共找到5條詞條名為楊志林的結果 展開



楊志林 1963年6月出生,教授,學科帶頭人,碩士研究生 導師,應用數學研究所所長,青島理工大學教授,中共黨員。




先後主講 數學分析、常微分方程實變函數論泛函分析 拓撲學數值分析高等數學概率論與數理統計等課程,教學效果優秀。


在JMAA,Nonlinear Analysis TMA,《數學學報》,《系統科學與數學》,《數學物理學報》等國內外重要學術刊物上發表學術論文40餘篇,其中SCI 檢索7篇,EI 檢索4篇。主持並完成湖南省教育廳科研項目一項,在研主持山東省教育廳科技項目一項。湖南省中青年骨幹教師。歐洲數學會(德國Zentralblatt MATH(數學文摘)評論員。
⒈ 楊志林 孫經先非線性二階常微分方程組邊值問題的正解,數學學報,2004:47⑴,111-118
⒉ 楊志林,拓撲度計算與應用,數學學報,2005:48⑵,275-280
⒊ 楊志林,關於Berestycki一些結果的註記,數學學報,2001:44⑶,475-480
⒋ 楊志林,魏耿平泛函積分方程的正解與應用,數學學報,2007: 50⑵,363-372..
⒌ 楊志林 孫經先,非線性運算元的漸近岐點,系統科學與數學,2000:20⑴,47-54
⒍ 謝勝利 楊志林,Banach空間非線性脈衝Volterra型積分方程和積分—微分方程的可解性,數學學報,2003:46⑶,445-452
⒎ Zhilin Yang,Donal O’Regan,Positive solvability of systems of nonlinear Hammerstein integral equations,2005:311⑵,600-614(SCI 檢索)
⒏ Zhilin Yang,Positive solutions to systems of nonlocal boundary value problems,Nonlinear Analysis TMA,2005: 62⑺,1251-1265(SCI,EI 檢索)
⒐ Zhilin Yang,Positive solutions of a second-order integral boundary value problems,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,321⑵(2006),751-765(SCI檢索)
⒑ Zhilin Yang,Existence and nonexistence results for positive solutions of an integral boundary value problem,Nonlinear Analysis TMA,2006:65⑻,1489-1511(SCI,EI檢索)
⒒ Zhilin Yang,Existence of nontrivial solutions for a nonlinear Sturm-Liouville problem with integral boundary conditions,Nonlinear Analysis TMA,2008:68⑴) 216-225 (SCI,EI檢索).
⒓ Zhilin Yang,Existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for a higher order boundary value problem,Computers and Mathematics with Applications,2007:54⑵,220-228(SCI檢索) .
⒔ Zhilin Yang,Existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for an integral boundary value problem,Nonlinear Analysis TMA,2008:69⑾ 3910-3918 (SCI,EI 檢索)
⒕ Zhilin Yang,Donal O’Regan,Ravi P. Argarwal,Positive solutions of a second-order boundary value problem via integro-differntial equation arguements,Applicable Analysis,2009:88⑻,1197-1211(SCI檢索)
⒖ Guang Zhang,Zhilin Yang,Existence of $2^{n}$ Nontrivial Solutions for Discrete Two-Point Boundary Value Problems,Nonlinear Analysis TMA,2004:59⑺,1181-1187 (SCI,EI檢索)
⒗ Guang Zhang,Zhilin Yang,Positive solutions of a general discrete boundary value problem Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2008:339⑴,469-481 (SCI 檢索)