

湖南寧鄉人,清華大學能源環境經濟研究所副教授 和中國車用能源研究中心副主任,清華大學工學學士、管理學碩士、管理學博士,研究方向為交通部門能源及GHG排放分析;車用燃料路線全生命周期分析。





1. 清華大學“學術新人獎”獲得者(2015)
2. 北京市優秀博士論文(2011)、清華大學優秀博士論文(2010);
3. 清華大學研究生學術新秀(2010);
4.榮獲International Conference on Applied Energy (2010, Singapore) 學生類唯一最佳論文獎
Ou Xunmin, Zhang Xiliang, Chang Shiyan. Scenario analysis on alternative fuel/vehicle for China's future road transport: Life-cycle energy demand and GHG emissions.Energy Policy.2010, 38(8), 3943-3956.
Ou Xunmin, Zhang Xiliang, Chang Shiyan. Alternative fuel buses currently in use in China:
Life-cycle fossil energy use, GHG emissions and policy recommendations.Energy Policy. 2010, 38(1), 406-418.
Ou Xunmin, Yan Xiaoyu, Zhang Xiliang. Using coal for transportation in China: Life-cycle GHG of coal-based fuel and electric vehicle, and policy implications.International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 2010, 4(4), 878-887.
Ou Xunmin, Zhang Xiliang, Chang Shiyan, et al. Energy consumption and GHG emissions of six biofuel pathways by LCA in (the) People’s Republic of China.Applied Energy, 2009, 86(S), 197-208.
Ou Xunmin, Yan Xiaoyu, Zhang Xiliang. Life-cycle energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for electricity generation and supply in China.Applied Energy. 2011, 88(1), 289-297.
Ou Xunmin, Yan Xiaoyu, Zhang Xiliang. Life-cycle Analysis on Energy Consumption and GHG Emission Intensities of Alternative Vehicle Fuels in China.Applied Energy. 2012, 90(1), 218-224.
Chengtao LIN, Tian WU,Xunmin OU*, Qian ZHANG, Xu ZHANG,Xiliang ZHANG. Life-cycle private cost of hybrid electric vehicles in current Chinese market.Energy policy. 2013, 55, 501-510.
Li Xin,Ou Xunmin*, Zhang Xu, Zhang Qian, Zhang Xiliang. Life-cycle fossil energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission intensity of dominant secondary energy pathways of China in 2010.Energy.2013, 50,15-23.
Guangping Hu,Xunmin Ou*, Qian Zhang, Valerie J. Karplus. Analysis on energy-water nexus by Sankey diagram: The case of Beijing.Desalination and Water Treatment. 2013.
Guanghui Zhou,Xunmin Ou*.Development of electric vehicles use in China: A study from the perspective of life-cycle energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.Energy policy. 2013.
Ou, Xunmin; Zhang, Xiliang; Zhang, Xu; Zhang, Qian. 2013. "Life Cycle GHG of NG-Based Fuel and Electric Vehicle in China."Energies 6, no. 5: 2644-2662.
Ou, Xunmin; Yan, Xiaoyu; Zhang, Xu; Zhang, Xiliang. 2013. "Life-Cycle Energy Use and Greenho
use Gas Emissions Analysis for Bio-Liquid Jet Fuel from Open Pond-Based Micro-Algaeunder China Conditions."Energies 6, no. 9: 4897-4923
Wu, Tian; Zhao, Hongmei; Ou, Xunmin.2014. "Vehicle Ownership Analysis Based on GDP per Capita in China: 1963–2050."Sustainability6, no. 8: 4877-4899.
Wu, T.; Zhang, M.; Ou, X. Analysis of Future Vehicle Energy Demand in China Based on a Gompertz Function Method and Computable General Equilibrium Model.Energies2014, 7, 7454-7482.
Lyu Chuanjun, Ou Xunmin*, Zhang Xiliang. China automotive energy consumption andgreenhouse gasemission outlookto 2050.Mitigation and Adaption Strategy for Global Change. 2015, 20,627-650 .
Tian Wu, Lin Ma, Zhonggen Mao, Xunmin Ou*;Setting up charging electric stations within residential communities in current China: Gaming of government agencies and property management companies;Energy policy,2015,77,216-226.
