




1995.01-1995.09:Silsoe Research Institute,UK(英國國立農業工程研究所),訪問學者。






【1】Guangtao Shi, Lujia Han*, Zengling Yang, Longjian Chen, Xian Liu. Near infrared spectroscopy calibration transfer for quantitative analysis of fish meal mixed with soybean meal. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 2010, 18: 217-223
【2】Liming Wang, Longjian Chen, Guoping Lian, Lujia Han*. Determination of partition and binding properties of solutes to stratum corneum. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 398(1-2): 114-122
【3】Longjian Chen, Guoping Lian, Lujia Han*. Modeling transdermal permeation. Part I. Predicting skin permeability of both hydrophobic and hydrophilic solutes. AICHE Journal, 2010, 56:1136-1146
【4】Longjian Chen, Li Xing, Lujia Han*. The development of agro-residue densified fuel in China based on energetics analysis. Waste Management, 2010, 30: 808-813
【5】Longjian Chen, Li, Xing, Lujia Han*. Influence of data preprocessing on the quantitative determination of nutrient content in poultry manure by near infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2010, 39:1841-1847
【6】Lujia Han, Xian Liu, Rongguang Zhu, Zengling Yang. Quantification of MBM adulteration in compound fertilizers and composts by NIRS. Biotechnology Agronomy Society and Environment, 2009,13(S):15-19.
【7】Caijing Huang, Lujia Han*, Zengling Yang, Xian Liu. Exploring the use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict minerals in straw. Fuel, 2009,88:163-168.
【8】Caijing Huang, Lujia Han*, Zengling Yang, Xian Liu. Ultimate Analysis and Heating Value Prediction of Straw by Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Waste Management, 2009,29:1793-1797.
【9】Longjian Chen, Li Xing, Lujia Han*, Zengling Yang. Evaluation of physicochemical models for rapidly estimating pig manure nutrient content. Biosystems Engineering, 2009,103(3):313-320.
【10】Longjian Chen, Li Xing, Lujia Han*, Zengling Yang. Evaluation of physicochemical models for rapidly estimating cattle manure nutrient content. Biosystems Engineering, 2009,104(1):143-151.
【11】Longjian Chen, Li Xing, Lujia Han*. Renewable energy from agro-residues in China: Solid biofuels and biomass briquetting technology. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 2009,13(9):2689-2695.
【12】Longjian Chen, Li Xing, Lujia Han*. Quantitative determination of nutrient content in poultry manure by near infrared spectroscopy based on artificial neural networks. Poultry Science, 2009,88(12):2496-2503.
【13】Weihua Xiao, Lujia Han*, Bo Shi. Isolation and purification of flavonoid glucosides from Radix Astragali by high-speed counter-current chromatography. Journal of Chrommatography B, 2009, 877: 697-702.
【14】Xing, L., Chen, L.J., Han, L.J.*. The effect of an inoculant and enzymes on fermentation and nutritive value of sorghum straw silages. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100, 488-491
【15】Guangqun Huang, Lujia Han*, Zengling Yang, Xiaoyan Wang. Evaluation of the nutrient metal content in Chinese animal manure compost using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99(17): 8164-8169
【16】Li Xing, Lujia Han*. Rapid analysis of layer manure using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. POULTRY SCIENCE, 2008, 87 (7): 1281-1286
Chen, L.J., Cui, L.Y., Xing L., Han, L.J.*. Prediction of the nutrient content in dairy manure using artificial neural network (ANN) modeling. Journal of Dairy Science, 2008, 91: 4822-4829
【17】Yang Z., Han L*., Liu X., Li Q., Detecting and quantifying meat meal or meat and bone meal contamination in fishmeal by visible and near infrared reflectance spectra, Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2008, 147(4):357-367
【18】Weihua Xiao, Lujia Han*, Bo Shi. Microwave-assisted extraction of flavonoids from Radix Astragali. Separation and Purification Technology, 2008, 62: 614-618
