共找到2條詞條名為席鵬的結果 展開



席鵬,北京大學工學院研究員。致力於光學超分辨成像技術的研究,發展了一系列新型超分辨技術。2015年當選美國光學學會資深會員,和中國光學學會生物醫學光學分會常務委員。現擔任四份SCI收錄國際學術期刊的編委:Scientific Reports, Microscopy Research and Techniques, Micron, 和Chinese Optics Letters。同時擔任多個國際著名學術期刊如Nat. Comm., OL, OE, BOE 等的審稿人。在Light: Science&Applications, ACS Nano, Laser & Photonic Research, Opt. Expr., Opt. Lett.等國際一流期刊發表SCI收錄期刊論文49篇,總影像因子超過240。2013年獲得綠葉生物醫藥傑出青年學者獎。2016年獲得中國光學重要成果獎。已授權美國專利2項,中國專利8項,編輯專著2部。多次被OSA和SPIE組織的國際會議邀請作大會邀請報告。


2003.8 – 2004.12 香港科技大學電子工程系 博士后
2005.2 – 2006.11 美國Purdue University博士后
2006.12 – 2007.12 美國Michigan State University 博士后
2008.1 – 2009.11 上海交通大學副教授
2009.12 – 現在 北京大學特聘研究員




1)在國際上首次提出利用反射-干涉增強STED的解析度,可同時提升橫向和軸向解析度,利用該方法實現了19nm的解析度,刷新了STED在生物樣品上的解析度記錄(Light, IF 14.6) 。首次提出利用貝塞爾-高斯光束結合的STED,實現了155微米的深層超分辨成像,創造了超分辨的探測深度新紀錄(LPR,IF 8,封面文章)。
2)利用逆復用多色量子點實現了高速、高標記密度的超分辨(Sci.Rep, IF 5.5) ;利用多焦共聚焦實現了三維超分辨(Nano Res., IF 6.9) ;合作開發了適合超分辨的單體熒光蛋白(ACS Nano, IF 12.8) 。
被評為美國光學會資深會員 和OSA成像技術組組長,及中國光學學會生物醫學分會常務委員。擔任四份SCI期刊編輯(Scientific Reports, Micron , Microscopy Research and Techniques, Chinese Optics Letters ),以及Focus On Microscopy組委會委員。




Y. Liu, Y. Lu*, X. Yang, X. Zheng, S. Wen, F. Wang, X. Vidal, T. Zhao, D. Liu, Z. Zhou, C. Ma, J. Zhou, J. Piper,P. Xi*, and D. Jin*, “Amplified stimulated emission in upconversion nanoparticles for super resolution nanoscopy,”Nature(2017) doi: 10.1038/nature21366.
K. Zhanghao, L. Chen, X. Yang, M. Wang, Z. Jing, H. Han, M. Q. Zhang, D. Jin*, J. Gao*,P. Xi*, “Super-resolution with dipole orientation mapping”,Light: Science and Applications (2016).
這一工作得到Nature Methods的重點報道(Highlight) 。
X. Yang, K. Zhanghao, H. Wang, Y. Liu, F. Wang, X. Zhang, K. Shi, J. Gao, D. Jin, P. Xi*, “Versatile application of fluorescent quantum dot labels in super-resolution fluorescence microscopy”, ACS Photonics, doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.6b00178 (2016).
X. Yang, H. Xie, E. Alonas, Y. Liu, X. Chen, Q. Ren, P. J. Santangelo, P. Xi*, and D. Jin, “Mirror enhanced axial narrowing super-resolution microscopy”, Light: Science and Applications doi:10.1038/lsa.2016.134 (2016). [2015 Impact factor:14.603]這一工作得到Nature Photonics 2016年7月的重點報道(highlight) .
W. Yu, Z. Ji, D. Dong, X. Yang, Y. Xiao, Q. Gong P. Xi*, K. Shi*, “Super-resolution deep imaging with hollow Bessel beam STED microscopy”, Laser Photonics Reviews (2015) doi: 10.1002/lpor.201500151.
X. Zhang, X. Chen, Z. Zeng, M. Zhang, Y. Sun, P. Xi*, J. Peng*, and P. Xu*, “Development of a reversibly switchable protein for super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging”, ACS Nano, 9(3) 2659-2667 (2015). 這一工作得到Science等期刊的多次引用。
X. Chen, Z. Zeng, H. Wang, and P. Xi*, "Three dimensional multimodal sub-diffraction imaging with spinning-disk confocal microscopy using blinking/fluctuation probes," Nano Research, 8(7) 2251-2260 (2015).
Z. Zeng, X. Chen, H. Wang, N. Huang, C. Shan, H. Zhang, J. Teng, P. Xi*, "Fast Super-Resolution Imaging with Ultra-High Labeling Density Achieved by Joint Tagging Super-Resolution Optical Fluctuation Imaging," Scientific Reports 5, 8359 (2015). 這一工作得到Chem. Soc. Rev.等期刊的高度評價。
X. Yang, Y.-K. Tzeng, Z. Zhu, Z. Huang, X. Chen, Y. Liu, H.-C. Chang, L. Huang, W.-D. Li, and P. Xi*, "Sub-diffraction imaging of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond by stimulated emission depletion and structured illumination," RSC Advances 4, 11305–11310, (2014). 該工作得到Chem. Soc. Rev. (IF=34.09) ,Adv. Opt. Photon. (IF=12.368)等期刊的多次引用。
H. Xie, D. Jin, J. Yu, T. Peng, Y. Ding, C. Zhou, P. Xi*, “Schlieren confocal microscopy for phase-relief imaging”, Opt. Lett., 39(5), 1238-1241, (2014).
Y. Lu, J. Zhao, R. Zhang, Y. Liu, D. Liu, E. M. Goldys, X. Yang, P. Xi, A. Sunna, J. Lu, Y. Shi, R. C. Leif, Y. Huo, J. Shen, J. A. Piper, J. P. Robinson, and D. Jin, "Tunable lifetime multiplexing using luminescent nanocrystals," Nature Photonics 8, 32-36 (2014).
J. Zhao, D. Jin, E. P. Schartner, Y. Lu, Y. Liu, A. V. Zvyagin, L. Zhang, J. M. Dawes, P. Xi, J. A. Piper, E. M. Goldys, and T. M. Monro, “Single nanocrystal sensitivity achieved by enhanced upconversion ” Nature Nanotechnology 8(10), 729-734 (2013) doi:10.1038/nnano.2013.171.
Y. Liu, Y. Ding, E. Alonas, W. Zhao, P. J. Santangelo, D. Jin, J. A. Piper,J. Teng, Q. Ren, P. Xi*, “Achieving λ/10 Resolution CW STED Nanoscopy with a Ti:Sapphire Oscillator” , PLoS ONE 7(6) e40003, 2012 (DOI: 10.1371/ journal. Pone. 0040003). 這一工作被評述為“創建了中國第一套STED超分辨系統”。
Y. Ding, H. Xie, T. Peng, Y. Lu, D. Jin, J. Teng, Q. Ren, P. Xi*, “Laser Obique Scanning Optical Microscopy (LOSOM) for Phase Relief Imaging” Optics Express, 20 (13), 14100-14108 (2012).
P. Xi*
P. Xi*
這一工作得到Nature Methods的重點報道(Highlight) 。
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P. Xi*
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P. Xi*
P. Xi*
P. Xi*
P. Xi*
P. Xi*
P. Xi
P. Xi,
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P. Xi*


席鵬在超分辨方面的工作得到Science , Nature Photonics, Chemical Society Review 等期刊的多次引用和高度評價。