



《Journal of Sustainable Tourism》(2018-2022)編委/editorial board member,SSCI
《Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management》(2012-)編委/editorial board member, SSCI
《Journal of Destination Marketing and Management》(2018- )編委/editorial board member, SSCI
《Tourism Management Perspective》編委(2017-)/ editorial board member,SSCI
《Journal of China Tourism Research》(2011- )編委/editorial board member
《Asian Journal of Tourism Research》(2016-)編委/editorial board member
《旅遊論壇》編委(2017-)/editorial board member(2017-)
《旅遊導刊》編委(2016-)/editorial board member(2016-)
《旅遊管理》複印報刊資料編委(2018-)/ editorial board member(2016-)
中國旅遊研究國際聯合會會士(2017-)/fellow of International Association for China Tourism Studies (2017- )
國際古迹遺址保護協會文化旅遊專業委員會專家委員/Expert Member of ICOMOS-ICTC (since 2010)
聯合國教科文組織-中國青少年發展基金會梅賽德斯-賓士星願基金中國世界遺產保護和管理項目專家委員(2017-2020)/Experts board of UNESCO CHINA World Heritage Conservation and Management Project (2017-2020).
中國地理學會旅遊地理專業委員會秘書長/Secretary of Tourism Geography Commission China(2013.6-)
國際旅遊學會行業委員會主席/Professional Committee Chair of International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA) (2011-2012, 2012-2014;2014-2018 )
廣東省本科高校旅遊管理類專業教學指導委員會委員/Member of Guangdong Tourism Management
亞洲遺產管理委員會委員/Member of Asia Academy for Heritage Management(2007- )
世界自然保護聯盟保護地專業委員會專家委員(member of World Commission on Protected Area, IUCN
洛陽師範學院客座教授(2016-)/Guest Professor, Luoyang Normal University (2016- )


