王修啟,男,1968年3月生,華南農業大學研究員,博士生導師。美國動物科學學會會員、美國家禽學會會員。中國動物營養分會理事,中國動物生理生化分會理事。研究方向:分子營養學;功能性飼料添加劑;肉鴿產業化。合作承擔國家自然科學基金重點項目1項,主持十三五重點研發計劃項目子課題1項、廣東省國際合作項目1項、973項目子課題2項、廣東省家禽產業技術體系營養崗位專家;完成NSFC-廣東聯合基金重點項目、廣東省重大科技專項,948重點項目課題、動物福利行業專項課題、廣東省科技計劃項目、教育廳重點項目、廣州市科學研究項目等科研課題。2011年以來發表SCI論文35篇,主持完成廣東省成果登記1項,星火3等獎1項,在審發明專利5項,已授權發明專利2項,實用新型專利4項。建立分子營養實驗室,共建“廣東省肉鴿產業科技創新中心”和“華農-快大豬營養研究中心” 。
1990年本科畢業於河南農業大學(農學學士);1994年碩士畢業於河南農業大學(理學碩士) ;2003年獲得南京農業大學農學博士學位;2004-2006年,華南農業大學畜牧學博士后;2012年Texas A & M University訪問學者。1991年在河南省新鄉縣小冀鎮政府工作;1994-2004年,在河南省農業科學院畜牧獸醫研究所工作;2006年以來,供職於華南農業大學動物科學學院。
(1)2016.7-2020.12 十三五重點研發計劃——“環境影響畜禽生長免疫的生理機制”子課題“溫熱環境對豬腸道結構和功能的影響及機制(2016YFD0500501)”
(3)2016.1-2017.12 廣東省國際合作項目——豬骨骼肌衛星細胞遷移的分子機制及其調控(2016A050502045)
(4)2015.1-2016.12 廣州市科學研究項目——mTOR信號通路調控豬骨骼肌衛星細胞增殖、生長和分化的分子機制(201510010020)
(5)2014.1-2018.12 國家自然科學基金重點項目(共同PI)——“仔豬小腸上皮隱窩絨毛軸更新與蛋白質代謝的分子機制”(31330075)
(6)2013.1-2017.12 973項目——“豬利用氮營養素的機制及營養調控”子課題“腸道黏膜氨基酸感應-轉運機制研究”(2013CB127302)
(7)2013.1-2014.12 廣東省教育廳科技創新重點項目——“斷奶仔豬安全生產關鍵技術研究與示範”(2012CXZD0015)
(8)2013.1-2015.12 廣東省科技廳項目——“斷奶仔豬高效生產關鍵技術研究”(2012B020305006)
(9)2012.1-2016.12 973項目——“豬肌纖維發育與肌內脂肪沉積的機制及營養調控”子課題“豬骨骼肌mTOR信號通路網路解析”(2012CB124704)
(10)2012.7-2015.6 廣東省星火計劃項目——“全進全出”制肉鴿養殖新模式關鍵技術集成與示範(2012A020603012)
(11)2011.1-2015.12 948重點項目課題——“豬應激相關基因功能評價研究”(2011-G35)
(13)2010.1-2013.12 NSFC-廣東省人民政府聯合基金項目——“廣東優質黃羽肉雞蛋白質代謝的分子機理及其調控”(U0931004)
(14)2009.7-2012.6 廣東省重大科技專項——“粵東地區規模化豬場零排放關鍵技術集成研究與示範”(2009A080303009
2. Jin C. L., Gao C. Q., Wang Q., Zhang Z. M., Xu Y. L., Li H. C., Yan H. C.*,Wang X. Q.*. Effects of pioglitazone hydrochloride and vitamin E on meat quality, antioxidant status and fatty acid profiles in finishing pigs.Meat Science. 2018,145:340-346.3.
3. Jin C. L., Wang, Q., Zhang, Z. M., Xu Y. L., Yan H. C., Li H. C., Gao C.Q.,Wang X. Q.*. Dietary supplementation with pioglitazone hydrochloride and chromium-methionine improves growth performance, meat quality and antioxidant ability in finishing pigs.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018, 66: 4345-4351.
