共找到4條詞條名為劉侃的結果 展開






01/09/2001-01/07/2005 湖南大學自動化專業本科學歷
Bachelor degree in Automation, Hunan University.
01/09/2005-01/07/2007 湖南大學控制理論與控制工程專業攻讀碩士學位
Postgraduate student, Control theory and control engineering, Hunan University.
01/09/2007-13/03/2011 湖南大學控制理論與控制工程專業博士學位.
Ph.D. degree in Control theory and control engineering, Hunan University.
Ph.D. thesis: “Research on the Online Multi-parameter Identification of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines”, Ph.D. thesis, Hunan University, 2011. (Award winner of annual outstanding Ph.D. thesis of Hunan University, 2012)


01/09/2008-16/10/2010 受國家留學基金委資助在英國謝菲爾德大學以聯合培養博士身份進行研究工作
Joint Ph.D. student in EMD group, University of Sheffield (Sponsored by China Scholarship Council).
01/10/2011-23/12/2013 兩年時間(謝菲爾德大學規定最短畢業時間)獲得英國謝菲爾德大學電子電氣工程系博士學位,博士論文題目為“Novel Techniques for Parameter Estimation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines”.
Two years (the minimum time requirement of the University of Sheffield) to get the Ph.D. degree of electrical engineering from the University of Sheffield.
Ph.D. thesis: “Novel Techniques for Parameter Estimation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines”. Ph.D. degree officially awarded on 23, December, 2013.


01/11/2013-31/08/2016 謝菲爾德大學助理研究員
Research associate in EMD group, University of Sheffield.
01/09/2016-21/12/2017 拉夫堡大學控制系統組講師(永久職位)
Lecturer in Control Systems(Open-ended post), Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University
14/09/2017- 湖南大學機械與運載工程學院機電工程系教授、博導
Professor in Electro-mechanical Engineering, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University
IEEE member (2014-),IEEE senior member (2017-),IEEE Access(SCI三區)副主編 (Associate editor of IEEE Access)。
被以下國際著名雜誌邀請為審稿人 (Peer review for leading journals):
IEEE Tran. on Ind. Electron., IEEE Tran. on Power Electron., IEEE Tran. on Ind. Inform., IEEE Tran. on Ind. Applicat., IEEE Tran. on Energy Conver., IEEE Tran. on Control Systems Technology, IEEE Tran. on Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Journal of JESTPE, IEEE Tran. on Magnetics., IEEE Access, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET Power Electric Applicat., International Journal of Automation and Computing (IJAC).
被以下國際EI雜誌邀請為客座主編/編輯 (Lead guest editor/Guest editor for EI journals):
Journal of Control Science and Engineering (01/11/2015- 26/08/2016):
Special Session: Application of Advanced Control Technologies in Electrical Machine Drives
International Journal of Rotating Machinery (01/07/2016- 21/04/2017):
Special Session: Advanced Machine Design and Control Techniques for Hybrid and All-electric Propulsion Systems
CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems(31/1/2018-26/2/2018)
Special Section: Special Section on Novel Permanent Magnet and Magnetless Machines and Controls.


軌道交通、電動/混動汽車的永磁牽引電機關鍵驅動控制技術 / Drive control techniques used in PM traction machines for rail transits, EVs and HEVs.
伺服電機控制技術 / Control techniques for servo machine.
永磁電機的結構設計、優化、溫度場分析、損耗模型分析 / Structure design, optimization, temperature field and loss model analyses for PM machines.