Wu Tian, Zhou Wei, Yan Xiaoyu, Ou Xunmin*.Optimal policy design for photovoltaic power industry with positive externality in China.Resources, Conservation and Recycling.2016, 115, 22-30.
Qian Zhang, Xunmin Ou *, Xiaoyu Yan, Xiliang Zhang*. Electric Vehicle Market Penetration and Impacts on Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission in the Future: Beijing Case,Energies,2017,10 (2) :228
Xunmin Ou, Zhiyi Yuan, Tianduo Peng, Zhenqing Sun, Sheng Zhou*, The Low-Carbon Transition toward Sustainability of Regional Coal-Dominated Energy Consumption Structure: A Case of Hebei Province in China,Sustainability, 2017, 9: 1184
Jiehui Yuan, Xunmin Ou*, Gehua Wang. Establishing a Framework to Evaluate the Effect of Energy Countermeasures Tackling Climate Change and Air Pollution: The Example of China,Sustainability,2017, 9: 1555
Liu H, Zhou S, Peng T, Ou X*. Life Cycle Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis of Natural Gas-Based Distributed Generation Projects in China.Energies. 2017; 10(10):1515.
Peng, T.; Zhou, S.; Yuan, Z.; Ou, X*. Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Analysis of Multiple Vehicle Fuel Pathways in China.Sustainability2017,9, 2183.
Wu, T.; Zeng, B.; He, Y.; Tian, X*.; Ou, X*. Sustainable Governance for the Opened Electric Vehicle Charging and Upgraded Facilities Market.Sustainability2017,9, 2126.
Sheng Zhou, Yu Wang , Zhiyi Yuan ,Xunmin Ou*. Peak energy consumption and CO2 emissions in China's industrial sector.Energy Strategy Reviews. 2018, 20, 113–123.
Tianduo Peng,Xunmin Ou*, Zhiyi Yuan, Xiaoyu Yan*, Xiliang Zhang. Development and application of China provincial road transport energy demand and GHG emissions analysis model.Applied Energy. 2018, 222, 313–328.
Zhiyi Yuan,Xunmin Ou*, Tianduo Peng, Xiaoyu Yan*. Development and Application of a Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emission Analysis Model for Mobile Air Conditioning Systems.Applied Energy. 2018, 221,161-179.
Peng T,Ou X*, Yan X*. Development and Application of An Electric Vehicles Life-cycle Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis Model.Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2018,131,699-708.
2. EI
Ou Xunmin, Zhang Xiliang, Qin Yining, Qi Tianyu. Life cycle analysis of electric vehicle charged by advanced technologies coal-power in future China.Journal of the China Coal Society. 2010, 35(1): 168-171. (in Chinese)
Ou Xunmin, Zhang Xiliang, Chang Shiyan, LCA of bio-ethanol and bio-diesel pathways in China.Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2010, 31 (10): 1246-1250.
Ou, Xunmin; Zhang, Xiliang; Wang, Ruoshu. Dual-level multi-player game-theory model for low-carbon international technology transfer.Journal of Tsinghua University. 2012, 52, 234-237+242.
Wu, Tian;Ou, Xunmin.Analysis on the whole-life-cycle cost of battery electric city-bus from consumer perspective.Automotive Engineering.2012, 34(12), 1150-1154.


2. 王革華,歐訓民等編著.《能源與可持續發展(第二版)》化工出版社. 2014.5
3. 歐訓民,袁傑輝,彭天鐸。重大能源行動的降碳減排協同效益分析方法及中國案例研究. 經濟管理出版社. 2018.4.
4.歐訓民,劉漢思,袁傑輝。中國分散式能源系統綜合效益分析方法及案例研究. 經濟管理出版社. 2018.4.
1. 清華大學中國車用能源研究中心.中國車用能源展望2012. 科學出版社. 2012.2.
2. CAERC, THU.Sustainable Automotive Energy System in China. Springer, 2013.4.
3. 中國國際經濟交流中心課題組.中國能源生產與消費革命. 中國社科文獻出版社. 2014.6.