4. Li X. G., Wang Z., Chen R. Q., Fu H. L., Gao C.Q.,Yan H. C., Xing G. X.,Wang X. Q.*. LGR5 and BMI1 increase pig intestinal epithelial cell proliferation by stimulating WNT/β-catenin signaling.InternationalJournalofMolecularSciences,2018, 19(4), 1036.
5.FanH.B.,ZhaiZ.Y.,LiX.G.,GaoC.Q.,YanH.C.,ChenZ.S.,WangX.Q..CDX2stimulatestheproliferationofporcineintestinalepithelialcellsbyactivatingthemTORC1andWnt/β-cateninsignalingpathways.InternationalJournalofMolecularSciences,2017, 18(11):2447.
6. Gao C.Q.,Xu Y. L., Jin C. L., HuX.C., Li H. C., Yan H. C.,Wang X. Q.*. Comparison of the differentiation capacity of skeletal muscle satellite cells in Lantang and Landrace piglets.Oncotarget,2017, 8:43192-43200.
7. Gupta P., Xie M. N., Narayanan S., Wang Y. J.,Wang X. Q., Yuan T., Wang Z. Y., Yang D. H., Chen Z.S.. GSK1904529A, a Potent IGF-IR Inhibitor, Reverses MRP1-mediated Multidrug Resistance.Journal of Cellular Biochemistry,2017, DOI: 10.1002/jcb.25975
8. Zhang X. Y., Zhang Y. K., Wang Y. J., Gupta P., Zeng L. L., Xu M. G.,Wang X. Q., Yang D. H., Chen Z. S.. Osimertinib (AZD9291), a mutant-selective EGFR inhibitor, reverses ABCB1-mediated drug resistance in cancer cells.Molecules,2016, 21(9):1236
9. HuX.C., Gao C.Q.,Wang X.H.,Yan H.C., Chen Z. S.,Wang X. Q.*. Crop milk protein is synthesized following activation of the Akt/mTOR signaling pathway in the domestic pigeon (Columba livia).British Poultry Science,2016, 57(6): 855-862.
10. Ye J. L., Gao C. Q., Li X. G., Jin C. L., Wang D., Shu G., Wang W. C. , Kong X. F., Yao K., Yan H.C.,Wang X. Q.*. EAAT3 promotes amino acid transport and proliferation in porcine intestinal epithelial cells.Oncotarget, 2016, 7(25): 38681-38692.
11. Wang D., Gao C. Q., Chen R. Q., Jin C. L., Li H. C., Yan H. C.,Wang X. Q.*. Focal adhesion kinase and paxillin promote migration and adhesion to fibronectin by swine skeletal muscle satellite cells.Oncotarget, 2016, 7(21):30845-30854.
12. Li X. G., Xu G. F., Zhai Z. Y., Gao C. Q., Yan H.C., Xi Q. Y., Guan W. T., Wang S. B.,Wang X. Q.*. CDX2 increases SLC7A7 expression and proliferation of pig intestinal epithelial cells.Oncotarget, 2016,7(21):30597-30609.
13. Li X. G., Sui W. G., Gao C. Q., Yan H. C., Yin Y. L ., Li H. C.,Wang X. Q.*. L-Glutamate deficiency can trigger proliferation inhibition via down regulation of the mTOR/S6K1 pathway in pig intestinal epithelial cells.Journal of Animal Science,2016, 94(4):1541–1549.
14. Chen M. X., Li X. G., Yan H. C.,Wang X. Q.*,Gao C. Q.. Effect of egg weight on composition, embryonic growth, and expression of amino acid transporter genes in yolk sac membranes and small intestines of the domestic pigeon (Colum ba livia).Poultry Science, 2016, 95(6):1425-1432.
15. Gao C. Q., Yang J. X., Chen M. X., Yan H. C.,Wang X. Q.*. Growth curves and age-related changes in carcass characteristics, organs, serum parameters, and intestinal transporter gene expression in domestic pigeon (Columba livia).Poultry Science, 2016, 95:867–877.
16. Gao C. Q., Zhang H. J., Yan H. C., Yuan L., Dahanayaka S., Li H. C., Wang X. Q.*. Satellite cells isolated from skeletal muscle will proliferate faster in WENS yellow feather chicks. .Animal Science Journal, 2016, 87: 126–133.
