近年來,在國內外專業期刊包括Journal of Chromatography B、Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory systems 等發表論文十多篇,SCI收錄5篇。出版專著一部,申請專利一項。
1. Yuhua Liu,Zhengyi Chen,Guihua ruan*.Study of bromelain immobilization based on magnetic nano-materials for the protein enzyme digestion. 第三屆全國生命分析化學學術報告與研討會論文集(生命分析基礎理論). 北京,2010.
2. Jianchao Deng, Xiaohua Xiao, Gongke Li, Guihua Ruan. Application of Microwave-assisted Extraction Coupled with High-speed Counter-current Chromatography for Separation And Purifi cation of Dehydrocavidine from Corydalis saxicola bunting. Phytochem. Anal., 2009, 20, 498-502.
5. Ruan G H, Li G K. The study on the chromatographic fingerprint of Fructus xanthii by microwave assisted extraction coupled with GC-MS. Journal of Chromatography B, 2007, 850: 241-248.
6. 阮貴華,陳皓,肖小華,李攻科. 微波輔助提取-GC/MS聯用分析蒼耳子中油脂成分的研究. 分析試驗室,2007,26(3): 21-25.
7. Gan F, Ruan G H, Mo J Y. Baseline correction by improved iterative polynomial fitting with automatic threshold. Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory systems, 2006, 82, 59-65.
8. Zhang Z M,Cai J J,Ruan G H,Li G K. The study of fingerprint characteristics of the emanations from human arm skin using the original sampling system by SPME-GC/MS. Journal of Chromatography B, 2005, 822: 244-252.
9. 李攻科,阮貴華,肖小華,鄧建朝,周小南. 微波輔助提取-高速逆流色譜聯用方法及其裝置. 申請發明專利