【19】Chen, L. J., Lian, G. P., Han, L. J.*. Use of “bricks and mortar” model to predict transdermal permeation: model development and initial validation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2008, 47: 6465-6472
【20】Caijin Huang, Lujia Han*, Zengling Yang, Xian Liu. Prediction of heating value of straw by Proximate data and near infrared spectroscopy. Energy Conversion and Management, 2008, 49: 3433-3438
【21】Lian, G. P., Chen, L. J., Han, L. J.* An evaluation of mathematical models for predicting skin permeability. Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 2008, 97(1): 584-598
【22】Xiu-Xia Li, Lu-Jia Han*, Long-Jian Chen. In vitro antioxidant activity of protein hydrolysates prepared from corn gluten meal. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2008, 88 (9): 1660-1666
【23】Xiu-xia Li, Lu-jia Han*. Iron (II)-induced isomerization of (all-E)-xanthophyll pigments lutein, zeaxanthin and beta cryptoxanthin in acetone. EUROPEAN FOOD RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, 2008, 227 (5): 1307-1313
【24】Weihua Xiao, Lujia Han*, Bo Shi. Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of flavonoid from Radix Astragali using response surface methodology. Separation Science and Technology, 2008, 43(3): 671-681
【25】LIU Xian, HAN Lujia*, et al. Prediction of silage digestibility by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of Animal and Feed Science, 2008, 17: 631-639
【26】Chen, L. J., Lian, G. P., Han, L. J.*. Rapid evaluation of poultry manure content using artificial neural networks (ANNs) method. Biosystems Engineering, 2008, 101(3): 341-350
【27】Caijin Huang, Lujia Han*, Xian Liu, Zengling Yang. Models Predicting Calorific Value of Straw from the Ash content. International Journal of Green Energy 2008, 5: 533-539
【28】C.J., Huang, L.J., Han*, X., Liu, Z.L., Yang. Proximate analysis and calorific value estimation of rice straw by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2008, 81(3), 153-157
【29】Z. Yang, L. Han*, Q. Li, X. Fan. Use of discriminant analysis on NIRS to detect meat and bone meal content in ruminant concentrates, Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 2007,16(suppl.2):442-447
【30】Xing L., Han L.J.*. Evaluation of Specific Gravity and Electrical Conductivity for Determining Nutrient Concentrations in Suspensions of Poultry Manure. Polish J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 2007(16):913-919
【31】Guangqun Huang, Lujia Han*, Xian Liu. Rapid estimation of the composition of animal manure compost by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of near infrared spectroscopy. 2007, 15(6):387-394
【32】Chen, L. J., Lian G. P., Han, L. J.* Prediction of human skin permeability using artificial neural network (ANN) modeling. Acta Pharm. Sinica 2007, 28, 459-600 【33】Zengling Yang,Lujia Han*, Qiongfen Li, Xiangshu Piao. Estimating nutrient contents of pig slurries rapidly by measurement of physical and chemical properties. Journal of agricultural science, 2006, 144: 261-267
【34】Zengling Yang, Lujia Han*, Xia Fan. Rapidly estimating nutrient contents of fattening pig manure from floor scrapings by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of near infrared spectroscopy, 2006, 14(4): 261-268
【35】Xian. LIU, Lujia. HAN*. Prediction of chemical parameters in maize silage by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. J. Near Infrared Spectrosc, 2006, 14 (5): 333-339
【36】X. LIU, L. HAN*. Evaluation of Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) for Predicting Chemical Composition of Straw Silage. Journal of Animal and Feed Science, 2006, 15 (2): 329-336


獲得的個人榮譽稱號:2007年入選國家人事部新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選,2006年獲中組部、人事部第九屆中國青年科技獎,2006年被授予北京市“三八”紅旗獎章並獲全國“三八”紅旗手稱號,2005年被授予中國科協全國優秀科技工作者稱號,2005年獲中國農業工程學會科技發展貢獻獎,2001年獲寶鋼優秀青年教師獎、中國農學會第七屆青年科技獎, 1999年享受國務院特殊津貼專家,1997年被授予農業部有突出貢獻的中青年專家稱號,1995年獲中國農業工程學會第二屆青年科技獎。