共找到41條詞條名為張彥的結果 展開
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- 上海財經大學教授
- 重慶醫科大學醫學檢驗系教授
- 編劇
- 廣東省婦幼保健院醫學遺傳中心副主任

1. Hong-Tao Xie, Zhi-Yuan Wan, Sha Li, Yan Zhang* (2014) Spatiotemporal production of reactive oxygen species by NADPH oxidase is critical for tapetal programmed cell death and pollen development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 27, 2007-2023。
2. Liang-Zi Zhou, Sha Li, Qiang-Nan Feng, Yu-Ling Zhang, Xinying Zhao, Yonglun Zeng, Hao Wang, Liwen Jiang, Yan Zhang* (2013) Arabidopsis PROTEIN S-ACYL TRANSFERASE 10 is Critical for Development and Salt Tolerance. Plant Cell 25, 1093-1107。
3. Sha Li, Fu-Rong Ge, Ming Xu, Xin-Ying Zhao, Guo-Qiang Huang, Liang-Zi Zhou, Jia-Gang Wang, Anja Kombrink, Sheila McCormick, Xian Sheng Zhang*, Yan Zhang* (2013) Arabidopsis COBRA-LIKE 10, a GPI-anchored protein, mediates directional growth of pollen tubes. Plant J 74, 486-497。
4. Jia-Gang Wang, Sha Li, Xin-Ying Zhao, Liang-Zi Zhou, Guo-Qiang Huang, Hong-Tao Xie, Chong Feng, Yan Zhang* (2013) HAPLESS13, the Arabidopsis µ1 adaptin, is essential for protein sorting at the trans-Golgi network/early endosome. Plant Physiol 162, 1897-1910。
5. Guo-Qiang Huang, En Li, Fu-Rong Ge, Sha Li, Qun Wang, Chun-Qing Zhang, Yan Zhang* (2013) Arabidopsis RopGEF4 and RopGEF10 are important for FERONIA-mediated developmental but not environmental regulation of root hair growth. New Phytol 200, 1089-1101。
6. Sha Li, Liang-Zi Zhou, Qiang-Nan Feng, Sheila McCormick, Yan Zhang* (2013) The C-terminal hypervariable domain targets Arabidopsis ROP9 to the invaginated pollen tube plasma membrane. Mol Plant 6, 1362-1364。
7. Xin-Ying Zhao, Qun Wang, Sha Li, Fu-Rong Ge, Liang-Zi Zhou, Sheila McCormick, Yan Zhang* (2013) The Juxtamembrane and carboxy-terminal domains of Arabidopsis PRK2 are critical for ROP-induced growth in pollen tubes. J Exp Bot 64,5599-5610。
8. Sha Li, Yan Zhang* (2014) To grow or not to grow. FERONIA has her say. Mol Plant 7, 1261-1263
9. Sen Chai, Furong Ge, Sha Li, Yan Zhang* (2015) The journey to glory: receptor-like kinases in pollen tube growth. Sci Bull DOI:10.1007/s11434-015-0926-5。
10. Yan Zhang*, Sha Li, Liang-Zi Zhou, Emily Fox, James Pao, Wei Sun, Chao Zhou, Sheila McCormick* (2011) Overexpression of Arabidopsis thaliana PTEN Caused Accumulation of Autophagic Bodies in Pollen Tubes by Disrupting Phosphatidylinositol 3-Phosphate Dynamics. Plant J 68, 1081-1092。
11. Zhi Juan Cheng, Xiang Yu Zhao, Xing Xing Shao, Fei Wang, Chao Zhou, Ying Gao Liu, Yan Zhang, Xian Sheng Zhang* (2014) Abscisic acid regulates early seed development in Arabidopsis by ABI5-mediated transcription of SHORT HYPOCOTYL UNDER BLUE1. Plant Cell 26, 1053-1068。
12. Zhi Juan Cheng, Liang Wang, Wei Sun, Yan Zhang, Chao Zhou, Ying Hua Su, Wei Li, Tian Tian Sun, Xiang Yu Zhao, Xing Guo Li, Youfa Cheng, Yunde Zhao, Qi Xie, Xian Sheng Zhang* (2013) Pattern of auxin and cytokinin responses for shoot meristem induction results from regulation of cytokinin biosynthesis by auxin response factor 3. Plant Physiol 161, 240-251。
13. Wei Li, Hui Liu, Zhi-Juan Cheng, Ying-Hua Su, Hua-Nan Han, Yan Zhang, Xian Sheng Zhang* (2011) DNA methylation and histone modifications regulate de novo shoot regeneration in Arabidopsis by modulating WUSCHEL expression and auxin signaling. Plos Genetics 7, e1002243。
14. Yu-Ling Zhang, En Li, Qiang-Nan Feng, Xin-Ying Zhao, Fu-Rong Ge, Yan Zhang, Sha Li* (2015) Protein palmitoylation is critical for the polar growth of root hairs in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biol 15;50。
15. Junmin He*, Xiaozhen Yue, Ruibin Wang, Yan Zhang (2011) Ethylene mediates UV-B-induced stomatal closure via peroxidase-dependent hydrogen peroxide synthesis in Vicia faba L. J Exp Bot 62, 2657-2666。
目前擔任中國植物學會外事工作委員會副主任、中國植物學會女科學家分會理事、作物生物學國家重點實驗室主任助理、山東省科協委員、山東省遺傳學會理事、生命科學學院教授委員會副主任、Frontiers in Plant Science編委、美國植物學家聯合會會員、國際實驗生物學會會員。
時間 | 獎項全稱 | 具體獎項 |
2017年 | 國家百千萬人才工程 | |
2017年 | 泰安十大女傑 | |
2015年 | 山東省“青年科技獎” | |
2014年 | 山東省“留學人員回國創業獎” | 一等獎 |
2012年 | 山東省傑出青年基金 | |
2011年 | 山東省“泰山學者海外特聘專家” |