非線性動態欠秩系統多參數辨識與狀態估計,”中國國家自然科學基金面上項目, 項目號61174140, 項目金額65萬人民幣, 2012-2017. (項目第二負責人)
“Multi-parameter identification and state estimation for nonlinear dynamic rank deficient systems”, National Natural Science Foundation of China, project No. 61174140, ¥650,000 (£70.3k), 2012-2017. (Role: second principal investigator)
“Multi-parameter estimation and fault diagnosis for PMSG”, 謝菲爾德西門子風電研究中心項目, 2011-2013. (博士研究生,西門子第三方員工)
“Multi-parameter estimation and fault diagnosis for PMSG”, Sheffield Siemens Wind Power Research Center project, 2011-2013. (Role: Ph.D. student & Third party staff of Siemens)
“Parameter identification of PM synchronous machines”, 謝菲爾德大學與南車集團合作項目, 31萬英鎊, 2013-. (助理研究員)
“Parameter identification of permanent magnet synchronous machines for fast train application”, Collaboration project between University of Sheffield and CRRC (China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation), £310k, 01/11/2013-31/08/2016. (Role: Research associate)
電動汽車用永磁同步電機轉子溫度分佈建模方法和觀測技術,”中國國家自然科學基金面上項目, 項目號51877075, 項目金額63萬人民幣, 2019/1/1-2022/12/31. (項目主持人)
“Modeling approaches and observation techniques for rotor temperature distribution of permanent magnet synchronous machines designed for electric vehicles,” National Natural Science Foundation of China, project No. 51877075, ¥630,000, 2019/1/1-2022/12/31. (Role: Principal investigator)


劉侃教授在本學科頂級IEEE/IET期刊上發表論文20篇(IEEE期刊19篇,SCI一區14篇),其中以第一作者身份發表11篇(SCI一區8篇),累計SCI影響因子>64,被Web of Science核心合集SCI他引>280次(單篇最高>65次,2018年數據);現為IEEE高級會員(IEEE senior member),SCI三區期刊IEEE Access副主編,同時受邀為三個國際EI期刊(Journal of Control Science and Engineering、International Journal of Rotating Machinery、CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems)擔任客座主編/編輯,並主持了兩個關於交流永磁電機先進控制和設計技術的雜誌特刊(Special Issue: Application of Advanced Control Technologies in Electrical Machine Drives和Special Issue: Advanced Machine Design and Control Techniques for Hybrid and All-Electric Propulsion Systems); 常年為10餘個IEEE/IET權威期刊擔任審稿人,並榮獲2016年國際期刊IJAC年度優秀審稿人獎。
所發表的期刊論文(Published Journal Papers)
[1]K. Liu, Q. Zhang, J.T. Chen, Z.Q. Zhu, J. Zhang, and A.W. Shen, “Online multiparameter estimation of nonsalient pole PM synchronous machines with temperature variation tracking,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 1776-1788, May. 2011. (SCI impact factor 7.05 in 2017)
[2]K. Liu, Z.Q. Zhu, and D.A. Stone, “Parameter estimation for condition monitoring of PMSM stator winding and rotor permanent magnets,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 5902-5913, Dec 2013. (SCI impact factor 7.05 in 2017)
[3]K. Liu, Z.Q. Zhu, Q. Zhang, and J. Zhang, “Influence of nonideal voltage measurement on parameter estimation in permanent magnet synchronous machines,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 2438-2447, Jun. 2012. (SCI impact factor 7.05 in 2017)
[4]K. Liu, and Z.Q. Zhu, “Online estimation of the rotor flux linkage and voltage source inverter nonlinearity in permanent magnet synchronous machine drives,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 418-427, 2014. (SCI impact factor 6.812 in 2017)
[5]K. Liu, and Z.Q. Zhu, “Position offset based parameter estimation using the Adaline NN for condition monitoring of permanent magnet synchronous machines,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 2372-2383, 2015. (SCI impact factor 7.05 in 2017)
[6]K. Liu, and Z.Q. Zhu, “Quantum genetic algorithm based parameter estimation of PMSM under variable speed control accounting for system identifiability and VSI nonlinearity,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 62, no. 4 , pp. 2363-2371, 2015. (SCI impact factor 7.05 in 2017)
[7]K. Liu, and Z.Q. Zhu, “Position offset based parameter estimation for permanent magnet synchronous machines under variable speed control,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 3438-3446, 2015. (SCI impact factor 6.812 in 2017)
