6.Xia Beicheng,D.S.Treves,J.Z.Zhou,J.M.Tiedje,Soil Microbial Community Diversity and Driving Mechanisms, Progress in Natural Science,2001,11(11):818-824.
7.Jizhong Zhou,Beicheng Xia,David S.Treves,L.-Y.Wu,Terry L.Marsh,Robert V.O’Neill,Anthony V.Palumbo,James M.Tiedje,Spatial and Resource Factors Influencing High Microbial Diversity in Soil,Appl.Environ.Microbiol.2002, 68(1):326-334.(被引用314次)
8.Jizhong Zhou,Beicheng Xia,Heshu Huang,Anthony V.Palumbo,James M.Tiedje,Microbial Diversity and Heterogeneity in Sandy Subsurface Soils,Appl. Environ.Microbiol.,2004,70(3):1723-1734.
9.Treves D.S.,B.Xia,J. Zhou,J.M.Tiedje,A Two-Species Test of the Hypothesis That Spatial Isolation Influences Microbial Diversity in Soil,Microbial ecology.02/2003;45(1):20-8.
10.Jizhong Zhou,Beicheng Xia,Heshu Huang,David S.Treves,Loren J.Hauser,Richard J.Mural, Anthony V.Palumbo, James M.Tiedje,Bacterial phylogenetic diversity and a novel candidate division of two humid region,sandy surface soils,Soil Biology and Biochemistry,35(7),2003:915–924.
11.Tiedje,J.M.;Cho,J.C.;Murray,A.;Treves,D.;Xia,B.;Zhou,J.,Soil teeming with life:new frontiers for soil science,2001,In Sustainable management of soil organic matter,pp.393-425(Editors:Rees,R.M.,Ball,B.C.,Campbell, C.D.,Watson,C.A.).
12.Zhou Xu,Xia Beicheng,Defining and modeling the soil geochemical background of heavy metals from the Hengshi River watershed(southern China):Integrating EDA,stochastic simulation and magnetic parameters,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2010,180(1-3):542-551.
13Zhao Huarong,Xia Beicheng,Fan Chen, Zhao Peng,Shen Shili,Human health risk from soil heavy metal contamination under different land uses near Dabaoshan Mine,Southern China,2012,Science of the Total Environment417(1):45–54.
14.Gong Jianzhou,Liu yansui,Xia Beicheng,Urban ecological security assessment and forecasting,based on a cellular automata model:A case study of Guangzhou,China,Ecological Modelling,220(2009):3612–3620.
15.Gong Jianzhou,Liu Yansui,Xia Beicheng.Spatial heterogeneity of urban land-cover landscape in Guangzhou from 1990 to 2005,Journal of Geographical Sciences,2009,19:213-224.
16.Yingzhi Li,Beicheng Xia,Jiaying Zhang,Chuanhong Li,Wenzhuan Zhu,Assessing high resolution oxidation-reduction potentialand soluble reactive phosphorus variation across vertical sediments and water layers in Xinghu Lake:A novel laboratory approach,Journal of Environmental Sciences2010,22(7):1–9.
17.Jiang Xueding,Xia Beicheng,Lin Wenshi,Lin Guangfa.Daily changes of spatial patterns of meteorological elements over Pearl River Delta based on GIS and MM5,Chinese Geographical Science,2009,19(1):69-76.
18.Zhao Huarong,Xia Beicheng,Qin Jianqiao,Zhou Xu,Zhao Peng,Shen Shili2012,Simulation of human health risk of cadium associated spatially with soil organic carbon and pH in Dabaoshan Mine,South China,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,21(3):695-703.
19.Zhao Huarong,Xia Beicheng,Qin Jianqiao,Zhang Jiaying Hydrogeochemical and mineralogical characteristics related to heavy metal attenuation in a stream polluted by acid mine drainage:a case study in Dabaoshan Mine, China,Journal of Environmental Sciences2012,24(6):979-989.
20.Xie Xiao-xi,Li Yan,Xia Bei-cheng,XU Li-min,SU Yu,GU Qing-bao Hysteresis of saturation capillary pressure relations underconsecutive drainage imbibition cycles in fine sandy medium,J.Cent.South Univ.2012,19:222230.
21.Shen Shili,Xia Beicheng,Xue Feng,Cadmium effects on the photosynthetic system of Sauropus androgynus as a potential Cd-accumulator,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,2012,21,(11):3551-3557.
22.Xu Chao,Xia Beicheng.Soil microbial activities and community diversity during the rhizoremediation of a pyrene contaminated soil,Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering,2009,3(3):24-36.
23.Lin Guangfa,Xia BeichengThe Relationship between NDVI, Stand Age and Terrain Factors of Pinus elliottii Forest, Proceedings of the 2008 International Workshop on Education Technology and Training&2008 International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2:232-236.