-Y, Mora-Garcia, S., Li, J., Yoshida, S., Asami, T., Chory, J. (2002). BES1 accumulates in the nucleus in response to brassinosteroids to regulate gene expression and promote stem elongation. Cell 109, 181-191.
13.Wang, Z-Y. et al., (2002). Nuclear-localized BZR1 mediates brassinosteroid-induced growth and feedback suppression of brassinosteroid biosynthesis. Dev. Cell, 2, 505-513.
14.Zhi-Yong Wang, Hideharu Setu, Shozo Fujioka, Shigeo Yoshida, and Joanne Chory (2001). BRI1 is a critical component of a plasma membrane receptor for plant steroids. Nature, 410, 380-382.
15. Zuhua He,Zhi-Yong Wang, Jianming Li, Qun Zhu, Chris Lamb, Pamela Ronald, Joanne Chory. (2000) Perception of brassinosteroids by the extracellular domain of the receptor kinase BRI1. Science, 288, 2360-3.
16. Detlef Weigel, Ji Hoon Ahn†, Miguel A. Blázquez†, Justin Borevitz†, Sioux K. Christensen†, Christian Fankhauser†, Cristina Ferrándiz†, Igor Kardailsky†, Michael M. Neff†, Jasmine Thuy Nguyen†, Shusei
Sato†,Zhi-Yong Wang†, Yiji Xia†, Richard Dixon, Maria J. Harrison, Chris J. Lamb, Martin F. Yanofsky, and Joanne Chory. (2000). Activation tagging in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 122, 1003-1013. († These authors contributed equally to this work).
17.Wang, Z-Y, Tobin, E. M. (1998). Constitutive expression of the CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED 1 (CCA1) gene disrupts circadian rhythms and suppresses its own expression. Cell 93, 1207-1217.
18. Sugano, S., Andronis, C., Green, R. M.,Wang, Z-Y, and Tobin, E. M. (1998). Protein kinase CK2 interacts with and phosphorylates the Arabidopsis circadian clock-associated 1 protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 95, 11020-11025.
19.Wang, Z-Y, Kenigsbuch, D., Sun, L., Harel, E., Ong, M.S., Tobin, E.M. (1997). A Myb-related transcription factor is involved in the phytochrome regulation of an Arabidopsis Lhcb gene. Plant Cell 9, 491-507.
20.Wang, Z-Y, Tang, P-H, (1990). Analysis of S-specific proteins in anther of Brassica pekinensis L. by 2-dimensional electrophoresis. Chinese Journal of Botany (English) 2: 109-115.
Review Articles, Book and Symposium Chapters
21.Wang, Z.-Y.* and Chory, J. (2000). Zhi-yong Wang and Joanne Chory. 2000. Recent advances in molecular genetic studies of the functions of brassinolide, A steroid hormone in plants. in Recent Advances in Phytochemistry, Vol. 34. Evolution of Metabolic Pathways, Eds. J.T. Romeo, R. Ibrahim, L. Varin, and V. DeLuca (Elsevier Science. Ltd. Oxford, UK). pp 409-431. (*corresponding author).
22.Tobin, E. M., Degenhardt, J., Harel, E., Kenigsbuch, D., Ong, M. S., Sugano, S., Sun, L.,Wang, Z-Y, and Weatherwax, S. C. (1996) Phytochrome-regulated Lhcb promoters. in: Regulation of Plant Growth and Development by Light, Eds. Briggs, R., Heath, R.L., and Tobin, E.M.(American Society of Plant Physiologists, Maryland), pp. 57-66.