共找到3條詞條名為王佐才的結果 展開



王佐才,男, 1982年12月出生於湖南雙峰,美國密蘇里科技大學工學博士,合肥工業大學黃山青年學者”教授,碩士生導師。主要從事複雜環境下的結構振動信號時頻分析理論研究,結構的時變與非線性參數識別,結構的損傷檢測的研究工作,提出了非線性非平穩信號的解析模態分解定理。


王佐才,男, 1982年12月出生於湖南雙峰,美國密蘇里科技大學工學博士,合肥工業大學“黃山青年學者”教授,碩士生導師。主要從事複雜環境下的結構振動信號時頻分析理論研究,結構的時變與非線性參數識別,結構的損傷檢測的研究工作,提出了非線性非平穩信號的解析模態分解定理。


2008年-2011年,美國密蘇里科技大學,土木,建築,與環境工程學院,研究生/博士,導師:Genda Chen 教授。


2008年-2011年,美國密蘇里科技大學,土木,建築,與環境工程學院,Research assistance (助理研究員)


1. 複雜環境下結構動力響應信號時頻分析理論研究,結構時變與非線性參數識別。
2. 橋樑結構健康診斷、損傷識別與長期健康監測。
3. 既有橋樑檢測、鑒定與加固。
4. 橋樑抗震設計方法與性能評估。
5. 大跨橋樑結構空間穩定與振動。


1. 2008年6月至2010年1月,美國交通部,密蘇里交通部資助的”基於可靠度設計理論的橋樑基礎設計規範的荷載係數以及承載力係數標定”。(第一完成人)
2.2008年1月至2009年9月,美國交通部,密蘇里交通部,和Ameren公司資助的“Highway N Substation的抗震分析與全模型動力學實驗”。(第三完成人)
1. Zuocai Wang (王佐才), Genda Chen, Oh-Sung Kwon, and Sarah Orton, Calibration of Load and Resistance Factors in LRFD Foundation Design Specifications. Final Report MoDOT TRyy0916, Missouri Department of Transportation, Jefferson City, Missouri, November 31, 2010 (Research Report)
2. Genda Chen, Dongming Yan, Zuocai Wang(王佐才), Seth Justin McConnell, David Rogers, and Kazi R. Karim, Structural Assessment of Highway “N” Power Substation under Earthquake Loads. Final Report CIES-09-001, Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies, Rolla, Missouri, October 16, 2009 (Research Report),
International Journal Paper
1. Zuocai Wang(王佐才) and Weixin Ren, “Dynamic analysis of prestressed concrete box-girder bridges by using beam segment finite element method”, International journal of structural stability and dynamics, 11(2) 379-399, 2011 (SCI, EI收錄)
2. G. D. Chen and Z. C. Wang (王佐才), “Response to the Letter to Editor by Dr. M. Feldman Entitled ‘A Signal Decomposition or Lowpass Filtering with Hilbert Transform’.” Mechanic Systems and Signal Processing, 25(8) 3204-3204, 2011,(SCI, EI收錄)
3. Genda Chen and Zuocai Wang (王佐才), “A Signal Decomposition Theorem with Hilbert Transform and its Application to Narrowband Time Series with Closely-Spaced Frequency Components” ,Mechanic Systems and Signal Processing, 28, 258-279, 2012 (SCI, EI收錄)
4. Zuocai Wang (王佐才)and Genda Chen, “A Recursive Hilbert-Huang Transform Method for Time-Varying Property Identification of Linear Shear-Type Buildings under Base Excitations” ,Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE,138(6), 631-639, 2012, (SCI, EI收錄)
5. Zuocai Wang (王佐才)and Genda Chen, “A Moving-Window Curve Fitting Method for Crack Detection and Rigidity Identification in Multi-Span Bridges”. Structural control and health monitoring, doi/10.1002/stc.502 2011,(SCI, EI收錄)
6. Zuocai Wang (王佐才), Weixin Ren (任偉新), Genda Chen, “A Hilbert Transform Method for Parameter Identification of Time-Varying Structures with Observer Techniques”, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, doi:10.1088/0964-1726/21/10/105007 2012, (SCI, EI 收錄)
7. Zuocai Wang (王佐才), WeixinRen (任偉新), and Genda Chen “Time-varying linear and nonlinear structural identification with analytical mode decomposition and Hilbert transform”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, revised manuscript submitted, 2012, (SCI, EI 收錄)
8. Zuocai Wang (王佐才)and Weixin Ren, “Crack Dectection using Integrated Signals from the Dynamic Response of Girder Bridges, Journal of Central South University, accept, 2012, (SCI, EI收錄)
9. Zuocai Wang (王佐才)and Genda Chen, “Analytical mode decomposition of a time series with overlapping and rapidly time-varying frequencies with Hilbert transform” Mechanic Systems and Signal Processing, revised manuscript submitted, 2011,(SCI, EI收錄)
10. Zuocai Wang(王佐才)and Genda Chen, “Analytical Mode Decomposition with Hilbert Transform for Modal Parameter Identification of Buildings under Ambient Vibration” Engineering Structures, revised manuscript submitted,2011, (SCI, EI收錄)
11. Zuocai Wang (王佐才), Weixin Ren (任偉新), Genda Chen, “Time-varying system identification of high voltage switches of a power substation with novel slide-window least-squares parameter estimations”, paper submitted to Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, under review, 2012, (SCI, EI 收錄)
12. 王佐才,任偉新,“基於解析模式分解的密集工作模態參數識別”,振動與衝擊,(under review),2012,(EI 收錄)
13. 王佐才,任偉新,邢雲斐,“基於解析模態分解的時變與非線性結構密集模態參數識別”,振動工程學報,(under review),2012,(EI 收錄)
14. 劉景良,任偉新,王佐才,胡異丁,“基於同步擠壓小波變換的結構瞬時頻率識別”,振動與衝擊,under review),2012,(EI 收錄)
15. 張廣鋒,任偉新,陳亮,王佐才,“東日本大地震中抗震加固后的公路橋的震后特點”,土木工程學報,Vol. 46, 2013,(EI 收錄)
International Conference Paper
1. Zuocai Wang (王佐才) and Genda Chen, “Adaptive data analysis with analytical mode decomposition and Hilbert transform... ...
2.Zuocai Wang and Genda Chen, “Analytical mode decomposition of a time series with overlapping and rapidly time-varying frequencies with Hilbert transform”, Smart Materials and Structures, 22(9) 095003:1-15, 2013 (SCI, EI 收錄) Feartured article
3.Zuocai Wang, Genda Chen, and Weixin Ren, “Differential Settlement Effect on Reliability of Bridge Superstructure and Consideration in LRFD Design Specification”, Prepared Paper, 2013.