共找到3條詞條名為劉良雲的結果 展開
- 中國科學院遙感與數字地球研究所研究員
- 中國科學院對地觀測研究室主任
- 奉化市委維穩辦維穩督導科科長
2008年至今:中國科學院對地觀測中心/遙感地球所 研究員、博導、室主任。
北京市科學技術獎――農業定量遙感與應用 2008年;
國家科技進步獎二等獎――精準農業關鍵技術研究與示範 2007 ;
北京市新世紀百千萬人才工程 2006;
北京市科學技術獎一等獎――精準農業關鍵技術研究與示範 2006;
門頭溝區2002-2005年度特殊貢獻專家顧問獎 2006。
擔任中國科學博士,研究員,博士生導師。中國科學院對地觀測中心光學對地觀測研究室主任。院青年聯合委員,中國地理學會環境遙感分會理事,國際地球觀測組織全球森林觀測計劃(GEO GFOI)工作組成員。
國內外共發表期刊論文100多篇,其中SCI檢索論文30篇、EI 檢索論文40餘篇;SCI他人引用200多次,中國引文數據中檢索引用2000多次。
[1]Liangyun Liu, Yongjiang Zhang, Quanjun Jiao, Dailiang Penga, Assessing photosynthetic light-use efficiency using a solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and photochemical reflectance index, International Journal of Remote Sensing
[2]Liangyun Liu, Dailiang Peng, Yong Hu, Quanjun Jiao. A novel in situ FPAR measurement method for low canopy vegetation based on a digital camera and reference panel. Remote Sensing
[3]Liangyun Liu, Zhanhui Cheng, Mapping C3 and C4 plant functional types using separated solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from hyperspectral data. International Journal of Remote Sensing
[4]Liangyun Liu, Wang Jihua, Huang Wenjiang and Zhao Chunjiang. Detection of leaf and canopy EWT by calculating REWT from reflectance spectra, International Journal of Remote Sensing
[5]Liangyun Liu, Zhanhui Cheng. Detection of Vegetation Light-Use Efficiency Based on Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Separated From Canopy Radiance Spectrum, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
[6]Liangyun Liu, Xia Jing, Jihua Wang, Chunjiang Zhao. Analysis of the changes of vegetation coverage of western Beijing mountainous areas using remote sensing and GIS. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
[7]Liangyun Liu, Yanhong Wu, Zhengli Zuo, Zhengchao Chen, Xingxing Wang, and Wenjuan Zhang. Monitoring and assessment of barrier lakes formed after the Wenchuan earthquake based on multitemporal remote sensing data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
[8]Liangyun Liu, Jihua Wang, Yansong Bao, Wenjiang Huang, Zhihong Ma and Chunjiang Zhao. Predicting winter wheat condition, grain yield and protein content using multi-temporal EnviSat-ASAR and Landsat TM satellite images. International Journal of Remote Sensing
[9]Liangyun Liu, Yongjiang Zhang, Jihua Wang, Chunjiang Zhao. Detecting Solar-Induced Chlorophy11 Fluorescence From Field Radiance Spectra Based on the Fraunhofer Line Principle. IEEE Trans, on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
[10]Liangyun Liu, Jihua Wang, Wenjiang Huang, Chunjiang Zhao, Bing Zhang, Qingxi Tong. Estimating winter wheat plant water content using red edge parameters. International Journal of Remote Sensing,