共找到4條詞條名為張希良的結果 展開







教授/研究員,清華大學核能與新能源技術研究院能源系統分析研究室主任, 清華大學能源環境經濟研究所執行所長。


張希良教授是我國《可再生能源法》(草案)專家建議稿起草小組負責人之一,參與我國《循環經濟法》、《應對氣候變化國家方案》、《促進我國低碳發展的指導意見》等政策法規的研究起草。張希良教授是聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會IPCC)《氣候變化評估報告》和我國《國家氣候變化評估報告》中能源供應章節的主筆作者(Lead Author),是國際學術期刊 - The International Journal和Energy for Sustainable Development的副主編,Climate Policy、International Journal of Sustainable Engineering和Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China的編委。張希良教授在國內外重要期刊雜誌上發表論文70餘篇,出版專著3部。


Zhang D., Tang S.L., Lin B., Liu Z., Zhang X.L*., (2012). Co-benefits of polycrystalline large scale photovoltaic power in China. Energy 41, 436-442.
Zhang D., Chai, Q.M., Zhang, X.L*. (2012). Economic assessment of large scale photovoltaic power development in China. Energy 40, 370-375.
Zhang D., Zhang, X.L*., He J.K., Chai Q.M. (2011). Offshore wind energy development in China: Current status and future perspective. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15, 4673– 4684.
Jin H.G., Lior N., Zhang X.L*. (2010). Energy and sustainable development for China: Editorial introduction and commentary for the special issue of Energy-The International Journal. Energy 35, 4246-4256.
Chai, Q.M. Zhang, X.L* (2010). Technologies and Policies for the transition to a sustainable energy system In China. Energy 35, 3995–4002.
Zhang, X.L*., Wang, R.S., and Martinot, E. (2010) The role of renewable energies that plays in China’s sustainable energy supply. Energy 35, 4392–4399.
Liu Z. Zhang, X.L*., Lieu J. (2010). Design of the incentive mechanism in electricity auction market based on the signaling game theory. Energy 35, 1813-1819.
Ou, X.M., Zhang X.L*., Chang S.Y. (2010) Alternative fuel buses currently in use in China: Life-cycle fossil energy use, GHG emissions and policy recommendations. Energy Policy 38, 406-418.
Ou, X.M., Yan X.Y., Zhang X.L*. (2010) Using coal for transportation in China: Life cycle GHG of coal-based fuel and electricity vehicle and policy implications. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 4, 878-887.
Ou, X.M., Zhang X.L*., Chang S.Y. (2009) Energy consumption and GHG emissions of six biofuel pathways by LCA in (the) People’s Republic of China. Applied Energy 86, 197-S208.
Zhang, X.L*., Chang, S.Y., Huo, M.L., Wang, R.S. (2009) China's wind industry: policy lessons for domestic government interventions and international support. Climate Policy 9(5), 553-564.
Jin, H.G., Zhang, X.L., et al. (2008) Fundamental study of CO2 control technologies and policies in China. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 51(7), 857-870.
Lead author for Energy Supply In: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate Change 2007. Working Group III Report Mitigation of Climate Change. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007.


GDP二氧化碳排放強度下降40-45%目標的分解與實施方案, 國家973計劃課題, 2010-2012.