共找到5條詞條名為鄭志明的結果 展開
1970年參加工作,1976年加入中國共產黨。1987年7月在北京大學獲理學博士學位后留校任教,曾數次到美國、英國、法國、德國和義大利等國家工作。1996年晉陞為教授、博士生導師,2003年調入北京航空航天大學,擔任理學院院長、高等工程學院院長併兼任北大——北航工程研究院院長。2015 年1月9日舉行的2014年度國家科學技術獎勵大會上,鄭志明教授主持的某項目獲國家技術發明一等獎。2017年當選為中國科學院院士。

● 科研綜述
● 學術論著&承擔項目
現任“Mathematics in Computer Science”和“Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering”主編(共同),創建了演演算法、複雜計算和複雜系統高水平國際系列會議(MACIS),近十次擔任國際會議學術或程序委員會主席和重要學術會議各類委員會委員。承擔“973”,“863”,國家自然科學基金委和國防科工委重大專項基金等項目近20項,在國內外一流期刊發表學術論文50餘篇,著作2本,以講座教授、訪問教授或研究員身份在歐美多所一流院校和研究中心從事較長期學術交流和研究。

1、HaiyinLi; ZhikunShe,Uniqueness of periodic solutions of a nonautonomous density dependent predator-prey system, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 422(2), pp 886-905, 2015.
2、孫玉文; 徐金亭; 任斐; 郭強,複雜曲面高性能多軸精密加工技術與方法, 科學出版社, 2014/12/1.
3、Hoon Hong; Xiaoxian Tang; Bican Xia,Special Algorithm for Stability Analysis of Multistable Biological Regulatory Systems, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 39卷, 2014/10/2.
4、Yuwen Sun; Yang Zhao; Jinting Xu; Dongming Guo,The feedrate scheduling of parametric interpolator with geometry, process and drive constraints for multi-axis CNC machine tools, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 85卷, pp 49-57, 2014/10/1.
5、韓曉旭; 孫蘭銀; 朱春鋼,構造多管道過渡曲面的toric曲面方法, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 26卷, pp 1639-1945, 2014/10/1.
6、Shu Yan; Shaoting Tang; Sen Pei;*Zhiming Zheng,Seasonal epidemics immunization on correlated networks, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 631卷, pp 976-979, 2014/9/1.
7、Jianfeng Zhou; Yuwen Sun; Dongming Guo,Adaptive feedrate interpolation withmulticonstraints for five-axis parametric toolpath, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 71卷, pp 1873-1882, 2014/8/1.
8、Teng, Xian; Yan, Shu; Tang, Shaoting; Pei, Sen; Li, Weihua;*Zheng, Zhiming,Individual behavior and social wealth in the spatial public goods game, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 402卷, pp 141-149, 2014/5/15.
9、Juan Chen; Chongjun Li,A quadrilateral spline element for couple stress/strain gradient elasticity, Computers and Structures, 138卷, pp 133-141, 2014/5/1.
10、Li Weihua; Tang Shaoting; Pei Sen; Yan Shu; Jiang Shijin; Teng Xian;*Zheng Zhiming,The rumor diffusion process with emergingindependent spreaders in complex networks, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 397卷, pp 121-128, 2014/3/1.
11、Ren-Hong Wang; Qing-Jie Guo; Chun-Gang Zhu; Chun-Jing Li,Multivariate Spline Approximation of the Signed Distance Function, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 265卷, pp 276-289, 2014/2/1.
12、Qiang Guo; Yuwen Sun; Ya Jiang; Dongming Guo,Prediction of stability limit for multi-regenerative chatter in high performance milling, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2卷, pp 35-45, 2014/2/1.
13、孫玉文; 趙洋; 賈振元; 郭東明,躍度約束的數控加工進給率的離線規劃方法, 中國, 中華人民共和國知識產權局, 201410013031.0.
14、Linping Peng; Zhaosheng Feng; Changjian Liu,Quadratic perturbations of a quadratic reversible Lotka-Volterra system with two centers, Discrete and Continuous Differential Systems, Vol. 34, pp 4807-4826, 2014.
15、Xuhua Cheng; Zhikun She,A Note on the Existence of a SmaleHorseshoe in the Planar Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014卷, 2014.
16、Linping Peng; You Li,On the limit cycles bifurcating from a quadratic reversible center of genus one, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 11卷, pp 373-392, 2014.
17、Linping Peng; Zhaosheng Feng,Bifurcation of limit cycles from quartic isochronous centers, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2014, pp 1-14, 2014.
18、Zhenghong Chen; Xiaoxian Tang; Bican Xia,Hierarchical Comprehensive Triangular Decomposition, Mathematical Software – ICMS, 1406卷, pp 434-441, 2014.
19、Linping Peng; Zhaosheng Feng,Bifurcation of critical periods from a quartic isochronous center, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 24, pp 1-16, 2014.
20、Jingjun Han; Liyun Dai; Bican Xia,Constructing Fewer Open Cells by GCD Computation in CAD Projection, Proc. ISSAC, 1401卷, pp 240-247, 2014.