共找到2條詞條名為沈愛國的結果 展開



沈愛國,博士、副教授,武漢大學化學與分子科學學院 副教授,博士生導師,中國物理學會光散射專業委員會委員,湖北省化學化工學會譜學專業委員會秘書長。2006年7月畢業於武漢大學化學與分子科學學院分析化學專業,獲博士學位(導師:胡繼明教授)。畢業后留校任教並連續3年赴德國不來梅Jacobs大學和韓國全南國立大學開展國際合作研究(每年3-4個月)。2008年12月晉陞為副教授,2010年被遴選為博士生導師。2011年6月至2012年6月獲德國DAAD-王寬誠博士后獎學金,在德國圖賓根大學物理與理論化學所從事針尖增強拉曼光譜的合作研究(合作導師:Prof. Alfred J. Meixner)。現主要從事拉曼光譜的生化感測、生物成像及儀器研製等領域的研究工作。先後主持1項國家重大科學儀器設備開發項目,3項國家自然科學基金項目,1項中石油科技創新項目和2項國家重點實驗室開放基金項目;參與1項國家自然科學基金儀器專項重點項目和1項國家重大研究計劃培育項目。迄今已在Advanced Functional Materials、Analytical Chemistry、Journal of Materials Chemistry、Chemical Communications、Biosensors & Bioelectronics、Bioconjugate Chemistry等雜誌上發表SCI源刊論文60餘篇。


2008.12- 武漢大學化學與分子科學學院 副教授(被遴選為分析化學(2010.07)和材料學專業(2012.06)博士生指導教師)
2011.06-2012.06德國蒂賓根大學物理化學與理論化學研究所 訪問學者
2006.07-2008.11 武漢大學化學與分子科學學院 講師(期間連續三年(3-4月/年)赴德國不來梅Jacobs大學和韓國全南國立大學從事國際合作研究)
2001.09-2006.07 武漢大學化學與分子科學學院 分析化學 博士
1997.09-2001.06湖北大學化學與材料科學學院 化學教育 學士




Journal of Raman Spectroscopy等期刊審稿人




7、國家自然科學基金重大研究計劃培育項目,90913013 、活細胞組分及其相互作用的靶向表面增強拉曼光譜探針技術研究、2008/06-2010/12、50萬、已結題、參加。


