

徐翔,大連理工大學物理與光電工程學院副教授。已在“JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS”、“JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS”、“PHYSICS OF PLASMAS”、“Plasma Science and Technology”等國內外著名雜誌上發表研究論文20餘篇,主持國家自然科學基金等多個國家級項目。現為長江學者王友年教授科研團隊骨幹成員,國家科技重大專項項目《IC裝備工藝模擬與多領域建模工藝模擬設計平台》子課題《等離子體工藝腔室多場耦合模擬》模擬軟體的總架構師和核心代碼貢獻者。




IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (SCI收錄期刊)特邀審稿人
Chinese Physics Letters(SCI收錄期刊)特邀審稿人
Plasma Science and Technology(SCI收錄期刊)特邀審稿人


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“弱磁場低頻驅動高功率低氣壓感應耦合等離子體源放電機理研究”(2013-2016),項目負責人。
2. 國家自然科學基金青年基金“大尺寸超高頻容性耦合等離子體反應器中電磁效應的研究”(2009-2011),項目負責人。
3. 國家科技重大專項(02專項)項目“IC裝備工藝模擬與多領域建模工藝模擬設計平台”課題一(2011-2014),主要參加人,模擬平台架構總設計師。
4. ITER專項項目“HL-2A強流中性束加熱關鍵技術研究”課題一(2011-2013),主要參加人。
6. 中國工程物理研究院項目“磁化靶聚變中若干分子原子過程的數值模擬研究”(2011-2013),大連理工大學單位負責人。


