共找到2條詞條名為石志國的結果 展開







2008/07 – 2010/07,北京科技大學,信息工程學院,講師


信息工程基礎 智能計算與應用 面向對象程序設計I 和 II 多媒體課程設計


Z. G. Shi*, J. W. Wei, Z. L. Wang, J. Tu, and Q. Zhang, “Affective transfer computing model based on attenuation emotion mechanism,” Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, vol. 5, no. 1-2, pp. 3-18, 2012. ( SCI)
Z. G. Shi*, J. Tu, Y. K. Li, and J. M. Wei, “Modeling of task planning for multi-robot system using reputation mechanism,” Scientific World Journal, Article ID 818701, doi:10.1155/2014/818701. 2014. 2 ( SCI )
Z. H. Zhang, Z. G. Shi, Z. Yang, Z. H Xie, D. H. Zhang, D. Cai, K. J. Li, and Y. J. Shen. Design, “Simulation and Fabrication of Triaxial MEMS High Shock Accelerometer,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 15, pp. 2952–2957, 2015. (SCI)
Z. H. Zhang, W. Yu, Z. G Shi, Y. J. Shen, D. H. Zhang, K. J. Li, and Z. Yang. “Phase Transition Experimental and Theoretical Study of Micro Power Generator Supplying Source for CMOS Chip Based on Ferroelectric Ceramic Nano-Porous Material,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. vol. 15, pp. 3098–3102, 2015. (SCI)
D. W. Ding, X. L. Li, Y. Y. Wang, Z. G. Shi. Non-fragile H∞ fuzzy filtering for discrete-time non-linear systems, IET Control Theory and Applications, v 7, n 6, p 848-857, 2013.
X. F. Shi, D. W. Ding, X. L. Li, Z. G. Shi. Model reduction of discrete-time switched linear systems over finite-frequency ranges. Nonlinear Dynamics. v 71, n 1-2, p 361-370.
Propulsion of liposomes using bacterial motors. Zhang, Zhenhai (School of Mechatronics Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China); Li, Zhifei; Yu, Wei; Li, Kejie; Xie, Zhihong; Shi, Zhiguo Source: Nanotechnology, v 24, n 18, May 10, 2013
劉磊,石志國, 宿浩茹, 李紅. 基於高階馬爾可夫隨機場的圖像分割. 計算機研究與發展. 50(9):1933-1942, 2013.
X. Wu, Z. G. Shi, and L. Liu. “Image Denoising with Wavelet Markov Fields of Experts,” International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, vol. 4, no. 6, pp.527 - 532 2014. (EI)
Z. G. Shi, Zhang, Xiaomeng; Tu, Jun; Yang, Zhiyong. An Efficient and Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Swarm Robots System. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, v 212, p 329-337, 2013.
X. Wu, Z. G. Shi and L. Liu. “Quasi Cosine Similarity Metric Learning,” 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2014). Singapore, 2014. (EI)
Z. G. Shi and G. Liu*, “Torque estimation of robot joint with harmonic drive transmission using a redundant adaptive robust extended Kalman filter,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2014), HongKong, China, 2014.pp.6382-6387. (EI)
Z. G. Shi*, J. Tu, and Y. K. Li, “Adaptive reinforcement Q-learning algorithm for swarm-robot system using pheromone mechanism,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Biomimetics, ShenZhen (ROBIO2013), China. 2013.pp. 952-957. (EI)
Z. Y. Wang, Z. G. Shi*, Y. K. Li, and J. Tu, “The optimization of path planning for multi-robot system using Boltzmann policy based Q-learning algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Biomimetics, ShenZhen (ROBIO2013), China. 2013. pp.1199-1204. ( EI )
X. C. Wei, Z. G. Shi. Formation control for multi-robot system using adaptive Kalman filter algorithm. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2013), p 2263-2268, 2013,
L. Liu, Zhang, Xiaomeng; Shi, Zhiguo; Zhang, Tianyu. Improved algorithms based on the simple particle swarm optimization. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, v 7928 LNCS, n PART 1, 4th International Conference Advances in Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2013), p 96-103, 2013.
H. Zhang, Z. G. Shi, X. C. Wei. A rapid path planning adaptive optimization algorithm based on fuzzy neural network for multi-robot systems. IET Conference Publications, v 2013, n 637 CP, p 32-38, 2013, International Conference on Cyberspace Technology, CCT 2013.
Z. G. Shi, J. Tu, Q. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, J. M. Wei. The improved Q-Learning algorithm based on pheromone mechanism for swarm robot system. Chinese Control Conference, CCC, p 6033-6038, October 18, 2013, Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2013.
Z. G. Shi, K. H. Hu, J. Tu, Q. Zhang. Limited communication information fusion Algorithm based on complex network for multi-robot system companies. IET Conference Publications, v 2013, n 637 CP, p 258-262, 2013, International Conference on Cyberspace Technology, CCT 2013.
Z. G. Shi, Q. Zhang, J. Tu, Z. L. Wang, X. M. Zhang. Vision stability of four-legged robot based on the feedback of motion parameters. p 3250-3255, 2012, 2012 International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering.
Z. G. Shi, Zhang, Xiaomeng; Tu, Jun; Liu, Lei; Wei, Junming. An improved capturing algorithm based on particle swarm optimization for swarm robots system. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering, v 2, p 566-571, 2012, CSAE 2012
Z. G. Shi*, J. Tu, Q. Zhang, L. Liu, and J. M. Wei, “A survey of swarm robotics system,” In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Swarm Intelligence, Part I, LNCS 7331, pp. 564–572, 2012. ( EI )
Z. G. Shi*, K. H. Hu, J. Tu, Z. L. Wang, and J. M. Wei, “A novel scenario of task planning for multi-robot collaboration system,” in Proc. of 9th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, pp. 3770-3775, Beijing, China, 2012. ( EI )
Z. G. Shi*, J. M. Wei, Z. L. Wang, and Q. Zhang, “Grouping delegation task allocation model for multi-robot collaboration system,” in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Science and Automation Engineering, pp. 440-446, ShangHai, China, 2011. ( EI )
石志國,王志良. “物聯網技術與應用”課程規劃與共享資源建設。計算機教育. 2012(21): 19-22
石志國, 王志良. 我校物聯網工程專業建設探索. 電氣電子教學學報.2012,32(4): 11-13