1. Wei Fang, Xin-Wei Zhang, Yong Chen, Liang Wan, Wei-Hua Huang,Ai-Guo Shen, Ji-Ming Hu, Portable SERS-enabled micropipettes for microarea sampling and reliably quantitative detection of surface organic residues,Analytical Chemistry, 2015, ASAP.
2. Jun-Rong Li,Guan-Nan Zhang, Li-HuaWang,Ai-Guo Shen,Ji-MingHu, Simultaneous enzymatic and SERS properties of bifunctional chitosan-modified popcorn-like Au-Ag nanoparticles for high sensitive detection of melamine in milk powder, Talanta, 2015, 140, 204-211.
3. Yi Zeng, Jin-JuPei,Li-Hua Wang,Ai-Guo Shen,Ji-Ming Hu, A sensitive sequential "on/off" SERS assay for heparin with wider detection window and higher reliability based on the reversed surface charge changes of functionalized Au@Ag nanoparticles, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 66, 55-61.
4. Wen-Liang Zha, Ying Cheng,Wei Yu,Xiao-Bin Zhang,Ai-Guo Shen,Ji-Ming Hu, HPLC assisted Raman spectroscopic studies on bladder cancer, Laser Physics Letters, 2015, 12, 045701.
5. Guan-Nan Zhang,Jun-Rong Li,Ai-Guo Shen,Ji-MingHu, Synthesis of size-tunable chitosan encapsulated gold-silver nanoflowers and their application in SERS imaging of living cells, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, 21261-21267.
6. Li-Hua Wang,Yi Zeng,Ai-Guo Shen,Xiao-Dong Zhou,Ji-Ming Hu, Three dimensional nano-assemblies of noble metal nanoparticle-infinite coordination polymers as specific oxidase mimetics for degradation of methylene blue without adding any cosubstrate, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 2052-2055.
7. Man-Man Lin,Ai-Guo Shen,Hui-Lu Yao,Zhi-Zhi Zhang,Ji-Ming Hu, Real-time molecular profiling of photochemically induced rat thrombosis in vivo through quantitative Raman analysis of blood, Laser Physics Letters, 2014, 11, 115607.
8. Gan Qu,Guan-Nan Zhang,Zi-Tong Wu,Ai-Guo Shen,Jian-Bo Wang,Ji-Ming Hu, A "turn-off" SERS assay of heparin with high selectivity based on heparin-peptide complex and Raman labelled gold nanoparticles, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014, 60, 124-129.
9. Gan Qu,Guan-Nan Zhang,Yan Su,Hui-Chun Xu,Xiao-Dong Zhou,Ai-Guo Shen,Ji-Ming Hu, A Label-free and Separation-free Detection for Melamine Based on Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 42, 1022-1027.
10. Li-Hua Wang,Ai-Guo Shen,Xian-Chang Li,Yi Zeng,Xiao-Dong Zhou,Ryan MRichards, Ji-Ming Hu, Inclusion of guest materials in aqueous coordination network shells spontaneously generated by reacting 2,5-dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole with nanoscale metallic silver, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 34294-34302.
11. Zi-Tong Wu,Yi-Zhen Liu,Xiao-Dong Zhou,Ai-Guo Shen,Ji-Ming Hu, A "turn-off" SERS-based detection platform for ultra sensitive detection of thrombin based on enzymatic assays, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2013, 44, 10-15.
12. Le Su, Yong Chen, Guan-Nan Zhang, Li-Hua Wang,Ai-Guo Shen, Xiao-Dong Zhou, Xiao-Hua Wang, Ji-Ming Hu,In vivoandin situmonitoring of the nitric oxide stimulus response of single cancer cells by Raman spectroscopy, Laser Physics Letters, 2013, 10, 045608.
13. Wei-Song Yi,Dian-Sheng Cui, ZhiLi,Lan-Lan Wu,Ai-Guo Shen,Ji-Ming Hu,Gastric cancer differentiation using Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy with unsupervised pattern recognition, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2013, 101, 127-131.
14. Guan-Nan Zhang, Gan Qu, Yong Chen,Ai-Guo Shen, Wei Xie, Xiao-Dong Zhou, Ji-Ming Hu, Controlling carbon encapsulation of gold nano-aggregates as highly sensitive and spectrally stable SERS tags for live cell imaging,Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2013, 1, 4364-4369.
15.Ai-Guo Shen, Jin Peng, Qing-Hong Zhao, Le Su, Xiao-Hua Wang, Ji-Ming Hu*, Qing Yang*, Accurate and noninvasive embryos screening during in vitro fertilization (IVF) assisted by Raman analysis of embryos culture medium, Laser Physics Letters, 2012, 9, 322-328.
16. Pu Chen, Yong Chen, Le Su,Ai-Guo Shen, Jun-Cheng Hu, Xiao-Hua Wang, Ji-Ming Hu,β-Carotene doped silica nanoparticles as a novel resonance Raman scattering tag forin vivocellular imaging, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 631-635.
17.Ai-Guo Shen, Jing-Zhe Guo, Wei Xie, Meng-Xiang Sun,Ryan M Richards, Ji-Ming Hu, Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy in living plant using triplex Au-Ag-C core–shell nanoparticles,Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2011, 42, 879-884.
18.Ai-Guo Shen, Li-Fang Chen, Wei Xie, Jun-Cheng Hu, Ao Zeng, Ryan M Richards, Ji-Ming Hu, Triplex Au-Ag-C core-shell nanoparticles as a novel Raman labels, Advanced Functional Materials, 2010, 20, 969-975