2. 計算流體力學(CFD)、磁流體力學(MHD)、粒子模擬(PIC/MC)和DSMC演演算法研究。
3. 磁化靶聚變和脈衝功率源相關物理過程的數值模擬。


26. Shuai Wang, Xiang Xu, and You-Nian Wang,“A One-Dimensional Hybrid Simulation of DC/RF Combined Driven Capacitive Plasma”, Plasma Sci. Technol., 2012, 14(1): 32-36.
25. Shuai Wang, Xiang Xu, and You-Nian Wang, “Numerical study of ion energy and angular distributions in dual-frequency capacitively coupled CF4 plasmas”, Phys. Plasmas, 2012, 19(2): 023506.
24. Yu-Ru Zhang, Xiang Xu, A. Bogaerts, and You-Nian Wang, “Fluid simulation of the phase-shift effect in hydrogen capacitively coupled plasmas: I. Transient behaviour of electrodynamics and power deposition”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2012, 45(1): 015202.
23. Yu-Ru Zhang, Xiang Xu, A. Bogaerts, and You-Nian Wang, “Fluid simulation of the phase-shift effect in hydrogen capacitively coupled plasmas: II. Radial uniformity of the plasma characteristics”, J . Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2012, 45(1): 015203.
22. Xue-Jiao Si, Shu-Xia Zhao, Xiang Xu, A. Bogaerts, and You-Nian Wang, “Fluid simulations of frequency effects on nonlinear harmonics in inductively coupled plasma”, Phys. Plasmas, 2011, 18(3): 033504.
21. Xiang Xu, Jie Feng, Xiang-Mei Liu, You-Nian Wang, “Study of the dust removal efficiency in capacitively coupled plasmas with annular electrodes”, Current Applied Physics, 2011, S131-S134.
20. Zhen-Hua Bi, Yong-Xin Liu, Wei Jiang, Xiang Xu, You-Nian Wang, “A brief review of dual-frequency capacitively coupled discharges”, Current Applied Physics, 2011, S2-S8.
19. Xiang-Mei Liu, Yuan-Hong Song, Xiang Xu, and You-Nian Wang, “Phase-shift effects on growth and transport of dust particles in VHF capacitively coupled silane discharges: Two dimensional fluid simulation”, Phys. Plasmas, 2011, 18(8): 083508.
18. Bi Zhenhua, Xu Xiang, Liu Yongxin, Jiang Xiangzhan, Lu Wenqi, Wang Younian, “Comparison of 2D Hybrid Simulational and Experimental Results for Dual-Frequency Capacitively Coupled Argon Plasmas”, Plasma Science and Technology, 2011, 13(2): 182-187.
17. Yu-Ru Zhang, Xiang Xu, Shu-Xia Zhao, A. Bogaerts, and You-Nian Wang, “Comparison of electrostatic and electromagnetic simulations for very high frequency plasmas”, Phys. Plasmas, 2010, 17(12): 113512.
16. Xiang Xu, Shu-Xia Zhao, Yu-Ru Zhang, and You-Nian Wang, “Phase-shift effect in capacitively coupled plasmas with two radio frequency or very high frequency sources”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2010, 108(4): 043308.
15. Xiang-Mei Liu, Yuan-Hong Song, Xiang Xu, and You-Nian Wang, “Simulation of dust particles in dual-frequency capacitively coupled silane discharges”, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2010, 81(1): 016405.
14. Yu-Ru Zhang, Xiang Xu, You-Nian Wang, “Fluid simulation for influence of metastable atoms on the characteristics of capacitively coupled argon plasmas”, Phys. Plasmas, 2010, 17:033507.
13. Xiang Xu, Hao Ge, Shuai Wang, Zhongling Dai, Younian Wang, Aimin Zhu, “Influence of the low-frequency source parameters on the plasma characteristics in a dual frequency capacitively coupled plasma reactor: Two dimensional simulations”, Progress in Natural Science, 2009, 19 (6): 677-684.
12. Zhen-Hua Bi, Zhong-Ling Dai, Xiang Xu, Zhi-Cheng Li, and You-Nian Wang, “Numerical results for the Ar and CF4 mixture gas in a dual frequency capacitively coupled plasma using a hybrid model”, Phys. Plasmas, 2009, 16:043510.
11. Shu-Xia Zhao, Xiang Xu, Xue-Chun Li, and You-Nian Wang, “Fluid simulation of the E-H mode transition in inductively coupled plasma”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2009, 105: 083306.
10. Xu Xiang, Wang You-Nian, “The influence of the downstream flow on the conduction phase of a coaxial plasma opening switch”, Plasma Science & Technology, 2008, 10 (4): 428-432.
9. Xiao-Song Li, Zhen-Hua Bi, Da-Lei Chang, Zhi-Cheng Li, Shuai Wang, Xiang Xu, Yong Xu, Wen-Qi Lu, Ai-Min Zhu, and You-Nian Wang, “Modulating effects of the low-frequency source on ion energy distributions in a dual frequency capacitively coupled plasma”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2008, 93: 031504.
8. Wei Jiang, Xiang Xu, Zhong-Ling Dai, You-Nian Wang, “Heating mechanisms and particle flow balancing of capacitively coupled plasmas driven by DC/RF sources, Phys. Plasmas, 2008, 15: 033502.
7. Wang Shuai, Xu Xiang, Song Yuanhong, Wang Younian, “Frequency matching effects on chracteristics of bulk plasmas and sheaths for dual-frequency capacitively coupled argon discharges: one-dimensional fluid simulation”, Plasma Science & Technology, 2008, 10 (1): 57-60.
6. Shuai Wang, Xiang Xu, and You-Nian Wang, “Numerical investigation of ion energy distribution and ion angle distribution in a dual-frequency capacitively couple plasma with a hybrid model”, Phys. Plasmas, 2007, 14:113501.
5. Ke Jiang, Lu-Jing Hou, Xiang Xu and You-Nian Wang,“Waves and wakes excited by a moving disturbance in a 2D magnetized dusty plasma”, New Journal of Physics, 2007, 9(3):57.
4. Zhong-Ling Dai, Xiang Xu and You-Nian Wang, “A self-consistent hybrid model of dual frequency sheath: ion energy and angular distributions”, Phys. Plasmas, 2007, 14:013507.
3. Xu Xiang, Wang You-Nian, “The Energy Balance of Plasma in a Coaxial Plasma Opening Switch”, Plasma Science & Technology, 2006, 8 (6): 656-660.
2. Xiang Xu, You-Nian Wang, “Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a coaxial high-density plasma opening switch”, IEEE Transations on Plasma Science, 2006, 34 (4): 1529-1535.
1. 徐翔, 王友年,“能量輸運對柱狀等離子體開關磁場穿透過程的影響”,強激光與粒子束, 2006, 18(3): 410-414.