從事分子生物學,特別是分子生態學和分子進化方面的研究,在Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), Nature, Journal of Molecular Evolution, Molecular Ecology, Insect Molecular Biology, Molecular Biology and Evolution 以及“Molecular Tools for Screening Biodiversity: Plants and Animals”等十幾種國際學術期刊和英文專著中發表SCI論文約30篇,有四篇論文入選美國科學信息研究所ISI Essential Science Indicators 資料庫環境和生態科學領域以及動物和植物科學領域近十年以來具有高度影響的論文(Highly Cited Paper);其中兩篇為回國工作以後的論文。SCI論文總計已被290餘種國際學術期刊引用1500餘次。
1. Zhang DX, Yan LN, Ji YJ, Hewitt GM, Huang ZS (2009) Unexpected relationships of substructured populations in Chinese Locusta migratoria. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9, 144.
2. Huang ZS, Ji YJ, Zhang DX (2008) Haplotype reconstruction for scnp DNA: a consensus vote approach with extensive sequence data from populations of the migratory locust (Locusta migratoria). Molecular Ecology, 17, 1930-1947.
3. Zhang DX (2004) Lepidopteran microsatellite DNA: redundant but promising. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 19: 507-509.
4. Zhang DX, Hewitt GM (2003) Nuclear DNA analyses in genetic studies of populations: practice, problems and prospects. Molecular Ecology, 12: 563-584.[listed in ISI-Essential Science Indicators database as HIGHLY CITED PAPERS]
5. Zhang DX, Hewitt GM (1996) Nuclear integrations: challenges for mitochondrial DNA markers. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 11: 247-251. [listed in ISI-Essential Science Indicators database as HIGHLY CITED PAPERS]