維族身份證人臉認證系統. 中國科學院信息工程研究所.2016.4-2016.7. 主要負責人.
山東平安電氣產品運維繫統軟體. 山東平安電氣設備有限公司. 2016.4-2016.8. 負責人
銅轉爐標準化作業的實踐研究. 尚比亞謙比希銅冶鍊公司.2015.1-2016.12.負責人.
江蘇省博士計劃項目“鋼管廠智慧化技術研究”. 江蘇省科技廳. 2014.5-2015.12.負責人.
物聯網計量測試研究. 中國航天科工集團二院203所. 2013-2014.負責人.
北京市教委面上項目“面向冶金工業4.0的實習實踐課程綜合改革與探索”,北京市教委,2016-2017. 負責人,5萬.
教改重點項目“面向冶金工業4.0的實習實踐課程綜合改革與探索”,北京科技大學,2015-2017, 負責人,10萬
教育部精品視頻公開課“物聯網與科技強國”,教育部高教司,2012,負責人:王志良,石志國 20萬
教育部-IBM綜合教改項目“物聯網技術及應用”課程建設,教育部高教司,2011-2012,負責人:石志國 4萬
“物聯網技術與應用”教材建設,IBM大學合作部,2012,主編:石志國 2萬
物聯網技術及應用”研究型教學示範課建設項目,北京科技大學研究型教學示範課, 2012-2014,負責人:石志國 2萬
“物聯網技術及應用”視頻資源建設與共享資源優化,北京科技大學教改項目,2012-2014,負責人:石志國 2萬
“十二五”規劃教材“物聯網技術與應用”,北京科技大學規劃教材,2012-2014,主編 3萬
北京科技大學首屆青年教學骨幹人才項目“面向物聯網工程專業的教學研究”,北京科技大學,2012-2014,負責人:石志國 10萬


北京科技大學教學成果獎特等獎, 北京科技大學, 2015.1
北京市高等學校青年教師教學基本功比賽一等獎,最受學生歡迎獎,最佳演示獎. 北京市教育工委,2011.5
中國大學出版社優秀教材獎一等獎,中國大學出版協會. 2010.10
北京科技大學師德先進個人. 2012.6
北京科技大學本科教學優秀獎一等獎. 2013.6
北京科技大學教學成果獎一等獎. 2012.1
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