17. Chen M. X., Li X. G., , Yang J.X., Gao C. Q.,Wang X. Q.*, Yan H. C.. The growth of embryo and gene expression of nutrient transporters in the small intestine of domestic pigeon (Columba livia).Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B,2015, 16(6):511-523.
18. Gao C. Q., Zhao Y. L., Li H. C., Sui W. G., Yan H. C.,Wang X. Q.*. Heat stress inhibits proliferation, promotes growth and induces apoptosis in cultured lantang swine skeletal muscle satellite cells.Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B 2015,16(6):549-559.
19. Gao C. Q., Zhi R., Yang Z., Li H. C., Yan H. C.,Wang X. Q.. Low dose of IGF-I increases cell size of skeletal muscle satellite cells via Akt/S6K signaling pathway.Journal of Cellular Biochemistry,2015, 116:2637–2648.
20. Lv Y. F., Tang C. H.,Wang X. Q., Zhao Q. Y., Zhang J. M.. Effects of dietary supplementation with palygorskite on nutrient utilization in weaned piglets. .Livestock Science,2015, 174: 82–86.
21. Wang L. N., Chen X. L., Li X. G., Shu G., Yan H. C.,Wang X. Q.*. Evaluation of adrenocorticotropin regulated glucocorticoid synthesis pathway in adrenal of different breeds of pigs. .Livestock Science, 2014, 169:185-191.
22. Li C. M., Yan H.C., Fu H. L., Xu G. F.,Wang X. Q.*. Molecular cloning, sequence analysis and function of the intestinal epithelial stem cell marker bmi1 in pig intestinal epithelial cells. Journal of Animal Science. 2014, 92(1): 85-94.
23. Tang C. H.,Wang X. Q., Zhang J. M.. Effects of supplemental palygorskite instead of zinc oxide on growth performance, apparent nutrient digestibility and fecal zinc excretion in weaned piglets .Animal Science Journal. 2014, 85(4): 435-439.
24. Li X. G., Sui W. G., Yan H.C., Jiang Q. Y.,Wang X. Q.*. The in ovo administration of L-trans pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid (L-trans-PDC) selectively regulates small intestinal growth in chicks.Animal,2014, 8(10): 1677–1683.
25. WuD.,Zhang J.M.,Wang X.Q.,Deng L.Q.,Li L.J.. Effect of phytase transgenic corn on growth performance andcalciumandphosphorusutilizationinbroilers.The Journal of Poultry Science,2014, 51(1): 29-34.
26. Chen X.,Wang X. Q.*, Feng, Y., Yang W. J., Shu G., Jiang, Q. Y., Yuan L. Effects of dietary thiazolidinedione supplementation on growth performance, intramuscular fat and related genes mrna abundance in the longissimus dorsi muscle of finishing pigs .Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences,2013, 26(7):1012-1020.
27. Zeng P. L., Yan H. C.,Wang X. Q.*, Zhang C. M., Zhu C., Shu G., Jiang Q. Y.. Effects of dietary lysine levels on apparent nutrient digestibility and serum amino acid absorption mode in growing pigs.Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences,2013, 26(7):1003-1011.
28. Wang S., Zhang J. M.,Wang X. Q.. The effect of dietary supplementation with phytase transgenic maize and different concentrations of non-phytate phosphorus on the performance of laying hens.British Poultry Science,2013, (54)4: 466–470.
29.WangX. Q., Jiang W., Tan H. Z., Zhang D. X., Zhang H. J., Wei S., Yan H. C.. Effects of breed and dietary nutrient density on the growth performance, blood metabolite, and genes expression of TOR signaling pathway of female broiler chickens.Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition,2013, 97(4):797-806.
30. Chen X., Jiang W., Tan H. Z., Xu G. F., Zhang X. B., Wei S.,Wang X. Q.*. Effects of outdoor access on growth performance and meat characteristics of broiler chickens.Poultry Science, 2013,92(2):435-443.
31. Li X. G., Chen X. L.Wang X. Q.*.Changes in relative organ weights and intestinal transporter gene expression in embryos from white Plymouth rock and Wens yellow feather chickens.Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology,2013,164(2):368-375.
