
《BioMedical Engineering Online》副主編,曾任IEEE上海分會副主席,中國生物醫學工程學會理事,中國儀器儀錶學會青年工作委員會副主任委員。
1.Zixia ZHOU,Yi GUO, Yuanyuan WANG Handheld ultrasound video high-quality reconstruction using a low-rank representation multipathway generative adversarial network IEEE Trans.on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2021,32(2):575-588
2.Zeju LI,Jinhua YU, Yuanyuan WANG,Hanzhang ZHOU,Haowei YANG,Zhongwei QIAO DeepVolume:brain structure and spatial connection-aware network for brain MRI super-resolution IEEE Trans.on Cybernetics 2021,51(7):3441-3454
3.Yanxing QI,Yi GUO, Yuanyuan WANG Image quality enhancement using a deep neural network for plane wave medical ultrasound imaging IEEE Trans.on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 2021,68(4):926-934
4.Zixia ZHOU,Yi GUO, Yuanyuan WANG Ultrasound deep beamforming using a multiconstrained hybrid generative adversarial network Medical Image Analysis 2021,71:(article number)102086(1-15)
5.Zixia ZHOU, Yuanyuan WANG,Yi GUO,Yanxing QI,Jinhua YU Image quality improvement of hand-held ultrasound devices with a two-stage generative adversarial network IEEE Trans.on Biomedical Engineering 2020,67(1):298-311
6.Zixia ZHOU, Yuanyuan WANG,Yi GUO,Xinming JIANG,Yanxing QI Ultrafast plane wave imaging with line-scan-quality using an ultrasound-transfer generative adversarial network IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2020,24(4):943-956
7.Yinmeng WANG,Yanxing QI, Yuanyuan WANG A mixed transmitting-receiving beamformer with a robust generalized coherence factor: enhanced resolution and contrast IEEE Trans.on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 2020,67(8):1573-1589
8.Yuan GAO,Yingchao LIU, Yuanyuan WANG,Zhifeng SHI,Jinhua YU A universal intensity standardization method based on a many-to-one weak-paired cycle generative adversarial network for magnetic resonance images IEEE Trans.on Medical Imaging 2019,38(9):2059-2069
9.Xin WANG,Yi GUO, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU Automatic breast tumor detection in ABVS images based on convolutional neural network and superpixel patterns Neural Computing and Applications 2019,31(4):1069-1081
10.Wenjun YAN, Yuanyuan WANG,Menghua XIA,Qian TAO Edge-guided output adaptor: highly efficient adaptation module for cross-vendor medical image segmentation IEEE Signal Processing Letters 2019,26(11):1593-1597
11.Qian TAO,Wenjun YAN, Yuanyuan WANG,Elisabeth H.M.PAIMAN,Denis P.SHAMONIN,Pankaj GARG,Sven PLEIN,Lu HUANG,Liming XIA,Marek SRAMKO,Jarsolav TINTERA,Albert de ROOS,Hildo J.LAMB,Rob J.van der GEEST Deep learning-based method for fully automatic quantification of left ventricle function from cine MR images: a multivendor,multicenter study Radiology 2019,290(1):81-88
12.Yuzhou HU,Yi GUO, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU,Jiawei LI,Shichong ZHOU,Cai CHANG Automatic tumor segmentation in breast ultrasound images using a dilated fully convolutional network combined with an active contour model Medical Physics 2019,46(1):215-228
13.Yanxing QI, Yuanyuan WANG,Wei GUO Joint subarray coherence and minimum variance beamformer for multitransmission ultrasound imaging modalities IEEE Trans.on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 2018,65(9):1600-1617
14.Zixia ZHOU, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU,Yi GUO,Wei GUO,Yanxing QI High spatial-temporal resolution reconstruction of plane-wave ultrasound images with a multichannel multiscale convolutional neural network IEEE Trans.on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 2018,65(11):1983-1996
15.Guoqing WU,Yinsheng CHEN, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU ,Xiaofei LV,Xue JU,Zhifeng SHI,Liang CHEN,Zhongping CHEN Sparse representation-based radiomics for the diagnosis of brain tumors IEEE Trans.on Medical Imaging 2018,37(4):893-905
16.Yi GUO,Yuzhou HU,Mengyun QIAO, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU,Jiawei LI,Cai CHANG Radiomics analysis on ultrasound for prediction of biologic behavior in breast invasive ductal carcinoma Clinical Breast Cancer 2018,18(3):e335-344
17.Li ,Yi GUO, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU,Ping CHEN Segmentation of fetal left ventricle in echocardiographic sequences based on dynamic convolutional neural networks IEEE Trans.on Biomedical Engineering 2017,64(8):1886-1895
18.Yi GUO,Li YU, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU,Guohui ZHOU,Ping CHEN Adaptive group sparse representation in fetal echocardiogram segmentation Neurocomputing 2017,240:59-69
19.Yuzhou HU,Mengyun QIAO,Yi GUO, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU,Jiawei LI,Cai CHANG Reproducibility of quantitative high-throughput BI-RADS features extracted from ultrasound images of breast cancer Medical Physics 2017,44(7):3676-3685
20.Wei GUO, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU Ultrasound harmonic enhanced imaging using eigenspace-based coherence factor Ultrasonics 2016,72:106-116
21.Jinxin ZHAO, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU,Wei GUO,Tianjie LI,Yongping ZHENG Subarray coherence based postfilter for eigenspace based minimum variance beamformer in ultrasound plane-wave imaging Ultrasonics 2016,65:23-33
22.Jinxin ZHAO, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU,Tianjie LI,Yongping ZHENG Feasibility of coded vibration in a vibro-ultrasound system for tissue elasticity measurement Journal of Acoustical Society of America 2016,140(1):35-44
23.San TANG,Yi GUO,Yuanyuan WANG,Wanli CAO,Fukang SUN Adaptive cosegmentation of pheochromocytomas in CECT images using localized level set models IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2016,20(2):549-562
24.Jinxin ZHAO, Yuanyuan WANG,Xing ZENG,Jinhua YU,Billy Y.S.YIU,Alfred C.H.YU Plane wave compounding based on a joint transmitting-receiving adaptive beamformer IEEE Trans.on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 2015,62(8):1440-1452
25.Jun WU, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU,Xinling SHI,Junhua ZHANG,Yue CHEN,Yun PANG Intelligent speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion algorithm for automated 3-D ultrasound images Journal Optical Society of America A 2015,32(2):248-257
26.Yi GUO, Yuanyuan WANG,Dehong KONG,Xianhong SHU Automatic classification of intracardiac tumor and thrombi in echocardiography based on sparse representation IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2015,19(2):601-611
27.Yi GUO, Yuanyuan WANG,Siqing NIE,Jinhua YU,Ping CHEN Automatic segmentation of a fetal echocardiogram using modified active appearance models and sparse representation IEEE Trans.on Biomedical Engineering 2014,61(4):1121-1133
28.Chaojie CHEN, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU,Zhuyu ZHOU,Li SHEN,Yaqing CHEN Automatic motion analysis system for pyloric flow in ultrasonic videos IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2014,18(1):130-138
29.Tianjie LI, Yuanyuan WANG,Cai CHANG,Na HU,Yongping ZHENG Color-appearance-model based fusion of gray and pseudo-color images for medical applications Information Fusion 2014,19:103-114
30.Xing ZENG, Yuanyuan WANG,Jinhua YU,Yi GUO Beam-domain eigenspace-based minimum variance beamformer for medical ultrasound imaging IEEE Trans.on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 2013,60(12):2670-2676