3. [teacher;tutor] 佛教語。導引眾生入於佛道者的通稱。
4.【Hierophant】一詞源自希臘語,古希臘埃勒夫西斯秘密(Eleusinian Mysteries;Ἐλευσίνια Μυστήρια)宗教儀式的主祭司,主要工作是神秘宗教慶典中呈上聖物,並對初入教者解釋秘義。昭聖者必須出身尤摩爾浦斯氏族(埃勒夫西斯的原始氏族之一),通常都是年高德劭、聲音洪亮的獨身男子。就職時,要象徵性地把原先的名字拋入海中,此後只稱昭聖者。

Internal Changer of Hierophant is the Most Important Part of Supervising Mechanism of Undergraduate Student
Internal changer of hierophant is the most important part of supervising mechanism in the various factors that influence the effect of supervising mechanism.
In a word,internal changer of hierophant is the hierophant 's adaptable renovation in the aspects of idea and action.
Thus,teachers can be elicited the wisdom of curriculum leadership in the process of meeting the enlightenment of heart hierophant through some sort of creative practice,such as exploring the way of teaching corresponding to self distinctive nature,making the curriculum lively by one's heart,attracting students to the surround of the curriculum,and so on.
In order to constitute consummate Hierophant System of Undergrad- uate, should not only hackle the relation and definite the rights and obligations between the university and teachers, but also definite the duty of hierophant and obligations of students.
So, by the design of duty of hierophant to tutor students' psychology and school work, make the hierophant system of undergraduate with more maneuverability and more perfect, then the actualization of the system will have more material effect.
Chief priest of the Eleusinian Mysteries in ancient Greece. His main task was to display the sacred objects during the celebration of the mysteries and explain their secret meaning to initiates. The priest was usually an old, celibate man with a forceful voice, chosen from the Eumolpids, one of the original clans of Eleusis. Upon election, he cast aside his former name and was called only hierophantes.
The role of the hierophant in religion is to bring the congregants into the presence of that which is deemed holy. The word comes from Ancient Greece, where it was constructed from the combination of ta hiera, "the holy," and phainein, "to show." In Attica it was the title of the chief priest at the Eleusinian Mysteries. A hierophant is an interpreter of sacred mysteries and arcane principles.