











2012年 中國地震學會李善邦青年優秀論文獎”
2011年 中國地球物理學會“傅承義青年科技獎”
2010年 中國科學院“盧嘉錫青年人才獎”
2002年 湖北省自然科學獎三等獎


Pei, S., H. Zhang, J. Su, Z. Cui (2014), Ductile Gap between the Wenchuan and Lushan Earthquakes Revealed from the Two-Dimensional Pg Seismic Tomography, submitted to Scientific Reports.
Wang, Z., R. Huang, S. Pei (2014), Crustal deformation along the Longmen-Shan fault zone and its implications for seismogenesis, Tectonophysics
Lü, Y., Z. Zhang, S. Pei, E. Sandvol, T. Xu, X. Liang (2014), 2.5-Dimensional tomography of uppermost mantle beneath Sichuan–Yunnan and surrounding regions
Xu, Q., J. Zhao, X. Yuan, H. Liu, S. Pei (2014), Mapping crustal structure beneath southern Tibet: Seismic evidence for continental crustal underthrusting, Gondwana Research
Zhao, J., D. Murodov, Y. Huang, Y. Sun, S. Pei, H. Liu, H. Zhang, Y. Fu, W. Wang, H. Cheng, W. Tang (2014), Upper mantle deformation beneath central-southern Tibet revealed by shear wave splitting measurements, Tectonophysics
Pei, S., Y. J. Chen, B. Feng, X. Gao, J. Su (2013), High-resolution seismic velocity structure and azimuthal anisotropy around the 2010 Ms=7.1 Yushu earthquake, Qinghai, China from 2D tomography, Tectonophysics
Xu, Q., J. Zhao, S. Pei, and H. Liu (2013), Imaging lithospheric structure of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis: New insights from receiver function analysis, J
Xu, Q., J. Zhao, S. Pei, and H. Liu (2013), Distinct lateral contrast of the crustal and upper mantle structure beneath northeast Tibetan plateau from receiver function analysis, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
Zhao, J., Z. Jin, W. D. Mooney, N. Okaya, S. Wang, X. Gao, L. Tang, S. Pei, H. Liu, Q. Xu (2013), Crustal structure of the central Qaidam basin imaged by seismic wide-angle reflection/refraction profiling
Pei, S. and Y. J. Chen (2012), Link between seismic velocity structure and the 2010 Ms=7.1 Yushu earthquake, Qinghai, China: Evidence from aftershocks tomography, Bull
Wang, Z., W. Huang, D. Zhao, S. Pei (2012), Mapping the Tohoku forearc: Implications for the mechanism of the 2011 East Japan earthquake (Mw 9.0), Tectonophysics
Pei, S., Y. Sun, M. N. Toksöz (2011), Tomographic Pn and Sn Velocity beneath Continental Collision Zone from Alps to Himalaya, J. Geophys. Res
Xu, Q., J. Zhao, S. Pei, H. Liu (2011), The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary revealed by Hi-CLIMB experiment from S receiver functions, Geophys. J. Int
Lü, Y., B. Liu, S. Pei, Y. Sun, X. Zeng (2011), Pn Tomographic Velocity and Anisotropy beneath the Iran Region, Bull. Seism. Soc
Wang, Z., J. Wang, Z. Chen, Y. Liu, R. Huang, S. Pei, Q. Zhang, W. Tang (2011), Seismic imaging, crustal stress and GPS data analyses: Implications for the generation of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake (M7.9), China, Gondwana Researches
Pei, S., Y. Sun, M. N. Toksöz, Y. J. Chen, X. Gao, Z. Wang, J. Zhao and H. Liu (2011), Imaging Poisson's ratio of uppermost mantle beneath China, Bull
Pei, S. and Y. J. Chen (2010), The updated crustal attenuation in North China using ML amplitude tomography, Earthquake Science
Pei, S. and Y. J. Chen (2010), Tomographic structure of East Asia: I. No fast (slab) anomalies beneath 660 km discontinuity, Earthquake Science
Chen, Y. J. and S. Pei (2010), Tomographic structure of East Asia: II. Stagnant slab above 660 km discontinuity and its geodynamic implications, Earthquake Science