[8]K. Liu, and Z.Q. Zhu, “Mechanical parameter estimation of permanent magnet synchronous machines with aiding from estimation of rotor PM flux linkage,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 3115-3125, 2015. (SCI impact factor 2.743 in 2017)
[9]K. Liu, and Z.Q. Zhu “Fast determination of moment of inertia of permanent magnet synchronous machine drives for design of speed loop regulator,” IEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1816-1824, Sep. 2017. (SCI impact factor 4.883 in 2017)
[10]K. Liu, J.H. Feng, S.Y. Guo, L. Xiao, and Z.Q. Zhu, “Improved position offset based parameter determination of permanent magnet synchronous machines under different load conditions,” IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 603-612, Apr. 2017. (SCI impact factor 2.211 in 2017)
[11]K. Liu, J.H. Feng, S.Y. Guo, L. Xiao, and Z.Q. Zhu, “Identification of flux linkage map of permanent magnet synchronous machines under uncertain circuit resistance and inverter nonlinearity,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 556-568, Feb. 2018. (SCI impact factor 5.43 in 2017)
[12]Z.H. Liu, J. Zhang, S.W. Zhou, X.H. Li, and K. Liu, “Coevolutionary particle swarm optimization using AIS and its application in multiparameter estimation of PMSM,” IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 1921-1935, 2013. (SCI impact factor 8.803 in 2017)
[13]T.C. Lin, Z.Q. Zhu, K. Liu and J.M. Liu, “Improved sensorless control of switched-flux permanent magnet synchronous machines based on different winding configurations,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 63, no. 1 , pp. 123-132, 2016. (SCI impact factor 7.05 in 2017)
[14]Z.H. Liu, X.H. Li, L.H. Wu, S.W. Zhou, and K. Liu, “GPU-accelerated parallel co-evolutionary algorithm for parameters identification and temperature monitoring in permanent magnet synchronous machine,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, vol. 11, no. 5 , pp. 1220-1230, 2015. (SCI impact factor 5.43 in 2017)
[15]Z. H. Liu , X.H. Li, H.Q. Zhang, and K. Liu, “An enhanced approach for parameter estimation: using immune dynamic learning swarm optimization based on multicore architecture,” IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 26-33, 2016.
[16]Y.S. Hu, Z.Q. Zhu, K. Liu, “Current control for dual three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motors accounting for current unbalance and harmonics,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 272-284, 2014. (SCI impact factor 5.177 in 2017)
[17]Z.H. Liu, H.L. Wei, Q.C. Zhong, and K. Liu “Parameter estimation for VSI-fed PMSM based on a dynamic PSO with learning strategies,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 3154-3165, 2017. (Accepted, SCI impact factor 6.812 in 2017).
[18]C. Chen, L.K. Li, Q. Zhang, Q.L. Tong, K. Liu, D. Lyu, and R. Min, “Online inductor parameters identification by small signal injection for sensorless predictive current controlled boost converter,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics., vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 1554-1564, Aug. 2017. (Accepted, SCI impact factor 5.43 in 2017)
[19]Z.H. Liu, H.L. Wei, Q.C. Zhong, and K. Liu, “GPU implementation of DPSO-RE algorithm for parameters identification of surface PMSM considering VSI nonlinearity,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1334-1345, Apr. 2017. (SCI impact factor 5.177 in 2017).
[20]Z.H. Liu, H.L. Wei, Q.C. Zhong, and K. Liu “Global identification of electrical and mechanical parameters in PMSM drive based on dynamic self-Learning PSO,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron. (Accepted, SCI impact factor 6.812 in 2017)
[21]K. Liu, Q. Zhang, Z.Q. Zhu, J. Zhang, A.W. Shen, and P. Stewart, “Comparison of two novel MRAS based strategies for identifying parameters in permanent magnet synchronous motors. International Journal of Automation and Computing, vol.7, no.4, pp.516-524, 2010.
