



1996-2000 北京大學生命科學學院,本科
2017.03-今 南開大學藥學院,藥物化學生物學國家重點實驗室,教授


2012年 中國生物化學與分子生物學學術大會“青年科學家論壇”二等獎
2011年 中國科學院盧嘉錫青年人才獎
2006年 全國博士后科學基金資助一等獎
2005年 中國科學院院長獎優秀獎
2004年 中國科學院生物物理所所長獎一等獎
2001年 中國科學院優秀研究生獎


主要從事表觀遺傳學組蛋白修飾、核小體組裝以及RNA結合蛋白的結構生物學研究。從事研究工作14年來,在NSMB, PNAS, Genes & Dev., JBC, JMB等國際知名刊物共發表SCI科學論文19篇,其中10篇為第一作者或共通訊作者;撰寫了英國Elsevier出版社Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes書中的1章,合作翻譯了科學出版社現代蛋白質工程實驗指南》一書。


1. Yang, D. X., Fang, Q. L., Wang, M. Z., Ren, R., Wang, H., He, M., Sun, Y. W., Yang, N.* and Xu, R. M.* (2013) Nα-acetylated Sir3 stabilizes the conformation of a nucleosome-binding loop in the BAH domain. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol
2. Yang, N.* and Xu, R. M.* (2013) Structure and function of the BAH domain in chromatin biology. Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol
3. Yang, N. *, Wang, W., Wang, Y., Wang, M., Zhao, Q., Rao, Z., Zhu, B.* and Xu, R. M.* (2012) Distinct mode of methyl-H3K4 recognition by tandem tudor-like domains of Spindlin1. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci .USA
4. Yang, N., Li, D. F., Feng, L., Xiang, Y., Liu, W., Sun, H. and Wang, D. C.* (2009) Structural Basis for the Tumor Cell Apoptosis-Inducing Activity of an Antitumor Lectin from the Edible Mushroom Agrocybe aegerita. J. Mol. Biol.
5. Yang, N., Nan, J., N., Brostromer, E., Hatti-Kaul, R., and Su, X. D.* (2008) Crystal structure of an alkaline serine protease from Nesterenkonia sp. defines a novel family of secreted bacterial proteases. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics
6. Yang, N., Hou Q. M., Nan J., and Su, X. D.* (2008) Progress in Structural and Functional Study of Ubiquitin Ligases. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics
7. Liu, W. #, Yang, N. #, Ding, J. J., Huang R. H., Hu, Z. and Wang, D. C.* (2005) Structural mechanism governing the quaternary organization of monocot mannose-binding lectin revealed by a novel monomeric structure. J. Biol. Chem
8. Yang, N., Tong X., Xiang, Y., Sun, H. and Wang, D. C.* (2005) Molecular character of an antitumour lectin from the edible mushroom Agrocybe aegerita. The Journal of Biochemistry
9. Yang, N., Xiang, Y., Zhang, Y. and Wang, D. C.* (2005) Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of the recombinant antitumour lectin from the edible mushroom Agrocybe aegerita. BBA: Proteins and Proteomics,
10. Yang, N., Liang, Y., Xiang, Y., Sun, H. and Wang, D. C.* (2005) Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of an antitumour lectin from the edible mushroom Agrocybe aegerita. Protein and Peptide Letters
1. Yang, N. and Su, X. D. (2013) A novel alkaline serine protease isolated from Nesterenkonia abyssinica sp. nov. Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, 3rd Edition
2. 蘇曉東, 曾宗浩, 楊娜. (2011)《現代蛋白質工程實驗指南》譯