共找到3條詞條名為李立斌的結果 展開
- 揚州大學數學科學學院博士生導師
- 天津眾業建設工程有限公司董事長
- 浙大二院外科重症醫學科主任
近幾年來,先後應邀到德國Bielefeld大學、 Aachen工業大學、科隆大學、英國Leicester大學、 Oxford大學、Lodon City大學、 Warwick大學、台灣大學、南洋理工大學、筑波大學等大學進行學術交流。主持兩項國家自然科學基金項目和一項省自然科學基金項目。在《Journal of Agebras》、《Archiv der Mathematik》等國內外刊物上發表論文30餘篇。2001年被評為揚州大學青年骨幹教師,2002、08年分別評為揚州大學中青年學術帶頭人。2009年度評為揚州大學優秀共產黨員。
● 承擔的教學研究課題:
● 教學研究論文: ﹡ 淺析用函數思想解線性代數問題,大學數學,第二,08年5期(排名第二)。
﹡ 基於問題解決的線性代數教學設計,中國高等教育學會教育數學專業委員會2010年學術年會論文一等獎(排名第二)。
● 指導研究生情況:指導17名碩士研究生和一名博士研究生畢業。目前有七名研究生和一名博士研究生在讀。
﹡Lie超代數的量子變形與Drinfeld double的表示,省自然科基金,2002-2005,主持人。
﹡量子群及其表示理論,揚州大學新世紀人才工程, 2003-2006,2009-2011,主持人。
﹡量子不變理論及其應用,2009度省屬高校聘請外國短期專家重點項目, 2009.10-2010.12,主持人。
● 發表主要科研文章:
﹡ Quasi-normal rings, Comm.Alg, 38(2010), 1855-1868,(joint with J.C. Wei).
﹡ Ore extension of Quasitriangular Hopf algebras, Acta.Math. Sci, 29(2009), 1572-1579. (joint with Z. H. Wang).
﹡ MC2 rings and WQD rings, Glasg. Math. J, 51(2009), 691-702.(joint with J. C. Wei).
﹡ Strong DS rings, Southeast Asian Bull. Math, 33(2009), 375-390. (joint with J. C. Wei).
﹡ Stable ideals of the locally finite subalgebra of the quantum group U_q(f(K)), J. Math. Study, 42(2009), 45--52. (joint with X. J.Zhang)
﹡A class of standard bases of polynomial algebras and its applications, J. Math. Res. Exposition, 29(2009),191--201. (joint with J. C. Dong).
﹡ The Killing form of a Hopf algebra and its radical. Arab. J. Sci. Eng. Sect. Theme Issues, 33(2008), 553--559. (joint with Z. H. Wang and H. X. Chen).
﹡ Frobenius property of a cosemisimple Hopf algebra, J. Math. Res. Exposition, 27(2007), 469--473. (joint with J. C. Dong and L. Dai)
﹡ Comparing Lusztig's algebras and Hall algebras at v=-1, J. Algebra, 305(2006), 775-788. (joint with S. Koenig).
﹡ The center of the quantum group U_q({\rm osp}(1,2)). J. Math. 26 (2006), 569--573. (joint with Y. Zhang)。
﹡ Presentation of Quantum generalized Schur algebra, Algebra and its applications, 4(2005),567-575.
﹡ Self-dual Hopf quivers,Comm.Algebra, 33(2005), 4505-4516. (joint with H. L.Huang and Y. Ye).
﹡ Unique decomposition of the ideals in quantum group U_q(sl(2)), Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A, (2004), 817-824. (joint with J. H. Sun).
﹡Constructing indecomposable representations over quantum group U_q(sl(2)). Archiv der Mathematik. 80 (2003), 578-585.
﹡ The coradical filtration for double Ringel-Hall Algebras. Comm. Alg. 31 (2003), 1545-1559.
﹡ Graded antisimple primitive radical. Acta Math. Sin. Eng. Ser. 18 (2002), 505-512. (joint with J. C. Wei).
﹡Colored Ringel-Hall algebras: applications to quantized Borcherds superalgebras. Representations of algebras. Proceedings of the Ninth International conference, Beijing, 2000, 308-320, Beijing Normal University Press, 2002. (joint with P.Zhang)
﹡Quantum groups by Ore extension associated with group algebras. J. Math. Res. Exposition. 2 (2002), 54-61. (joint with S.Z.Li ).
﹡K_1-groups of finite dimensional path algebras. Acta Math. Sin.(Eng. Ser). 17(2001), 273-276. (joint with X. J. Guo).
﹡Irreducible representation of quantum group V_q(sl(2)), J. Math. 21(2001), 155-160. (joint with J. C. Wei).
﹡The non-negative part of quantum group U_q(sl(2). J. Math. Study. 34(2001), 43-46. (joint with G. G. Fu).
﹡Weight property for ideals of U_q(sl(2)). Comm. Algebra. 29(2001), 4853-4870. (joint with P. Zhang).
﹡Quantum comodule approach the solution of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation. Acta. Math. Sci.(English Ed). 20, 201-210. (joint with S. Z. Li).
﹡Quantum Yang-Baxter modules and a generalized notion of the Drinfeld quantum double. Representations and quantizations (Shanghai,1998), 317-328, China. High. Educ. Press and Springer, 2000. (joint with S. Z. Li).
﹡ Quantum adjoint action for U_q(sl(2)). Algebra Colloq. 7(2000), 369-379. (joint with P. Zhang).
﹡Twisted Hopf algebras, Ringel-Hall algebras and Green's categories. With an appendix by the referee. J. Algebra. 231}(2000), 713-743. (joint with P. Zhang)
﹡Solution to the Yang-Baxter equation and quantum Yang-Baxter H-comodules. Math. Res. Exposition. 19((1999), 649-653. (joint with J. C. Wei).