Pei, S., J. Su, H. Zhang,Y. Sun, M. N. Toksöz, Z. Wang, X. Gao, J. Liu, J. He (2010), Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure across the 2008 Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake, Sichuan, China, Tectonophysics
裴順平,劉傑,馬宏生,高星,蘇金蓉 (2010), 川滇地區橫波Q值動態變化, 地球物理學報
Zhao, J., X. Yuan, H. Liu, P. Kumar, S. Pei, R. Kind, Z. Zhang, J. Teng, L. Ding, X. Gao, Q. Xu, and W. Wang (2010), The boundary between the Indian and Asian tectonic plates below Tibet
Xu, Q, J. Zhao, Z. Cui, S. Pei, H. Liu (2010), Moho offset beneath the central Bangong-Nujiang suture of Tibetan Plateau
Pei, S., Z. Cui, Y. Sun, M. N. Toksöz, C.A. Rowe, X. Gao, J. Zhao, H. Liu, J. He, F. D. Morgan (2009), Structure of the Upper Crust in Japan from S-wave Attenuation Tomography, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., vol
崔仲雄, 裴順平(2009), 東構造結及周邊地區上地幔頂部Pn速度結構和各向異性研究, 地球物理學報
Huang, R., Z. Wang, S. Pei, Y. Wang (2009), Crustal ductile flow and its contribution to tectonic stress in Southwest China
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, S. Pei (2009), Structural control of rupturing of the Mw7.9 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China, Earth Planet. Sci
Gao, X., Y. Su, W. Wang, S. Pei and Z. Guo (2009), Lower-crust S-wave velocity beneath western Yunnan Province from waveform inversion of dense seismic observations
裴順平, 蘇金蓉, 高星, 趙俊猛, 劉宏兵. (2008), 日本上地殼S波衰減成像. 地球物理學報
Sun, Y., M. N. Toksöz, S. Pei, D. Zhao, F. D. Morgan, and A. Rosca (2008), S wave tomography of the crust and uppermost mantle in China, J. Geophys
Sun, Y., M. N. Toksöz, S. Pei, F. D. Morgan, 2008. The layered shear wave velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle in China. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., vol
Hearn, T., S. Wang, S. Pei, Z. Xu, James F. Ni, Y. Yu (2008), Seismic Amplitude Tomography for Crustal Attenuation beneath China. Geophysical Journal International
Zhao, J., H. Cheng, S. Pei, H. Liu, J. Zhang, B. Liu (2008), Deep structure at northern margin of Tarim Basin, Chinese Science Bulletin
汪素雲, 裴順平, Thomas M. Hearn, 許忠淮, James F. Ni, 俞言祥 ( 2008), 利用ML振幅研究地殼橫波Q值II: Q橫向變化特徵. 地球物理學報
趙俊猛, 徐強, 段永紅, 裴順平, 劉宏兵 (2008), 青藏高原北緣基底結構的有限差分研究,地球物理學進展
Pei, S., J. Zhao, Y. Sun, Z. Xu, S. Wang, H. Liu, C. A. Rowe, M. N. Toksöz, and X. Gao (2007), Upper mantle seismic velocities and anisotropy in China determined through Pn and Sn tomography, J. Geophys
汪素雲, 裴順平, 許忠淮, 張國民, 俞言祥, 潘華 (2007), 利用ML振幅研究地殼橫波Q值I: 不同構造區的衰減特徵. 地球物理學報
馬宏生, 汪素雲, 裴順平, 劉傑, 華衛, 周龍泉 (2007), 川滇及周邊地區地殼橫波衰減的成像研究. 地球物理學報
Pei, S., J. Zhao, C. A. Rowe, S. Wang, T. M. Hearn, Z. Xu, H. Liu and Y. Sun (2006), ML Amplitude Tomography in North China, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am.
裴順平, 許忠淮, 汪素雲. 2004. 中國大陸及鄰近地區上地幔頂部Sn波速度層析成像. 地球物理學報
裴順平, 許忠淮, 汪素雲. 2004. 中國及鄰區Pn波速度結構解釋及其成因探討。地震學報
汪素雲,許忠淮,裴順平. 2003.中國大陸Pn速度結構與強震孕育的深部背景. 地球物理學報
裴順平, 許忠淮, 汪素雲. 2003. 上地幔頂部折射波走時層析成像研究綜述。地球物理學進展
Chongxi CHEN, Shunping PEI, JJ JIAO, 2003. Land subsidence caused by groundwater exploitation in Suzhou City, China, Hydrogeology Journal
汪素雲,許忠淮,裴順平. 2003. 華北地區上地幔頂部Pn波速度結構及其構造含義. 中國科學
許忠淮,汪素雲,裴順平. 2003.青藏高原東北緣地區Pn波速度的橫向變化. 地震學報
裴順平, 許忠淮, 汪素雲. 2002. 新疆及鄰區Pn速度層析成像. 地球物理學報
焦赳赳, 王旭升, 成建梅, 裴順平 (2003), 陳崇希教授的學術思想和成就綜述。地球科學
陳崇希, 裴順平. 2001. 地下水開採-地面沉降數值模擬及防治對策研究. 武漢:中國地質大學出版社.
陳崇希, 裴順平. 2001. 地下水開採-地面沉降模型研究. 水文地質工程地質
Shunping PEI, Chongxi CHEN and Jiu Jimmy JIAO, 2000. Geological hazards related to groundwater exploitation-Land subsidence in Suzhou city, China, Proceedings of the international symposium on hydrogeology and the environment, Yanxin Wang, Wuhan, P. R
陳崇希, 裴順平,王遜. 1999. 非完整河的數值模擬方法及建模中的若干問題. 勘察科學技術