32.Wang X. Q., Chen X., Tan H. Z.,Zhang D. X.,Zhang H. J., Wei S.,Yan H. C.. Nutrient density and slaughter age have differential effects on carcase performance, muscle and meat quality in fast and slow growing broiler genotypes.British Poultry Science, 2013,54(1):50-61.
33. Zhang J. M., Lv Y. F., Tang C. H.,Wang X. Q.. Effects of dietary supplementation with palygorskite on intestinal integrity in weaned piglets. .Applied Clay Science,2013, (86) 185–189.
34.Wang X. Q., Yang W. J., Yang Z, Shu G., Wang S. B., Jiang Q. Y., Yuan L., Wu T. S..The differential proliferative ability of satellite cells in Lantang and Landrace pigs.PLoS ONE.2012, 7(3): e32537.
35.WangX. Q., Zeng P. L., Feng Y., Zhang C. M., Yang J. P., Shu G., Jiang Q. Y. Effects of dietary lysine levels on apparent nutrient digestibility and cationic amino acid transporter mRNA abundance in the small intestine of finishing pigs, Susscrofa.Animal Science Journal. 2012,83: 148-155.
36. Yang L. H., Lin H. D., Xi Q. Y., Ding J. H., Liu X. L., Shu G., Jiang Q. Y.,Wang X. Q.*, Zhang Y. L.. Polyantibody against beta(2)-adrenergic receptor extracellular domain act as an agonist to this receptor in porcine model .Livestock Science.2012,150(1-3)248-255.
37. Shu G., Liao W. Y., Feng J. Y., Yu K. F., Zhai Y. F., Wang S. B., Khondowe P.,Wang X. Q.*, JiangQ. Y.. Active immunization of fatty acid translocase specifically decreased visceral fat deposition in male broilers.Poultry Science, 2011,90(11):2557-2564.
38. Zeng P. L., Li X. G.,Wang X. Q.*, Zhang D. X., Shu G., Luo Q. B.. The relationship between gene expression of cationic and neutral amino acid transporters in the small intestine of chick embryos and chick breed, development, sex, and egg amino acid concentration.Poultry Science, 2011, 90(11):2548-2556.
39.Wang X. Q., Feng Y., Shu G., Jiang Q. Y., Yang J. P., Zhang Z. F. Effect of dietary supplementation with hydrolyzed wheat gluten on growth performance, cell immunity and serum biochemical indices of weaned piglets (Susscrofa).Agricultural Sciences in China, 2011,10(6):938-945.
40.Wang X. Q., Wang S., Zhang J. M., Yang J. P. The effect of dietary supplementation with phytase transgenic corn on growth performance, phosphorus utilization and excretion in growing pigs (sus scrofa).Agricultural Sciences in China,2011,10(5): 769-776.
41. Zhou G. X., Wang S. B., Wang Z. G., Zhu, X. T.,Shu G.,Liao W. Y., Yu K. F.,Gao P.,Xi Q. Y.,Wang X. Q.,Zhang Y. L.,Yuan L.,Jiang, Q. Y. Global comparison of gene expression profiles between intramuscular and subcutaneous adipocytes of neonatal landrace pig using microarray.Meat Science2010, 86(2): 440-450.
42. Tang, S. Q., Shu G., Zhu, X. T., Wang, S. B., Ping, G.,Wang, X. Q.,Zhang, Y. L., Jiang, Q. Y. Effects of pghrelin on caspase-3 activity and gene expression of porcine predipocytes in culture.Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics2009, 36(7): 897-903.
43. Shu G., Zhu X. T.,Wang X. Q.,Song Y. Z., Bin Y. F., Zhang Y. L.,Gao P., JiangQ. Y. Identification and gene expression of porcine fatty acid transport protein 1 isoforms.Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 2009, 93(4):439-446.
44. Shu G., Jiang*Q. Y., Zhu X. T., Zhang H. X,. GaoP., ZhangY. L.,WangX. Q.Identification of porcine fatty acid translocase (fat): high-level transcript in intramuscular fat.Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition.,2008, 92(5):562-8.
