共找到4條詞條名為郭哲的結果 展開
- 山西省書法家協會會員
- 中國科協調宣部部長
- 西北工業大學講師
- 湖南大學法學院副教授
2. 2005.9-2008.4:西北工業大學,獲工學碩士學位
3. 2008.11-2009.12 澳大利亞悉尼大學it學院,國家留學基金委公派聯合培養博士生
4. 2007.9-2012.6:西北工業大學,獲工學博士學位
講授課程:電子與信息工程專業本科國際班 《電子測量》(全英文)、《多媒體技術基礎》(全英文)
1. 2014年 陝西省科學技術獎三等獎
2. 2014年 陝西省高等學校科學技術獎一等獎
1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(2015.1-2017.12)
2. 陝西省自然科學基金青年項目(2013.9-2015.9)
3. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目(2014.5-2016.5)
4. 西北工業大學引進高層次人才科研啟動項目(2013.1-2014.12)
zhe guo, yanning zhang, yong xia, et al. multi-pose 3d face recognition based on 2d sparse representation. journal of visual communication and image representation, 24(2): 117-126, 2013. (sci)
zhe guo, yanning zhang, zenggang lin, et al. 3d face registration based on principal axis analysis and labeled regions orientation. journal of systems engineering and electronics, 20(5): 1324-1331, 2009 (sci)
yanning zhang, zhe guo, yong xia, et al. 2d representation of facial surfaces for multi-pose 3d face recognition. pattern recognition letters, 33(5): 530-536, 2012. (sci)
yanning zhang, zhe guo, zenggang lin, et al. the npu multi-case chinese 3d face database and information processing. chinese journal of electronics, 21(2): 283-286, 2012. (sci)
zhe guo, yanning zhang, yong xia, et al. 3d face representation and recognition by intrinsic shape description maps. in: proceedings of ieee icassp, 854-857, dallas, usa, 2010.3.12-16, lecture presentation (ei)
zhe guo, yangyu fan. sparse representation for 3d face recognition. in: proceedings of wcse, 336-339, hong kong, 2013.12.3-4, oral presentation (ei)
zhe guo, tao lei, shu liu, yanhui huang, yangyu fan. extended src for 3d face recognition. wit trans on information and communications technologies, 65:381-387, 2014.
zhe guo, shu liu, yi wang, tao lei. learning deformation model for expression-robust 3d face recognition. proceedings of 7thinternational conference on graphic and image processing (icgip 2015), oct. 23-25, 2015, singapore. accepted. (ei indexed)
yuan li, zhe guo. an effective method of 3d facial features segmentation. proceedings of 2014 7th international congress on image and signal processing, cisp 2014, oct.14-15, dalian, pp.375-380. (ei)
shu liu, yangyu fan, zhe guo, ashok samal. 2.5d facial attractiveness computation based on data-driven geometric ratios. proceedings of 2015 international conference on intelligence science and big data engineering, june 14-16, 2015, su zhou, china. accepted. (ei indexed)