共找到3條詞條名為魏丹丹的結果 展開











1. Chen SC, Wei DD, Shao RF, Shi JX, Dou W, Wang JJ*. 2014. Evolution of multipartite mitochondrial genomes in the booklice of the genusLiposcelis (Psocoptera). BMC Genomics, 15: 861. ( SCI) ( 共同第一作者)
2. Chen SC, Wei DD, Shao RF, Dou W, Wang JJ*. 2014. The complete mitochondrial genome of the booklouse,Liposcelis decolor: insights into gene arrangement and genome organization within the genusLiposcelis. PLoS ONE, 9: e91902. ( SCI) ( 共同第一作者)
3. Wei DD, Chen EH, Ding TB, Chen SC, Dou W, Wang JJ*. 2013.De Novo assembly, gene annotation, and marker discovery in stored-product pestLiposcelis entomophila (Enderlein) using transcriptome sequences. PLoS ONE, 8(11): e80046. ( SCI)
4. Wei DD, Yuan ML, Wang BJ, Zhou AW, Dou W, Wang JJ*. 2012. Population genetics of two asexually and sexually reproducing psocids species inferred by the analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. PLoS ONE, 7(3): e33883. ( SCI)
5. Wei DD, Shao R, Yuan ML, Dou W, Barker SC, Wang JJ*. 2012. The multipartite mitochondrial genome ofLiposcelis bostrychophila: insights into the evolution of mitochondrial genomes in bilateral animals. PLoS ONE, 7(3): e33973. ( SCI)
6. Wei DD, Yuan ML, Wang ZY, Wang D, Wang BJ, Dou W, Wang JJ*. 2011. Sequence analysis of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers region in psocids (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae) for phylogenetic inference and species discrimination. Journal of Economic Entomology, 104(5): 1720-1729. ( SCI)
7. Shang F, Wei DD, Jiang XZ, Wei D, Shen GM, Feng YC, Li T, Wang JJ*. 2015. Reference gene validation for quantitative PCR under various biotic and abiotic stress conditions inToxoptera citricida (Hemiptera, Aphidiae). Journal of Economic Entomology, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jee/tov184.
8. Chen EH, Wei DD, Shen GM, Yuan GR, Bai PP, Wang JJ*. 2014.De novo characterization of theDialeurodes citri transcriptome: mining genes involved in stress resistance and simple sequence repeats (SSRs) discovery. Insect Molecular Biology, 23: 52-66. ( SCI)
9. Jiang XZ, Wei DD, Yang WJ, Dou W, Chen SC, Wang JJ*. 2013. Molecular characterization and alternative splicing of a sodium channel and DSC1 ortholog genes inLiposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). International Journal of Biological Sciences, 9(9): 989-1003.
10. Yuan ML, Wei DD, Wang BJ, Dou W, Wang JJ*. 2010. The complete mitochondrial genome of the citrus red mitePanonychus citri (Acari: Tetranychidae): high genome rearrangement and extremely truncated tRNAs. BMC genomics, 11: 597. ( SCI)
11. Yuan ML, Wei DD, Zhang K, Gao YZ, Liu YH, Wang BJ, Wang JJ*. 2010. Genetic diversity and population structure of the citrus red mite,Panonychus citri (Acari: Tetranychidae), in China based on mitochondrial COI gene sequences. Journal of Economic Entomology, 103(6): 2204-2213. ( SCI)
12. Chen EH, Wei D, Wei DD, Yuan GR, Wang JJ*. 2013. The effect of dietary restriction on longevity, fecundity, and antioxidant responses in the oriental fruit fly,Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Insect Physiology, 59(10): 1008-1016. ( SCI)
13. Wei D, Li HM, Yang WJ, Wei DD, Dou W, Huang Y, Wang JJ*. 2015. Transcriptome profiling of the testis reveals genes involved in spermatogenesis and marker discovery in the oriental fruit fly,Bactrocera dorsalis. Insect Molecular Biology, 24: 41-57. ( SCI)
14. Bai PP, Xie YF, Shen GM, Wei DD, Wang JJ*. 2014. Phenoloxidase and its zymogen are required for the larval-pupal transition inBactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Insect Physiology, 71: 137-146. ( SCI)
15. Dou W, Shen GM, Niu JZ, Ding TB, Wei DD, Wang JJ*. 2013. Mining genes involved in insecticide resistance ofLiposcelis Bostrychophila Badonnel by transcriptome and expression profile analysis. PLOS ONE, 8(11): e79878. ( SCI)
16. 魏丹丹, 邵韌夫, 陳世春, 王進軍. 2014. 嚙總目昆蟲的線粒體基因組多樣性及系統發育研究進展. 昆蟲學報, 57: 483-494.
17. 魏丹丹, 石俊霞, 張夏瑄, 陳世春, 魏冬, 王進軍. 2014. 基於轉錄組數據的桔小實蠅微衛星微點信息分析. 應用生態學報, 25: 1799-1805.
18. 魏丹丹, 袁明龍, 王保軍, 朱禮明, 王進軍*. 2011. 兩種書虱微衛星富集文庫的構建及比較. 生態學報, 31(15): 4182-4189.
19. 蔣玄趙, 魏丹丹, 申光茂, 豆威, 王進軍*. 2012. 桔小實蠅電壓門控鈉離子通道基因cDNA克隆及其生物信息學分析. 中國農業科學, 45(19): 3996-4003.
1. 王進軍,魏丹丹,豆威,王梓英,袁明龍。發明專利。一種基於多重PCR技術快速鑒定常見倉儲書虱的方法,專利授權號:201110120037。專利保護期:2013.03—2033.03
2. 王進軍,袁明龍,豆威,魏丹丹,王保軍。發明專利。一種柑橘全爪蟎微衛星富集文庫的構建方法,專利授權號:201110063902。專利保護期:2013.05—2033.05。
3. 王進軍,魏冬,豆威,魏丹丹,夾福先。實用新型專利。一種實蠅類害蟲單頭飼養及蟲卵收集裝置,專利授權號:201220529146。專利保護期:2013.05—2023.05。
1. 嗜卷書虱種群遺傳結構及分化機制研究,國家自然科學基金青年項目(31301667),2014-2016,主持;
2. 嗜卷書虱線粒體基因組裂化機制及其轉錄組學研究,重慶市前沿與應用基礎研究項目(cstc2015jcyjA0254),2016-2018,主持;
3. 嗜卷書虱微衛星位點篩選及種群遺傳結構研究,中央高校基本科研業務費專項(XDJK2013C051),2013-2015,主持;
4. 作物病蟲害成災機理及持續控制的基礎研究,西南大學“學科團隊”基本科研業務費專項(2362015xk04),2015-2016,主持;
5. 書虱裂化線粒體基因組進化及其系統發育研究,中央高校基本科研業務費專項重點項目(XDJK2015B034),2015-2017,主持;
6. 基於微衛星線粒體標記的柑橘全爪蟎種群遺傳結構研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(31171851),2012-2015,參與。