



2010.4- 對外經濟貿易大學國際經濟貿易學院國際運輸與物流學系,講師。
2006.7-2010.3 新加坡國立大學商學院決策科學系,訪問學者、Research Fellow。


物流與供應鏈管理、Warehousing Management。




Healthcare Management at Singapore National University Hospital 參與人。
Software Focused Supply Chain: Integration, Coordination and Optimization 參與人。
短生命周期產品的生產調度和物流管理: 模型與最優策略 (NSFC 70329001) 參與人。
基於信息技術的供應鏈管理理論和應用研究 (NSFC 70321001)參與人。
供應鏈的系統分析與優化研究 (NSFC 79825102) 參與人。
1. NUH impatient operations: empirical analysis and mathematical models. In preparation. (Coauthored with Ang, J., Chou, M., Dai, J. G., and Shi, P).
2. Lucy Chen, Ding Ding, Ou Jihong, 2010. Power Structure and Profitability in Assemble-to-OrderSupply Chains. Submitted.
3. Ding Ding, Xueming Yuan. 2010. Properties of Policy-Sharing Precincts in the Cost Structure Space. Submitted.
4.Ding Ding, James Ang, Mable Chou. 2010. Critical timing issues in substitution of successive generations of software products. Submitted.
5.Mable Chou, Ding Ding. 2010. Heuristics algorithms of stowage planning for container ships to achieve operations efficiency. Submitted.
6.Ding Ding, Jihong Ou, James Ang. 2010. Analysis of Ticket Queues with Reneging Customers. Submitted.
7.Ding Ding, Teo Chung-Piaw. 2010. World Container Port Throughput Follows Lognormal Distribution. Maritime Policy & Management 37(4), 401-426.
8.Ding Ding, Chen Jian, 2008. Coordinating a three level supply chain with flexible return policies. Omega, the International Journal of Management Science 36, 865-876. (中國科學技術信息研究所評選為2008中國百篇最具影響國際學術論文)
9.Ding Ding and Chen Jian, 2007. Supply chain coordination with contracts game between complementary suppliers. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 6, 163-175.
10. Teo Chung-Piaw, Ding Ding, KoayPeng Yen. 2009. Ports’ growth: biggest is not always best, in Lim Chin (Eds), Globalisation and Financial Crisis. Page 49-54. ISBN: 978-981-08-3886-7. (同時刊登於The Straits Times. Page A20, March 18, 2009).
European Journal of Operational Research, Maritime Policy & Management, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 等期刊匿名評審