共找到4條詞條名為許永斌的結果 展開





2008年9月 - 2011年8月,韓國釜山國立大學,製藥專業,博士
2006年9月 - 2008年8月,韓國釜山國立大學,製藥專業,碩士
2002年9月 - 2006年7月,延邊大學藥物製劑專業,學士


2012年9月- 2016年2月,中科院大連化學物理研究所,博士后
2011年9月 - 2011年12月,韓國新葯開發研究所,博士后


2. 遼寧省高等學校人才支持計劃項目,2015年至2017年,項目負責人
3.中國博士后科學基金, 2013M540229、《枯草芽胞桿菌芽膜融合蛋白YknX的結構及功能研究》、2013/09-2015/08、項目負責人
4.遼寧省教育廳一般項目, L2012480、《銅綠假單胞菌MexY-OprM多葯外排系統的裝配方式和通道開放機制研究》、2013/08-2014/12、項目負責人
2014年 大連市青年科技之星培育計劃入選人員
2013年 遼寧省第七批“百千萬人才工程”萬人層次入選人員
2013年 大連民族學院“春雷”青年人才支持計劃人員
2014年 大連市青年科技之星培育計劃入選人員
2013年 遼寧省第七批“百千萬人才工程”萬人層次入選人員
2013年 大連民族學院“春雷”青年人才支持計劃人員
19. Jinli Chen, Fei Shang, Lulu Wang, Linhai Zou, Tingting Bu, Liming Jin, Yuesheng Dong, Nam-Chul Ha, Chunshan Quan, Ki Hyun Nam, and Yongbin Xu. Structural and biochemical analysis of the citrate-responsive mechanism of the regulatory domain of catabolite control protein E from Staphylococcus aureus. Biochemistry. 2018 Oct 23;57(42):6054-6060. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00671.
18. Jinli Chen, Fei Shang, Lulu Wang, Wei Liu, Yuanyuan Chen, Jing Lan, Liming Jin, Nam-Chul Ha, Chunshan Quan, and Yongbin Xu. Aeromonas hydrophila cytosolic 5'-methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteinenucleosidase MtaN-2: crystallization and X-ray crystallographic analysis. Biodesign.l Vol.6 l No.3 l Sep 30, 2018
17. Yongbn Xu, Kwang Yeon Hwang and Ki Hyun Nam. Spectral and Structural Analysis of Large Stokes Shift Fluorescent Protein dKeima570. Journal of Microbiology. 2018 Nov;56(11):822-827. doi: 10.1007/s12275-018-8319-5.
16. Fei Shang, Jinli Chen, Lulu Wang, Liming Jin, Linhai Zou, Tingting Bu, Yuesheng Dong, Nam-Chul Ha, Ki Hyun Nam, Chunshan Quan, and Yongbin Xu. Crystal structure of the nicotinamidase/pyrazinamidase PncA from Bacillus subtilis.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2018 Aug 11. pii: S0006-291X(18)31749-2.
15.Yongbin Xu.Crystal structure of E. coli ZinT with one zinc-binding mode andcomplexed with citrate.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2018 Mar 26. pii: S0006-291X(18)30714-9.
14.Yongbin Xu.Hexameric assembly of membrane fusion protein YknX of the sporulation delaying efflux pump from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017;493(1):152-157
13.Yongbin Xu.Structural and Functional Analyses of Periplasmic 5'-Methylthioadenosine/S-Adenosylhomocysteine Nucleosidase from Aeromonas hydrophila.2017;56(40):5347-5355
12.Yongbin Xu. The Crystal Structure of the YknZ Extracellular Domain of ABC Transporter YknWXYZ from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. 2016
11.Yongbin Xu. Crystal structure and functional implications of the tandem-type universal stress protein UspE from Escherichia coli.. 2016;16:3
10.Yongbin Xu, Chun-Shan Quan, Xuanzhen Jin, XiaolingJin, Jing Zhao, Liming Jin, Jin-Sik Kim, Jianyun Guo, Shengdi Fan and Nam-Chul Ha. Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Aeromonas hydrophila MtaN-1 Enzyme Interactions with S-Adenosylhomocysteine. . 2015
9.Yongbin Xu, Chun-Shan Quan, Xuanzhen Jin, XiaolingJin, Jing Zhao, Xihui Li, Wei Zheng, Liming Jin, Dedi Liu, Shengdi Fan and Nam-Chul Ha. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of UspE from Escherichia coli. . 2014, 70(Pt 12):1640-2
8.Yongbin Xu, Arne Moeller, Minho Lee, So-Young Jun, Bo-Young Yoon, Bridget Carragher, Clint Potter, Kangseok Lee, and Nam-Chul Ha. Assembly and channel opening of the outer membrane protein in tripartite drug efflux pumps of gram-negative bacteria. . 2012; 287(15): 11740-50.
7.YongbinXu, Saemee Song, Arne Moeller, Nahee Kim, ShunfuPiao, Se-HoonSim, Mooseok Kang, Wookyung Yu, Hyun-Soo Cho, Iksoo Chang, Kangseok Lee, and Nam-Chul Ha. Functional implications of an intermeshing cogwheel-like interaction between TolC and MacA in the action of macrolide-specific efflux pump MacAB-TolC.J Biol Chem.2011, 286(15):13541-9.
6.YongbinXu, Minho Lee, Arne Moeller, Saemee Song, Bo-Young Yoon, Hong-Man Kim, So-Young Jun, Kangseok Lee, and Nam-Chul Ha. Funnel-like hexameric assembly of the periplasmic adapter protein in the tripartite multidrug efflux pump in gram-negative bacteria. 2011, 20;286(20):17910-20.
11.Y Xu, S-H Lee, HS Kim, NH Kim, S Piao, S-H Park, YS Jung, JI Yook, B-J Park and N-C Ha.Role of CK1 in GSK3beta-mediated phosphorylation and degradation of snail. . 2010, 29(21):3124-33.
5.Soohwan Yum,YongbinXu, ShunfuPiao, Se-HoonSim,Hong-Man Kim, Wol-Soon Jo, Kyung-Jin Kim, Hee-SeokKweon,Min-Ho Jeong, HyesungJeon, Kangseok Lee and Nam-Chul Ha. Crystal structure of the periplasmic component of a tripartite macrolide-specific efflux pump.Journal of molecular biology. 2009, 387(5):1286-97.
4.Yongbin Xu, Se-Hoon Sim, Ki Hyun Nam, Xiao Ling Jin, Hong-Man Kim, Kwang Yeon Hwang,Kangseok Lee and Nam-Chul Ha. Crystal structure of the periplasmic region of MacB, a noncanonic ABC transporter. . 2009, 48(23):5218-25.
3.Yongbin Xu, Hong-Man Kim , Minho Lee, Shunfu Piao, Se-Hoon Sim, Nam-Chul Ha and Kangseok Lee. Functional relationships between the AcrA hairpin tip region and the TolC aperture tip region for the formation of the bacterial tripartite efflux pump AcrAB-TolC. . 2010, 192(17):4498-503.
2.Yongbin Xu,Se-Hoon Sim, Saemee Song, Shunfu Piao, Hong-Man Kim, Xiao Ling Jin,Kangseok Lee and Nam-Chul Ha. The tip region of the MacA alpha-hairpin is important for the binding to TolC to the Escherichia coli MacAB-TolC pump. . 2010, 394(4):962-5.
1.Yongbin Xu, Bo-Young Yun, Se-Hoon Sim,Kangseok Lee and Nam-Chul Ha. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of Escherichia coli CusB. . 2009, 65(Pt 7):743-5.