[22]K. Liu, and J. Zhang, “Adaline neural network based online parameter estimation for surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous machines,” Proceedings of the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, vol.30, no.30, pp.68-73, 2010.
[23]Z.H. Liu, S.W. Zhou, K. Liu, and J. Zhang, “Permanent magnet synchronous motor multiple parameter temperature monitoring based on binary-modal adaptive swarm optimization identification and wavelet particle,” Proceedings of Acta Automatica Sinica, vol.39, no.2, pp.2121-2130, 2013.
[24]Z.H. Liu, X.H. Li, S.W. Zhou, and K. Liu, “Comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization algorithm based on immune mechanism for permanent magnet synchronous motor parameter identification,” Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, vol.29, no.5, pp.118-126, 2014.
[25]Y. Jiang, S.Q. Tang, Z.X. Li, and K. Liu, “On flywheel battery power conversion control based on BP neural network,” Control Engineering of China, vol.17, no.2, pp. 169-174, 2010.
[26]B.X. Zhou, J. Zhang, and K. Liu, “Nonlinearity compensation for inverter based on immune clonal algorithm,” Computing Engineering (Chinese), vol.37, no.3, pp. 238-240, 2011.
所發表的會議論文(Published Conference Papers)
[27]K. Liu, Z.Q. Zhu, Q. Zhang, J. Zhang, and A.W. Shen, “Influence of inverter nonlinearity on parameter estimation in permanent magnet synchronous machines,” Proc. of International Conf. on Electrical Machines, Rome, Italy, 2010, pp.1-5.
[28]K. Liu, Z.Q. Zhu, J. Zhang, Q. Zhang, and A.W. Shen, “Multi-parameter estimation of non-salient pole permanent magnet synchronous machines by using evolutionary algorithms,” Proc. of International Conf. on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, Changsha, China, 2010, pp.766-774.
[29]K. Liu, Z.Q. Zhu, and J. Zhang, “Online estimating inverter nonlinearity for identifying stator winding resistance of permanent magnet synchronous motor,” Proc. of the 16th International Conf. on Automation & Computing,Birmingham, U.K., 2010, pp.208-213.
[30]K. Liu, Z.Q. Zhu, and J. Zhang, “Estimating stator winding resistance and rotor flux linkage of non-salient pole PM machines by immune clonal algorithm,” Proc. of the 16th International Conf. on Automation & Computing,Birmingham, U.K., 2010, pp.226-231.
[31]K. Liu, and Z.Q. Zhu, “Mechanical parameter estimation of permanent magnet synchronous machines with aiding from estimation of rotor PM flux linkage,” Proc. of ECCE2014, Pittsburgh, USA, 2014, pp.4850-4857.
[32]K. Liu, and Z.Q. Zhu, “Parameter estimation of PMSM for aiding PI regulator design of field oriented control,” Proc. of ICEMS2014, Hangzhou, China, 2014, pp.1-7.
[33]J. Zhang, K. Liu, and Z.Q. Zhu, “A stator reference frame based MRAS strategy for PMSM parameters identification,” Proc. of the 15th International Conf. on Automation & Computing, Luton, U.K., 2009, pp.127-130.
[34]H.T. Qin, K. Liu, Q. Zhang, A.W. Shen, and J. Zhang “Online estimating voltage source inverter nonlinearity for PMSM by Adaline neural network,” Proc. of International Conf. on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, Changsha, China, 2010, pp.727-733.
[35]T.C. Lin, Z.Q. Zhu, and K. Liu, “Improved high-frequency carrier voltage measurement for position estimation of switched-flux permanent magnet machines,” Proc.of 2015 IEEE Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED 2015), Sydney, Australia, 2015, pp. 1-7.
[36]K. Liu, and Z.Q. Zhu, etc. “Determination of electrical parameters of PMSM drive system at standstill,” Proc. of VPPC, 2016, Hangzhou, China.