45. Tang S.Q., Jiang Q.Y., Zhang Y.L., Zhu X.T.,Shu G., Gao P., Feng D.Y.,Wang X.Q.,Dong X.Y., Obestatin: its physicochemical characteristics and physiological functions.Peptides.2008, 29(4):639-645.
46. Feng D.Y., ZhouX.Y., Zuo J.J., Zhang C.M., Yin Y.L.,Wang X.Q.,Wang T. Segmental distribution and expression of two heterodimeric amino acidtransporters mRNA in the intestine of pigs during different ages.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2008, 88(6):1012-1018.
47.Chen L. L., Jiang Q. Y.,*, Zhu X. T., Shu G., Bin Y. F.,Wang X.Q.,Gao P., Zhang Y. L. Ghrelin ligand-receptor mRNA expression in hypothalamus, proventriculus and liver of chicken (Gallus gallusdomesticus): Studies on ontogeny and feeding condition.Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part A, 2007, 147:893-902.
1.“肉鴿產業化新模式關鍵技術研究與示範”(第1完成人), 2011年完成廣東省成果登記:粵科成登字20110055
3.“小麥抗營養因子降解技術及小麥配合飼料研究與產業化開發”, 2003年河南省科技進步2等獎(第3完成人)
1.王修啟,嚴會超,高春起,陳榮強,李長茂. 一種豬Lgr5基因及其應用. 專利號:ZL 2015100826586.
2. 黎相廣,王喆,王修啟,高春起,嚴會超,傅厚龍,翟振亞,陳明霞. 一種豬腸道幹細胞的分離培養方法. 專利號:ZL 2015100829669
3. 王喆,王修啟,黎相廣,高春起,嚴會超,傅厚龍,陳明霞,翟振亞,范宏博. 一種豬腸道隱窩的分離液及其分離方法. 專利號:ZL 201510080396X.
4.王修啟,嚴會超. 一種環保減排的斷奶仔豬飼料及其製備方法和應用. 專利號:ZL 201410405570.9
6.王修啟,管武太,顏惜玲,曹慶雲,左建軍,張常明,董澤敏,葉慧. 一種豬消化代謝籠. 申請號:2010201329297;授權公告號:CN201657679U.
7. 金成龍,王修啟,高春起,嚴會超,王紅. 鹽酸吡格列酮和賴氨酸在肥育豬飼料添加劑方面的應用. 申請號:201710158015.4
10.黎相廣,王修啟,高春起,嚴會超,朱敏,周加義. 一種促進豬腸道隱窩細胞體外擴增的培養基及其培養方法. 申請號:201610826211.X
國家生豬產業技術創新戰略聯盟副理事長;中國畜牧獸醫學會動物營養學分會理事、動物生理生化分會理事;美國動物科學和家禽科學學會會員;中國畜牧業協會鴿業分會常務理事;廣東省博士后聯誼會理事。SciTz Stem Cells Research & Therapy, Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research, The Open Nutrition Journal等國際期刊編委;Animal,British Journal of Nutrition, Journal of Animal Science, Amino Acids, Genes and Nutrition, Cell Proliferation, The Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, Poultry Science, British Poultry Science, The Journal of Poultry Science, Annals of Animal Science, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Oncotarget, Food&Function,Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, Czech Journal of Animal Science, CyTA - Journal of Food,Animal Production Science等國際期刊審稿專家。
參加2017年美國動物科學學會會議(巴爾的摩)、2016年美國密蘇里州聖路易斯5th食用動物腸道健康論壇、2013年在Texas舉辦的13th ICAPP學術會議,2010AAAP(台灣屏東)、2008AAAP(越南河內)、2006AAAP(韓國釜山)國際學術會議。2016年邀請Oklahoma State University張國龍教授訪問華南農大;2016年和2015年邀請St. John's University 陳哲生教授到校交流;2015年邀請休斯頓醫學中心劉平華博士到校交流;2014年邀請The Ohio State University 李海昌博士到校交流;2013年邀請Washington State University 姜志華教授到校交流;2013年訪問美國休斯敦醫學中心Yong Xv博士實驗室;2012年訪問美國 Texas A & M University 和 University of Medicine/Dentistry of New Jersey;2011年邀請比利時 K.U.Leuven 大學的 EDDY 教授到華南農業大學進行專題講座與交流