. 服務運營管理


主持(在研),國家自然科學基金項目《遺產地權力、認同與責任的互動機制及其影響因素研究》(2015-2018)(批准號:41471122), National Natural Science Foundation of China ,Power, identity and responsibilities in heritage tourism destination.
主持(在研),廣東省教育廳“廣東省高等學校高層次人才項目”《遺產責任與旅遊目的地發展研究》(2014-2016)(經費號:2050205)/ 《Heritage Responsibilities and Tourism Destination Development》(2013-2016), funded by Department of Education of Guangdong Province.
主持(已結題),高校基本科研業務費中山大學青年教師培育項目《信息範式變遷與旅遊業發展轉型》(2010-2012)(經費號: 40000-3161105)/Information Dissemination Paradigm Shift and Tourism Development Transfer (2010-2012), funded by Sun Yat-sen University
主持(已結題),國家文物局科研項目《文化遺產地旅遊影響監測與管理研究》(合同編號:20090121)(2009-2011)/ Principal, Research of Tourism Impact Monitoring and Management in Cultural Heritage(No: 20090121), funded by China State Administration of Cultural Heritage
主持(已結題),廣東省自然科學基金項目《文化差異與環境範式轉變對遺產旅遊資源保護的影響研究》(編號:9151027501000038)(2009-2011)/ Principal, Impact of Cultural Difference and Environmental Paradigm Shift Upon Heritage Tourism Attraction(No:9151027501000038),funded by Guangdong Science Foundation
主持(已結題),國家旅遊局項目《中國遺產旅遊資源開發利用現狀調查與管理戰略研究》(編號:09TABG015)(2009-2010)/ Principal, China Heritage Tourism Resources Development and Utilization Survey and Strategic Research(No: 09TABG015), funded by China National Tourism Administration
主持(已結題),國家社會科學基金青年項目《旅遊開發與資源保護的利益衝突及其協調政策研究》(2007-2008),(項目批准號:07CJY050)/Principal, Conflicts and Policies for Tourism Development and Resources Protection in China (2007-2008), funded by National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science (No:07CJY050)
主持(已結題),國家自然科學基金青年基金項目《旅遊發展與世界遺產地資源保護的互動機理及政策評價模型研究》(2006-2008) (No:70503007)/ Principal, Policy Evaluation and System Dynamic Analysis on Tourism Development and World Heritage Protection (2006-2008), funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No:70503007)
Chaozhi Zhang, Dogan Gursoy, Zeng Deng & Jun Gao : Impact of culture on perceptions of landscape names, Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment, 2015,17(1):134-150.
Zhang Chaozhi Alan Fyall, Zheng Yanfen. Heritage and Tourism Conflict within World Heritage Sites in China: A Longitudinal Study. Current Issues in Tourism. 2015,18(2):110-116.
Zhang Chaozhi. Heritage Responsibility: Conception, Characteristics and Research Issues. Tourism Tribune, 2014, 29(11):45-51.(Chinese)
Honggang Xu, Chaozhi Zhang & Alan A. Lew. Tourism geography research in China: institutional perspectives on community tourism development. Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment, 2014, 16(5):711-716.
Zhang Chaozhi. Tourism Research Paradigm Shift and the Mission and Responsibilities of Chinese Young Tourism Scholars. Tourism Tribune, 2014, 29(1):13-15.(Chinese)
Zheng Yanfen, Zhang Chaozhi. Understanding for Tourism Utilization of Heritage in International Heritage Regulations. Tourism Science, 2014, 28 (1): 85-95.(Chinese)
Chaozhi Zhang, Honggen Xiao. Destination Development in China: Towards An Effective Model of Explanation. Journal of Sustainable Tourism.2014,22(2):214-233.
Zhang Chaozhi, You Wang. Impact of internet upon tourism distribution channel in tourism destination: case study of Huangsan. Tourism Tribune(in Chinese), 2012(3):52-59.
Chris Ryan, Zhang Chaozhi, Deng Zeng.The impacts of tourism at a UNESCO heritage site in China – a need for a meta-narrative? The case of the Kaiping Diaolou. Journal of Sustainable Tourism,2011,19(6):747-765.
Zhang Chaozhi, Zheng Yanfen. Development of International Rules on the Relationship between Cultural Heritage Protection and Use. Tourism Tribune( Chinese), 2011(1) :81-86.
Zhang Chaozhi, Sun Xiaojin, Lu Yuping. Culture is the Soul of Tourism: Misunderstanding and Reflection. Case study of Mount Wuyi. Tourism Science(in Chinese), 2010,161-68.
Li, Yiping, Hu, Zhi Yi and Zhang, Chaozhi. Red tourism: sustaining communist identity in a rapidly changing China, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 2010,8,(1): 101-119.
Zhang, C. Z., Xu, H. G., Su, B. T. and Ryan, C. Visitors Perceptions of the Use of Cable Cars and Lifts in Wulingyuan World Heritage Site, China, Journal of Sustainable Tourism,2009, 17:5,551-566
Zhang Chaozhi,You Wang. Heritage Declarations and Value-conscious Estate Community Residents: the Perspective of Social Representation. Tourism Tribune(in Chinese),2007, 24(7):23-47.
Zhang Chaozhi, Malin, Wangxiaoxiao and Yu Dezhen, Semiotic, psudo-authenticity and heritage commercialization. Tourism Science(in Chinese). 2008,22(5):59-66.
Zhang Chaozhi, Ma Lin. Authenticity understanding: Differences and Changes in the perspective of tourism development and heritage protection. Tourism Science(in Chinese), 2008(1):1-8.
Zhang Chaozhi, Xu Honggang. Institution change of world natural heritage resource management in China. Management world(in Chinese), 2007(8):52-57,65.
Wang Xiaoxiao ,Zhang Chaozhi. Authenticity understanding difference and heritage destination management. Tourism Science(in Chinese), 2007(1):13-16.
張朝枝。旅遊與遺產保護:政府治理視角的理論與實證。中國旅遊出版社,2006/Zhang Chaozhi. Tourism Development and Heritage Government Governance. China Tourism Press, 2006
張朝枝。旅遊與遺產保護:基於案例的理論研究。南開大學出版社,2008/Zhang Chaozhi. Tourism and Heritage Protection: cases and theories. Nankai University Press, 2008.


旅遊學刊》2011年度優秀論文:《文化遺產保護與利用關係的國際規則演變》/《Tourism Tribune》 Best Paper Award 2011: 《On the Evolution of International Rules regarding the Relationship between the Protection of Cultural Heritages and Utilization》
國家旅遊局2010年度科研成果獎 專著類三等獎:《旅遊與遺產保護:基於案例的理論研究》,南開大學出版社,2008/CNTA Research Award 2010 (Books-Third-Class):《Tourism and Heritage Protection: theoretical and Cases》, Nankai University, Press, 2008.
《旅遊學刊》2010年度優秀論文:《基於旅遊體驗視角的旅遊產業價值鏈分析》/ 《Tourism Tribune》 Best Paper Award 2010: 《Tourism Supply Chain Analysis based on Tourism Experience Perspective》.
中山大學2008年教學成果獎二等獎:研究型大學旅遊管理“知行合一”辦學模式探,2008.12(彭青徐紅罡、張朝枝)/ Sun Yat-sen University Best Teaching Award (2008)