共找到2條詞條名為張永勇的結果 展開





2003年畢業於華東交通大學工學學士學位;2008年畢業於武漢大學獲水文及水資源專業工學博士學位。2008年-2010年期間,在中國科學院地理所從事自然地理方向的博士后研究;2009年-2010年期間,在澳大利亞Griffith 大學從事生態水文方面的博士后研究;2010年7月留所任助理研究員;2011年12月晉陞為副研究員。在國內外學術期刊上已發表論文40餘篇,其中SCI論文15篇;出版專著1部;獲軟體著作權4項;以及淮河水利委員會科技進步一等獎一項。目前已完成或正在主持的項目有國家自然科學基金面上項目(青年基金)、國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項課題專題、中國博士后科學基金以及特別資助等。此外還參與國家“973”計劃、國家自然科學基金面上基金和國際合作重大項目、中科院知識創新重要方向性項目、水利部公益性項目以及北京市科技計劃項目等多項國家和地方項目。




Zhang Yongyong, Xia Jun, Liang Tao, Shao Quanxi. Impact of water projects on River Flow Regimes and Water Quality in Huai River Basin. Water Resources Management
Zhang Yongyong, Shao Quanxi, Xia Jun, Bunn Stuart E., Zuo Qiting. Changes of flow regimes and precipitation in Huai River Basin in the last half century. Hydrological Processes
Zhang Yongyong, Xia Jun, Chen Junfeng, Zhang Minghua. Water quantity and quality optimization modeling of dams operation based on SWAT in Wenyu River Catchment, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessmen
Zhang Yongyong, Arthington Angela H., Bunn Stuart E., Mackay Stephen, Xia Jun, Kennard Mark. Classification of flow regimes for environmental flow assessment in regulated rivers: the Huai River Basin, China. River Research and Applications
Zhang Yongyong, Xia Jun, Shao Quanxi, Zhang Xiang. Experimental and Simulation Studies on the Impact of Sluice Regulation on Water Quantity and Quality Processes. ASCE: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Yongyong Zhang, Jun Xia, Quanxi Shao,Xiaoyan Zhai. Water Quantity and Quality Simulation by Improved SWAT in Highly Regulated Huai River Basin of China. Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (SERRA)
Zhonggen Wang, Darren L. Ficklin, Yongyong Zhang, Minghua Zhang. Impact of climate change on streamflow in the arid Shiyang River Basin of northwest China. Hydrological Processes
Xia Jun, Zhang Yongyong, Zhan Chesheng, Ye Aizhong. Water Quality Management in China:The Case of the Huai River Basin. International Journal of Water Resources Development
Xia Jun,Zhang Yongyong. Water security in north China and countermeasure to climate change and human activity. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Zhao Changsen, Liu Changming, Xia Jun, Zhang Yongyong, Yu Qiang, Derek Eamus. Recognition of Key Regions for Restoration of Phytoplankton Communities in the Huai River basin, China. Journal ofHydrology
Zhang Liang, Song Xianfang, Xia Jun, Yuan Ruiqiang, Zhang Yongyong, Liu Xin, Han Dongmei. Major element chemistry of the Huai River basin, China. Applied Geochemistry
Zhang Shifeng, Hua Dong, Meng Xiujing, Zhang Yongyong. Climate Changes and its Driving Effect on the Runoff in the “Three-River Headwaters”region. Journal of Geographical Sciences
Xia Jun,She Dunxian, Zhang Yongyong, Du Hong. Spatial-temporal trend and statistical distribution of extreme precipitation events in Huaihe River Basin during 1960–2009. Journal of Geographical Sciences
Zhang Yongyong, Xia Jun, Wang Zhonggen, Zhang Xuesong. Distributed hydrologic modeling of the Huaihe River Basin with high density of dams and floodgates. IAHS Publ
夏軍,張永勇,王中根,李浩. 城市化地區水資源承載力研究. 水利學報
Zhang Yongyong,Xia Jun,Wang Gangsheng,Zhao Changsen and Jiang Yan. Research on the effect of dams on water environment in Huai River Basin. The 3rd International Yellow River Forum. Dongying
張永勇,張士鋒,翟曉燕,夏軍。三江源區徑流演變及其對氣候變化的響應. 地理學報
Zhang Yongyong, Xia Jun, Wang Zhonggen. Integrated Water Resources Carrying Capacity in Tongzhou District, Beijing City .Journal of Resources and Ecology
張永勇,王中根,夏軍,柳文華,劉曉潔. 基於水循環過程的水量水質聯合評價方法. 自然資源學報
張永勇,陳軍峰,夏軍,孟德娟. 溫榆河流域閘壩群對河流水量水質影響研究.自然資源學報
張永勇,王中根,於磊,夏軍,陳向東. SWAT水質模塊的擴展及其在海河流域典型區的應用。資源科學
張永勇,夏軍,王綱勝,蔣艷,趙長森. 淮河流域閘壩聯合調度對河流水質影響分析. 武漢大學學報
張永勇,夏軍,王中根. 區域水資源承載力理論與方法探討. 地理科學進展
張永勇,張光義,夏軍,王紅萍. 濕地污水處理機理的研究。環境科學與技術
Xia Jun, Zhang yongyong, Wang gangsheng. Assessment of dam impacts on river flow regimes and water quality: a case study of the Huai River Basin in P. R. China. Journal of Chongqing University(English Edition)
張永勇,夏軍,程緒水,張翔. 多閘壩流域水文環境效應研究及應用. 中國水利水電出版社,2011.
張永勇,夏軍,等. 溫榆河流域水質水量聯合調控系統. 軟體著作權
張永勇,夏軍,等. 分散式時變增益水量水質耦合模擬系統. 軟體著作權